#meta 2020-07-19

2020-07-19 UTC
↩️ I guess the flip side of all this is that some people would rather not think about such aspects and are instead comfortable with the slick experience offered inside the walled garden. This is something I have found in my discussions with others of the #IndieWeb.
edited /silo-quits (+754) "/* Mike Elgan Journalist */ update"
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edited /Webmention-brainstorming (+197) "/* Asynchronous status notification */"
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[tw2113], IWSlackGateway2, [tb], [tb]1, nickodd, bear and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /site-deaths (+234) "soup.io shuts down"
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[snarfed], adiweb, lahacker, [pfefferle] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
↩️ The year is 2025. Robots and AIs are fighting each other for first page rankings, generating SEO-optimised articles, reading feedback in real-time and adjusting to satisfy the ranking AI. Meanwhile, a small group of humans are organising the resistance, on page 42. #indieweb
[jeremycherfas], petermolnar_ and bear joined the channel
created /User:Www.rich-text.net (+310) "First attempt"
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iA Writer Adds Expanded Support for IndieWeb Tools and #WordPress Publishing #Blogging #WordPress https://bit.ly/2ZEv926 #tavern
edited /chat-names (+102) "add ShoesNSocks"
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nickodd, [jeremycherfas] and [tantek] joined the channel
Can't let everyone else have all the fun. I'm dipping my toe in the Indieweb... (https://techblog.babyl.ca/entry/indie-socialite)
^ more posts like that please
[fluffy] joined the channel
edited /discuss (-4) "riot.im is now element.io"
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[schmarty] and crazed joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
created /Template:tb (+131) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/3499f0da01e50fbc716d431fda9e4478}} [[User:Tonyburns.net|tb]]</span>""
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created /User:Tonyburns.net (+421) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Tony Burns |url = https://tonyburns.net |photo_url = https://s.gravatar.com/avatar/3499f0da01e50fbc716d431fda9e4478?s=512 |pronouns = He/Him |summary...""
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[tantek] joined the channel
what is eat what you cook
It looks like we don't have a page for "eat what you cook" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "eat what you cook is ____", a sentence describing the term)
eat what you cook is a metaphor for making use of what you create on and for the [[IndieWeb]], especially any code you write, and one of several IndieWeb community [[principles]]. It was deliberately chosen among a few alternatives by the community to supersede [[selfdogfooding]] due to [[dogfood#Criticism|various problematic aspects of dogfood as a metaphor]].
created /eat_what_you_cook (+390) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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Coll joined the channel
eat what you cook << See discussion (and consider incorporating a historical section on this page) [[selfdogfood#eat_your_cooking]]
ok, I added "See discussion (and consider incorporating a historical section on this page) [[selfdogfood#eat_your_cooking]]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /eat_what_you_cook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71461&oldid=71460
edited /eat_what_you_cook (+130) "[tantek] added "See discussion (and consider incorporating a historical section on this page) [[selfdogfood#eat_your_cooking]]" to "See Also""
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selfdogfood << See instead: [[eat what you cook]]
ok, I added "See instead: [[eat what you cook]]" to the "See Also" section of /selfdogfood https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71463&oldid=71329
edited /principles (-18) "/* Key Principles */ switching from selfdogfooding to eat what you cook"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
eatwhatyoucook has 1 karma over the last year
tantek has 34 karma in this channel over the last year (119 in all channels)
edited /eat_what_you_cook (+8123) "translate a bunch from the previous page into eat what you cook wording"
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phew that was procrastinated for far too long
please review this rough draft introduction, could undoubtedly use some smoothing, additional rewording etc.: https://indieweb.org/eat_what_you_cook
↩️ , been reflecting. "immunity" not the goal. "#decentralisation" has been colonized by #blockchain snakeoil Goals: * agency+community instead of corp dominance * humble interop, choices, direct practices Like end of tweet #IndieWeb post links ... https://tantek.com/t57h1
ah yes I keep forgetting that Twitter puts a line break after the person's @-name that you're replying to, and thus a subsequent comma ',' looks weird
if you eat what you cook and you are what you eat are you what you cook?
[tw2113] joined the channel