[tantek]hey folks here who contributed to IndieWeb work, specs, specs at W3C, would you be interested in forming an explicit W3C Community Group (CG) for the IndieWeb? The point would be to give our existing work more visibility (not create yet another place for work). I believe a CG can link to existing community resources instead of making new ones
[tantek]yes. hah was just about to mention you. also curious what other folks here think who view W3C as highly regarded and would want their work surfaced there
[jgmac1106]I do a few CG from lurking to participating. Got a publication out of a cred web CG. Yeah marty seems like a low bar. Thanks for volunteering. Will sign up once you create it
ZegnatFor extra credence to specs and surfacing amongst other W3C CG, seems like a good idea, [tantek]! Have no previously done anything with W3C, but I'd be up to invest some time into a CG.
[tantek]I think we can put it as a goal for the IndieWeb CG to surface and connect existing active work in the IndieWeb community, rather than trying to create a new venue for any other reason
boffosocko.comedited /editor (+1052) "examples: micropub clients, Hemmingway app, ProseMirror, iA Writer, etc. surely there are more examples, particularly for UI examples for improving posting interfaces." (view diff)
[tantek]Zegnat, since we produce & publish our own specs on spec.indieweb.og, no licensing of specs should not be affected. If we were trying to produce an official CG "report", that may need to be specifically licensed.
[tantek]Though either way, if we publish something with a more liberal (e.g. CC0) license, and the "POSSE" it to the CG under a more restrictive license while linking to the original permalink, I don't see a problem with that (from my experiences with standards licensing, IANAL, etc.)
[tantek]That being said, the W3C CEPC (their code of conduct, seems decent (I recently reviewed it and got a couple of changes made), and it wouldn't be bad to accept it as well.
ZegnatGoodie. That was the only thing I could think of. To make sure W3C does not say that anything produced under the CG banner needs their licence. Because then you will have to show that when we work on a spec it is done by the same people but not under CG banner, yadda-yadda-yadda. Only headache point I could see happening.
[tantek]hmm, indienews posts feel a bit context-dependent and sometimes a bit noisy to merit their own posts on a mailing list out of context of the community
[tantek]I do think there are some announcements that would be worth broadcasting in their own right, like (major?) IndieWeb project/service updates/launches
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "trigger to get Loqi to link the dfn" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "trigger to get Loqi to link the dfn is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]Hey Saturday was the 10 year anniversary of FSWS2010! Where aaronpk and I pretty much afterwards were like we need to organize something more around people actually using their sites rather than talking about it: https://indieweb.org/Federated_Social_Web_Summit#Portland_2010
aaronpkin 2010, I did not expect that we'd be still hosting indiewebcamps every year, as well as did not expect what would have been the 10th annual event to be cancelled due to a global pandemic
[manton]Speaking of FSWS 2010… I mention it in my book draft, and I’ve been meaning to ask you [tantek] and [aaronpk] about something I wrote down like 2 years ago. I can no longer find it in my notes so I’m starting to question if I had it right. 🙂 Specifically it’s this “last day” line:
[manton]> But Tantek Çelik and Aaron Parecki felt the event was too focused on _platforms_ interoperating, and not enough on _personal_ web sites being able to participate in social networks. The evening of the last day of the conference, they talked about how they could refocus the conversation around owning your own data.
[tantek]doing all this digging has uncovered another gem of a quote "turned the blogosphere into a giant decentralized social network" <-- guess the year