#meta 2020-07-16

2020-07-16 UTC
[schmarty] has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (68 in all channels)
[schmarty]++ for laying it all out there... 😂 for the yadayadas in the Bridgy Fed section...
haha thanks chrisaldrich 😅
We do conflate a lot of extra material into the idea of webmentions.... I was always impressed that the word Microformats never appears in the spec, which means we are layering on a lot more...
maybe we need some vocabulary and more discussion around the idea of what those other pieces are...
maybe webmention is the mortar to other building-blocks?
haha was just typing a less-good version of what you said ^^
If you look back even historically at WordPress, the Webmention plugin does the simple notifications part and another plugin actually does the parsing and displaying magic...
i wasn't too confident on my WP + Webmention support. that's one that i totally forgot!
i was thinking mostly about the publishing aspect (which is a microformats versus WP templating issue, not a WM issue)
The key to having a good building block though is the number of off-the-label uses it can have over and beyond what it was prescribed for.... and by that measure, webmention is a great one because it can be used for a variety of different things... including some I'm sure we haven't even thought of yet.
oh for sure! my issues is not with Webmention! my issue is with _calling everything Webmention_
Maybe we need Webmention+™
Webmention II: Electric Bugaloo?
I'll be here all week... don't forget to tip the waitstaff.
dyac, that's Boogaloo I'm pretty sure....
apparently a bug in there somewhere... 🥁
lol we can leave it off anyway since that term has been co-opted by militant right wingers 😒
Mastodon and IndieWeb users must be feeling so smug right now.
Sad too, since that movie was using dance/art to move us to a more accommodating and accepting society (despite it's cheese-ball nature and excessibe overplay on early HBO).
That and Hawaiian shirts 😞
lol Toyin
I so want to respond to the use of "users" in that tweet with https://i.imgur.com/oPCh1FF.jpg?fb
That's. not a good "people" reference
Yes, and I was so glad to have looked up /people just now and not have seen that photo there...
what is people
People are the root reason for the existence of the IndieWeb and many of the guiding principles are built around this idea https://indieweb.org/people
reads [schmarty] 's post
lol wm io is definitely my warehouse
I hear you [schmarty] — I think part of it is the appeal of being able to say "I added BUZZWORD support to my site!"
↩️ The IndieWeb doesn’t have “users”, lol. It’s all people. No VC fluff, no “we gotta hit the KPI!”. People-centric and driven. But nah, these events are moments to study and reflect on. Smugness helps no one (since again, we’re focused on people). (https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/a55de486-144e-4012-8836-37c98220b984)
jacky++ very nice
jacky has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (112 in all channels)
tantek: haha you were my inspiration for that caveat 😄
what the warehouse?
totally agree about the "we now support %BUZZWORD%" factor contributing to my frustrations
⚡ ✨ 📦⚡️
nope Electric Bugaloo belongs to hip hop and breakdance forever..fight the coopting all day.
↩️ Yeah I'm definitely glad IndieWeb exists and that they're the antithesis of sites like this. This was just a poorly made joke about centralization and its drawbacks.
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
lol yeah imma just be like 15 minutes late
not gonna rush eating
Grabbing a quick bite before joining Homebrew Website Club starting at 6:00 PM Pacific. Come join some great people talking about and improving our personal websites. https://events.indieweb.org/2020/07/homebrew-website-club-west-coast-UWgdEMwxDSQI (https://boffosocko.com/?p=55773639)
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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acbilson and tracy joined the channel
Hanging with everyone at Homebrew Website Club West #IndieWeb
IsTheMeetingOn joined the channel
↩️ oh dear. Maybe you should consider joining the #IndieWeb and syndicating your content back out here instead of fooling with it. It's very satisfying.
Put it together at home brew website West club that I forgot to add new links to torrents I seed when I switched from utorrent to terminal. h/t to Angelo for letting me know. I totally spaced it, #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/mXcSp)
not to mention, was a distributed protocol, too. Never would have imagined it's content from it's name. Dweb enthusiasts, look carefully. Indienet and Indieweb are two very, very, different things.
wth is indienet
came here to say that with an f instead of an h
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-10) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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[fluffy] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Final blog post in my architecture redesign series. "From #IndieWeb Monolith to Microservices" https://vincentp.me/articles/2020/07/16/16-20/ If you want to catch up on previous articles thery are here: https://vincentp.me/2019-redesign
That Twitter admin hack shows how important it is to own our own online content and even our own platforms for posting on the Web. Want to learn more? Make yourself a cup of your favorite drink and have a look at https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
Naptra joined the channel
↩️ در مورد ارائه‌دهنده: مدافع حریم خصوصی، علاقه‌مند به نرم‌افزار آزاد و بخشی از IndieWeb هستند. https://indieweb.org از طریق راه‌های ارتباطی در وب‌سایت علی‌رضا می‌تونید باهاش در ارتباط باشین. https://alirezahayati.com 2/
[fluffy], swentel, aditisharma, [Gavin_Morrice], [Ana_Rodrigues], djmoch and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-368) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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I'm facing an issue implementing #indielogin authentication on a site. The code and state query parameters are simply not being picked up by the #Express server on the redirect from indielogin. #indieweb #node #help
[KevinMarks], [jeremycherfas], [Erik]1, twomanytacos, [jgmac1106], Zegnat, ketudb, [manton] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Jul 15, 2020 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club West Coast" changed description "archiving etherpad notes" https://events.indieweb.org/event/114/history/459/diff
created /events/2020-07-15-hwc-west-coast (+5366) "initial archive of etherpad"
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[tantek], nickodd, gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], Naptra, [chrisaldrich], [snarfed] and [fluffy] joined the channel
↩️ Thanks, I really enjoyed co-hosting and definitely want to host more #IndieWeb events! Thanks for all your help! I’ll make sure to reach out to @aaronpk with my email today.
[manton], [Erik]1, [tantek], [tw2113], jacky2, [chrisaldrich], Naptra, [jeremycherfas] and rebelle joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
↩️ Hoping to make it to the WordPress event you mentioned before, I might have work overlapping part but hopefully the timing works out! The IndieWeb community seems so welcoming and supportive, I'm glad I found it!
community has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
[snarfed] and resynth1943 joined the channel
resynth1943: we are moving to usefathom.com for analytics, and the stats are even public here: https://app.usefathom.com/share/zphfryaa/indieweb.org
That's brilliant.
we're still in the middle of the transition but the google analytics will be removed soon
Is there a public issue board I could keep up with this on?
there's https://github.com/indieweb/wiki but now that you mention it i'm not sure this issue is in there
yeah IIRC most of the things re: wiki-dev has been done on the Wiki
Ahh, now that is curious. No worries if not, was just curious ^^
[indieweb] wiki: Wiki backup and issue tracking for indieweb.org
I see the new issue ^^
as for the other part of your question, FOSS is not a requirement
I'm honestly fine with Fathom
It's not Google shit so...
Anyway, thank you for your hasty response ^^
fathom is also open source, but we're using the hosted one
v2 isn't IIRC
Zegnat, ketudb and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Can I add FOSS purity tests do no community any good. It's ethos over stuff for me... Build the ethos and people find the right stuff... But never demand you can only use the right stuff to build ethos
I works with children all over the world.... I should say, "Can't come in because you use proprietary software"...no thanks
That's not at all what I was saying
I was simply commenting on Fathom :-)
My mistake. I apologize
At least it's not Google(tm)
(I learned about Fathom through Dan Abramov ^^)
We just try to leave the main channel as welcoming as possible... Discussions of philosophy of are you FOSS enough can chase people away
No worries :D
Honestly I'm fine with Fathom, they don't do anything shady from what I can see so
And they have a totally different business model from the big G...
[Jose_Leiva] joined the channel