#meta 2020-07-14

2020-07-14 UTC
edited /green_computing (+644) "/* Brainstorming */"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ we need to rebuild the blog reading thing; we're trying at #indieweb but I admit I read twitter a lot too
[New Event] david.shanske.com created "Jul 25, 2020 9:30am Micropub Pop-Up Session" https://events.indieweb.org/kGMIMOXFUdBn
Chris Aldrich, a very approachable and helpful person involved who is active on the Indieweb Slack Channel and whose WordPress site has been a very helpful model for my own, invited me to participate in an event:  A Domain of One’s Own Meetup on July ... https://willtmonroe.com/blog/262/
edited /annotation (+136) "see also: Highlighted: iOS app for creating book highlights and notes"
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edited /annotation (+91) "/* See Also */ Learning Paths tool for chrome"
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#PSUOpen this is the IndieWeb meetup that I put in our Team last week. Great opportunity to talk to other educators about creating web sites.
created /feudal_internet (+1747) "draft based on coverage / usage of phrase for over 7 years now"
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /feudal_internet (+149) "+2017-11-25 article"
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created /User:Rusingh.com (+455) "Created page with "Hi, I’m Ru Singh[https://rusingh.com/]. I’m an in­de­pen­dent front-end web de­vel­oper who works with sta­tic site gen­er­a­tors, React, and WordPress. I write a...""
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edited /User:Rusingh.com (+113) "Add an infobox"
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created /Template:hirusi (+123) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://rusingh.com/assets/img/authors/rusingh.png}} [[User:Rusingh.com|Ru Singh]]</span>""
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[pfefferle] joined the channel
↩️ install the IndieWeb plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/ so that your short posts, photos, etc. can potentially find a home there too
↩️ Does the See Also section on the Webmention page (https://indieweb.org/Webmention#See_Also) work for now? I think it could use a separate section but want to know what you think.
Naptra joined the channel
↩️ Yeah this indieweb seems like a great step for me… as it goes, constantly trying to wrangle all the stuff into the archives but doing a lot of it manually, copy and paste style (I’m not very clever with *all of this*, just like making stuff)
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Sie könnten ja @timberners_lee zum Präsidenten ernennen und eine Kommission aus den besten #Indieweb-Köpfen bilden. Ich vermute aber eher, dass es dann wieder der Lehrstuhl XX und das Fraunhofer-Institut YY und das EU-Projekt ZZ machen sollen.
↩️ Sie könnten @timberners_lee zum Präsidenten ernennen und eine Kommission aus den besten #Indieweb-Köpfen bilden. Ich vermute aber, dass es wieder Lehrstuhl XX & Fraunhofer-Institut YY & EU-Projekt ZZ machen sollen. Gibts da konkrete Ansätze zur "European Public Sphere", @rafbuff?
↩️ nein, bekommt man nicht, bzw. es gibt halt bisher keine erfolgreichen beispiele. mir fällt derzeit gar keines ein. es gibt gerade eine kleine #indieweb-welle, vielleicht geht da jetzt was.
wat. or should I say, was?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
djmoch_ joined the channel
aaronpk, Ruxton, [Ana_Rodrigues], [jgmac1106], Naptra, [KevinMarks], swentel, [schmarty], twomanytacos and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[New Event] jgregorymcverry.com created "Jul 15, 2020 7:00pm Elm City Webmakers" https://events.indieweb.org/myj6y5mSR9yA
[Erik], [pfefferle] and [tw2113] joined the channel
i had this IndieAuth-Endpoint-Testing page open in a tab and just refreshed to see a bunch of stuff had disappeared from the page. 😅
Oh weird
oh I remember, I fixed a typo somewhere
haha oh no
looking at the edit history I'm guessing I had the page open for a while and you beat me to an edit
k i'm gonna roll back
Weird I thought mediawiki warns you if you're editing an old revision
especially since the brainstorming section was part of the erasure and i feel like that's the part i wanted you to see 😂
edited /User:Martymcgui.re/IndieAuth-Endpoint-Testing (+258) "/* Resources */ capturing some maybe-useful links i had in open tabs"
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[Event Updated] jgregorymcverry.com updated "Jul 15, 2020 7:00pm Elm City Webmakers" changed tags https://events.indieweb.org/event/129/history/456/diff
[tantek] joined the channel
wondering if we should block link posting from first-time IRC users. like literally if you just showed up, maybe read a bit, and maybe ask a question before you self-promote your war3z
↩️ The #IndieWeb community's gonna love this.
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+72) "Added tentative date/time."
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[manton] joined the channel
GWG: For the Micropub pop-up session, I added that date/time you suggested to have something as a placeholder. I think we should run with that unless someone has a conflict.
I use it a bit more and the IndieWeb. I have nice conversations on there (like people engage with anything, mostly positive). Helps when you’re in a healthy community that isn’t driven solely by metrics. https://twitter.com/bodil/status/1282663005197664256 (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/91bd60d7-b1cf-4b3d-9901-915b60fc2542)
[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106] and nickodd joined the channel
[manton]: So did I, on the events page...I forgot to update the wiki with the same
created /User:Alexbilson.dev (+204) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">[https://alexbilson.dev/ <img src="https://alexbilson.dev/img/selfie.jpg" style="width:128px;float:right;margin-left:1em"/>'''<span style="font-size:2em">...""
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[manton] joined the channel
GWG: Oh, great! So it’s 9:30am Pacific time? I thought you had said 1:30pm Pacific. (Doesn’t matter to me, just want it to match.)
↩️ That would allow it to publish to to several dozen different CMSes including WordPress, Drupal, WithKnown, Craft, Jekyll, Kirby, Hugo, and Micro​.Blog among a growing set of others. https://boffosocko.com/2020/07/14/55773573/#That%20would https://indieweb.org/Micropub/Servers#CMS_Software
↩️ Not having the time or experience to set it up and integrate it myself, I wonder if there's a public instance of it on the web that has Micropub integration? https://boffosocko.com/2020/07/14/55773573/ https://indieweb.org/Micropub
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, the one thing to watch out for on the newcomer link posting is that frequently one of our first questions for welcoming is: What is your site? As long as we can watch out for that, it may be worth filtering out potential spammy links.
nickodd left the channel
edited /tagline (+400) "/* Brainstorming */ together, not the same"
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edited /User:Cj.w6k.ca (+109) "joined a silo"
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edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (-44) "Updated Micropub pop-up time to match events page."
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[tantek], [KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel