#meta 2020-07-27

2020-07-27 UTC
edited /Webmention (-8) "/* Services */ grammar fix"
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edited /Prismo (+286) "check a few links, cluster, order History, note indieweb building blocks support in dfn as primary, add Features section for more"
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edited /Lobsters (+107) "open source section, a couple of see alsos"
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edited /Webmention (+59) "move Prismo from services to a new subhead of Aggregator Software since it no longer has any running service instances"
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↩️ People are clearly trying to find spaces online that fit their needs for semi-private and private spaces, whether in cozyweb underground communities or indieweb homestead personal sites. The grain of the web tends toward open access, but gradients still exist.
[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /Micropub-extensions (+152) "/* Implementations */"
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nickodd joined the channel
↩️ (2/2) Oh, and if you could RT that would be awesome! #activitypub #ostatus #pubsub #xmpp #mstdn #indieweb  #friendica #peertube #hubzilla #socialhome #pixelfed  #fedilab #nextcloud
[tantek] joined the channel
that's a lot of hashtags
swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
A student of mine is conducting an anonymous survey on the barriers to uptake of alternative social media platforms. Interested? Please click the link below. Your input would be much appreciated! https://standrews.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_a35cj1Rjby58DxX #fediverse #pleroma #gnusocial #diaspora #mastodon
Does anybody know whether or not the KDE feed client supports the #Micropub standard? #IndieWeb #opensource #Linux .... thanks.
swentel and jeremych_ joined the channel
↩️ Welches von den drölf Formaten denn? microformats.​org-Notation scheint außerhalb der IndieWeb-Bubble keine wirkliche Verbreitung zu haben. Google unterstützt auf JSON-LD, RDFa und Microdata. Ich denke, am ehesten lohnt es sich, http://schema.org anzuschauen.
[manton], nickodd, [tantek], [schmarty], [fluffy] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I'm not really going to trust Google translate on that ^
sknebel, or aaronpk, can you interpret?
thought "Ding" wasn't actually used
well the google translate matches my understanding of it too
hey GWG I put your WordPress session on the announcements for today's Mozilla Weekly Project meeting, hope that's ok! (you might get a bunch more people) https://wiki.mozilla.org/WeeklyUpdates/2020-07-27#Saturday.2C_01_August
It's mostly chrisaldrich
I'm there because he's my #1 fan
tweets: pretty much "are microformats still a thing?", response clarifying on microformats.org-microformats ("mostly indieweb-bubble") vs other stuff, follow-up tweet links the blogpost from april
aaronpk: "Ding" as a word is used, but not really like it's used in the tweet
yeah i thought it wasn't used at all like "thing" is used in english
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
GWG, [chrisaldrich] heads-up then, and LMK if you need any part of this tweaked https://wiki.mozilla.org/WeeklyUpdates/2020-07-27#Saturday.2C_01_August — or create your own account!
I'm getting lots of "Slack couldn’t send this message" recently and it takes multiple tries to actually get the message to send. Is anyone else seeing this (and I've tried different network connections too so I'm pretty sure it's not on my end).
that would explain why some of your messages are doubling up via the slack bridge
ugh sorry about that. could the slack bridge de-dupe messages within a 30s window? or would that be too much cache?
sorry about spamming IRC like that
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
i've never seen this before, but that could be a good optimization for the bridge if it keeps happening too much
[snarfed] joined the channel
sorry for being such a "special" case 😞
It's also happened to me a few times in the past tantek, but it's been a few months.
tantek++ for the WP session PR
tantek has 36 karma in this channel over the last year (123 in all channels)
[chrisaldrich] mostly I'm annoyed at noisy chat logs, and I can manually clean them up in the repo when that happens, but it'd be great to have a filter in the bridge to keep them clean(er) in the first place.
[chrisaldrich]: How would a conference work?
[chrisaldrich]: do you mean like an online conference that doesn't rely on silo accounts/apps like google or zoom?
[chrisaldrich], jeremych_ and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[aaronpk] Essentially something like that. I like the sort of set up that PressEdConf and this related Hey Presto set up are essentially doing 15 minute blocks of time for presenters to do a post every minute on Twitter with presentations across timezones in a 12 hour timeblock.
I'm not even suggesting audio/video necessarily, though if one has the facility to do that, that could be cool.
I keep trying to nudge them to do their conference entirely on WordPress instead of on Twitter since they're WordPress focused...
need a webmention aggregator to do that
like if indienews were realtime
One could use a custom stub on something like indieweb.xyz to aggregate it all....
or a custom planet presuming the participants all had appropriate feeds....
Here's an aggregated pseudo-session I did before their PressEdConf20 earlier this year: https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/participating-in-pressedconf20-directly-from-wordpress/
The actual posts and syndicated copies to Twitter were just prior to that post with the thread on Twitter starting here: https://twitter.com/ChrisAldrich/status/1240760109887700992
Last year I thought it would be fun to outline how people might use their #WordPress websites to actively participate in #PressEdConf20 by posting content on their WordPress website and syndicating copies to Twitter for those following that way. https://boffosocko.com/2020/03/19/55769393/
Of course I also remember my small test last week also means I could live stream something from my site now too... though keeping the barrier lower at text and images would likely work better for people.
the way we were livestreaming the microformats server migration was very indieweb
not so much each person streaming from their own website, but the stream was on indieweb.live and we were all able to stream our cameras using just a browser
aaronpk: It was series of popcorn moments
[tantek] joined the channel
GWG, [chrisaldrich], gRegorLove, I think I can help host HWC West this week, did any of y'all want to co-host?
[tantek]: Someone in chat sounded interested
[MitchWagner] joined the channel
created /Syndication_Links_plugin (+31) "prompted by [chrisaldrich]"
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[tantek], I think Salt[m] expressed interest for this week.
If not, I can
that would be great! always nice to rotate the hosts around ore
I do it reluctantly every t5
[Murray] joined the channel