#meta 2020-07-15

2020-07-15 UTC
[tw2113] joined the channel
created /IdP (+35) "prompted by aaronpk and redirect added by aaronpk"
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created /Proof (+382) "stub page for CMS with future Micropub support"
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↩️ for that matter: does anyone else find it disorienting when #indieweb microblog content is in the same feed as longer posts?
^ that's something I'm removing in my new site
like I want the kind of content to be _very_ clear and different
(except my home page)
even there I want to make it kinda clear
like having a section for recent blog posts
but also having my latest "note" appear like a speech bubble somewhere to the side
finds that post to be validation of his thoughts
I think I have more miniblog content than microblog content.
also the very framing of that "disorienting" is the problem
"in the same feed as" <- belies how its being consumed which is likely a supercrappy 1990s era UI feed reader
instead of a modern "stream" UI that clusters similar items, provides compact presentation etc.
edited /Virtual_HWC (+362) "moved Zoom up the list with a few details; microsoft teams, google meet stubs."
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nickodd and [fluffy] joined the channel
created /User:Shawfactor.com (+198) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Peter Shaw |url = https://shawfactor.com/ |summary = Peter Shaw is the founder of the LocalHero project |contact = email/imessage: aaron@parecki.com<b...""
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created /2020/Pop-ups/Micropub (+1807) "Created page with "[[Category: 2020 sessions]] [[Category: IWC Pop-ups 2020 Sessions]] '''<dfn>Micropub</dfn>''' is a [[2020/Pop-ups|IndieWebCamp Pop-ups 2020]] session. IndieWebCamp Pop-ups 2...""
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[Event Updated] david.shanske.com updated "Jul 25, 2020 9:30am Micropub Pop-Up Session" changed website https://events.indieweb.org/event/128/history/457/diff
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+146) "/* Micropub */"
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Anyone want to add some specific things they want to discuss to https://indieweb.org/2020/Pop-ups/Micropub
jacky, [manton], aaronpk?
edited /2020/Pop-ups/Micropub (+1406) "/* Proposed Items to Discuss */"
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edited /2020/Pop-ups/Micropub (+87) "/* Proposed Items to Discuss */"
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nickodd left the channel
How do I use http://micro.blog as a #micropub client for a self-hosted micropub server? I've looked at the account/domain settings and the help area, but I cannot figure out how to do this. See point 3 here: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#Why #indieweb
GWG: I'll post some soon!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /WebFinger (+69) "[KevinMarks] added "https://www.w3.org/wiki/Socialwg/AccountDiscovery" to "See Also""
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IWSlackGateway and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
jacky I keep meaning to add a feed of notes to my home page just being the latest note..but I still do most notes on my known site too, I keep a link to the note feed in my website head though
↩️ I think many of us just tired. Everyone interested in a #DoOO and #IndieWeb probably faculty who the university ignored last decade but now being relied on to get everyone online. Turning squeaky wheels into overworked heroes, (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1HBN34)
[mapkyca] joined the channel
Решил немного прибраться в своих репах, там оказалось зависимости нужно обновить, у https://github.com/crftd/postcss-glitch сломался билд, потом выяснилось, что Travis не умеет передавать артефакты между этапами сборки и вот я уже думаю переезжать self-hosted решение (#indieweb) А как ваше утро?
[jgmac1106], Lucas-C, [schmarty], swentel, twomanytacos, [manton], [tantek], [fluffy] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ Oh I see. That rules it out for me then. I was looking all over for the web version. Maybe add it somewhere in the docs please? I'll update the IndieWeb wiki. :)
edited /content_warning (+399) "/* See Also */ Library of Congress National Jukebox warning"
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[manton]1, [Ana_Rodrigues], [jgmac1106], [tw2113] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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nickodd left the channel
In a little over 6 hours I’ll be co-hosting @indiewebcamp’s west coast Homebrew Website Club for the first time with @ChrisAldrich! If you’re at all curious about the #IndieWeb community, these weekly meetings are a great entry point to ask questions. https://events.indieweb.org/2020/07/homebrew-website-club-west-coast-UWgdEMwxDSQI
[Murray], [snarfed] and djmoch joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I attended the online meetup of Homebrew Website Club Europe/London and had a nice evening meeting new people. Also subbed to some cool new blogs for my reader. May check-in again :D https://events.indieweb.org/2020/07/online-homebrew-website-club-europe-london-26SCrKv3XsSB #hwc #IndieWeb (https://beko.famkos.net/t/cvC)
edited /citation (+411) "wiki citation template details"
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I am assuming organizers put in a link for the video chat 15 minutes before a session begins?
edited /Pelican (+607) "article section; Integrating Webmention with my blog article"
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[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] the "system" does that for you automatically on the event page
[jgmac1106]: aaronpk magic
[schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ Sure, I never made a note of that being the direction though. That’s the fallacy of Mastodon since it wanted to replicate Tweetdeck (kinda understandably). The IndieWeb doesn’t have this problem though. (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/96da1e62-f6fa-4371-a719-8a148d9d3338)
#TwitterHacked. What she said https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1283513914597298178 via @b_cavello Y’all know: #Bitcoin is a coal-burning CO2 producing currency for organized crime #blockchain is mostly #dweb snakeoil (singleton, OSS monoculture) Go #IndieWeb or SSB for the real: https://tantek.com/t57d1
Using Yarns Microsub Server to subscribe to RSS Feeds and Monocle to read them. Nice and cool solution. #indieweb #rss #microsub #yarns #monocle
Zegnat joined the channel
Twitter is apparently facing a high-level attack right now, but fortunately I run my own corner of the web and can Tweet to my heart’s content on my own website. Come join me! #IndieWeb (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55773625)
How To Create An IndieWeb Profile - Kev Quirk https://ift.tt/318ys2F
does a "host" automatically launch the meeting when it starts as well once the link appears?
a person has to log in to zoom and actually start the meeting
it will show up in the zoom app
I do not think I have credentials. I can just email out a new link and replace it on the events page if no one can sign in
I tried myregular zoom account
[jgmac1106] what are you hosting? Tonight's HWC West is [chrisaldrich] and [hibs] I thought
This is an Elm Cuty Webmaker meeting. All the campers got their websites this week, just starting some help sessions and offering family members websites, who knows if anyone will show up
I'll email out a Google meet account from gmail
especially if the time will overlap with the rooms
[Event Updated] jgregorymcverry.com updated "Jul 15, 2020 7:00pm Elm City Webmakers" changed meeting_url https://events.indieweb.org/event/129/history/458/diff
@jackyalcine responded to my real remedial-level frustrations setting up #indieweb stuff on twitter... so he might as well mean me at 13:05 :) this is all spot on and does a lot to frame questions rather than provide answers https://archive.org/details/iwc-west-2020-opening-a-restaurant
meeting with a member of the new Haven Housing Authority thinking about scaling our program across all New Haven
welp i wrote up this post and i already regret it, i think
maybe some fodder for HWC West tonite!
now i need to eat dinner 😂
Frosti joined the channel