Loqi[New Event] boffosocko.com created "Aug 22, 2020 11:00am Santa Clarita Valley WordPress Meetup: Using WordPress to own your online data & social media presence" https://events.indieweb.org/SRTciSsJrPKq
Loqi[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Aug 22, 2020 11:00am Santa Clarita Valley WordPress Meetup: Using WordPress to own your online data & social media presence" changed description "corrected heading format" https://events.indieweb.org/event/130/history/461/diff
Learning247, [chrisaldrich] and gRegorLove joined the channel
vanderven.se martijnedited /email (+835) "/* As Commenting */ Add 2015 example of Motherboard shutting down comments in favour of email h/t {{petermolnar}}" (view diff)
vanderven.se martijnedited /email (+754) "/* Examples */ Add Vince. Add the probable inspiration for Vince: Chris. Chris’ blog post actually has all the same links as me…" (view diff)
[chrisaldrich]GWG, these links via Zegnat indicate a rise for using email for commenting. Might be worth documenting your set up as a means of closing the loop on RSS->email->comment->display? https://indieweb.org/email#As_Commenting
[chrisaldrich]I tweaked my post so the photo on the DoOO hopefully won't show up (at least until after the newsletter). Odd though that the WordPress editor I'm using will remove a <data> link from my post if I'm not careful...
[jgmac1106]chrisaldrich do you think I should send any of the posts about camp to the Newsletter???...I have a few but the websites are just getting going
[chrisaldrich]part of the reordering was for people who were apparently unsubscribing because their primary need was for upcoming events over other data iirc
[chrisaldrich]The other big change was the pruning down of the wiki changes section, though I sort of miss that part, which was the most useful to me. Fortunately there's another place to review over it, though having the historical weekly record would be nice (and easier to find).
[chrisaldrich]The next several HWC Wests are in the schedule but don't have hosts, so if you'd like to volunteer, there are spots open: cc: tantek, [hibs], [gRegorLove], Salt, GWG, jacky, et al.
[tantek][chrisaldrich] "their primary need was for upcoming events" were any of them actually showing up? If not, then does it really matter to tune the newsletter for them?
[tantek]aaronpk, can we please revert to showing Recent Events before Upcoming Events so we get the photos at the top? That's kinda newsletter design 101 type stuff
aaronpkalso i don't think optimizing for people who are showing up is the right call, if we're specifically hearing people asking to see upcoming events and then aren't showing up, maybe that's something we should fix
@bmann↩️ federation! Just like running your own blog, can we get Devs hosting their own Git + mini community?
Social layer is key. ActivityPub and IndieWeb could help. (twitter.com/_/status/1284218756714110977)
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2020-07-17.html
[tantek]yeah I missed [chrisaldrich]'s comments about moving upcoming events to the top because I was actually off busy *creating* upcoming events (as noted in the logs)
@ThomasDFishI miss the internet of 2005-2015: forums, blogs, peak-Tumblr, #IndieWeb, IRC, Instant Messengers.
Everything has collapsed into the black hole of Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter. (twitter.com/_/status/1284249654641778695)
[tantek]lol newsletters are not blogs. also *link* to a newsletter depends on that newsletter having a *permalink* at which point it's a blog with email distribution