#meta 2020-08-03

2020-08-03 UTC
indieweb-post_types-identifier-bookmark (1.1.1): IndieWeb Bookmark Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-post_types-identifier-bookmark
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk, for your reading and consideration of what kind of nudging features *not* to implement in Loqi: https://medium.com/the-social-alchemists/language-experiments-in-the-wild-what-happens-when-you-try-and-nudge-away-possessional-speech-e915c054df15 (cc: [schmarty] who will likely appreciate the linguistic shenanigans)
edited /tweetstorm (+46) "pagelogo, thanks to chrisaldrich I think"
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[dmitshur] joined the channel
lol wow
Yes, [dmitshur], [tantek] and [tb] joined the channel
which the bot or whatsapp?
edited /How_to_set_up_web_sign-in_on_your_own_domain (-109) "copy edit a little, de-dupe why, rm G+ code"
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swentel joined the channel
Pushed a release of Indigenous for Android adding support for Mastodon, Pleroma and Pixelfed - install links on https://indigenous.realize.be. Note: F-Droid might take a few more days. Video demonstrating Pixelfed at https://youtu.be/2aHSx0G5BM4 #indieweb #fediverse
↩️ There is the IndieWeb movement that advocates for "Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere" ( https://indieweb.org/POSSE). Unfortunately, it's full of web tech lingo, but the base principle is to own your content and preserve it under your own terms.
[KevinMarks] and [arush] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
#Indieweb and #Drupal questions of the morning ... if using the administration>configuration>services area, and you set up third-party posting targets, how do those work with the indieweb module as oppose to having Bridgy post on your behalf?
This is probably a question for @Swentel, but even though the Drupal indieweb module doesn't support certain post types, what about using Indigenous to fill in? Does that even work?
↩️ Где-то здесь обсуждалась концепция Индивеба (https://indieweb.org/, https://marinintim.com/2019/indieweb/) и многие приходят к тому, что своё родное всё же лучше в отличии от огромного засилия социальных сетей контролирующих и навязывающих всё и вся.
[jgmac1106] and [Chaitanya] joined the channel
nickodd and [schmarty] joined the channel
Übermorgen, Mittwoch, 5.8., 19 Uhr WORDPRESS MEETUP STUTTGART (Online Event) Matthias Pfefferle (@pfefferle) von @ionos_de spricht über #IndieWeb und #WordPress https://it.region-stuttgart.de/termine/online-event-wordpress-meetup-stuttgart-8-2020/ #wp0711 #wpmeetupstgt #Digitalisierung #IT #RegionStuttgart
[tw2113] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
tantek, related to the language experiments/slack bot nudging, here's another longer term experiment I ran across the other day (with some linked research): https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/11/07/777276474/western-individualism-may-have-roots-in-the-medieval-churchs-obsession-with-ince
What is bandcamp?
Bandcamp is a silo for artists to promote their music, including streaming and customizable pricing for purchasing music https://indieweb.org/Bandcamp
musician << Bandcamp
Bandcamp << musician
swentel joined the channel
edited /Bandcamp (+149) "pagelogo; links; see also"
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edited /musician (+204) "see also: /IndieWeb_for_business; Bandcamp to silo examples"
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[tantek] joined the channel
chrisaldrich++ for some good articles / links
chrisaldrich has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[jgmac1106]++ yes that post from [benatwork] is excellent reading for all /Organizers in particular. Strongly encourage anyone who hosts or is interested in (co-)hosting a HWC read ben's post.
[jgmac1106] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (81 in all channels)
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 8, 2020 9:30am IndieAuth 1.1 Identity Protocol Standards Session" changed name, description "more specific and explicit title, copy edit description a bit" https://events.indieweb.org/event/133/history/492/diff
heads-up GWG, aaronpk, I renamed the "IndieAuth Pop-up" session to "IndieAuth 1.1 Identity Protocol Standards Session" because that seemed much more explicit about what the session is about
[tantek]: That's fine with me
especially for folks who are not "insiders" in the community already and may want to understand more context (yes just from reading the name)
[tantek]: Up for scheduling the Microformats session?
naming events is often more important for people *not* in the community than those in the community
GWG, maybe later this month?
[tantek]: I just want to put it on the calendar.
How about the morning of the 23rd?
We've been doing weekend mornings to get the most timezone coverage
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 8, 2020 9:30am IndieAuth 1.1 Identity Protocol Standards Session" changed description "most implemented" https://events.indieweb.org/event/133/history/493/diff
GWG, Saturday mornings don't usually work for me unfortunately. I'll try to figure out an alternative
[tantek]: That's a Sunday morning
[tantek]: Either way, I have had so much fun at the last few, would love for us to get it in with at least a week or two to promote it
Agreed we should post it preferably 2+ weeks in advance
created /opl (+31) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /POSSE (+42) "simplify dfn a bit, reduce jargon/formal terms, per feedback https://twitter.com/dying4badmusic/status/1290187910747049984"
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[tantek]: How are your Sundays?
nickodd left the channel
edited /POSSE (+3) "had to re-read dfn a few times for a minor grammar fix"
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GWG, in a word, lazy. Though sometimes they are long-run Sunday rundays. Which can also be "lazy" at the appropriate pace.
I'll defer to you on the schedule then. I propose the 23rd.
indieweb-post_types-identifier-read (0.2.1): IndieWeb Read Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-post_types-identifier-read
GWG, the 23rd could work
I'd also like to not overwhelm folks who want to participate in the pop-ups regularly
I think 2 a month is a good "target" to aim for, or roughly every two weeks
as a max that is
even one a month would be fine
what is a pop-up
pop-up is a one-time event, like a one-time Homebrew Website Club at a new city or location, often to see how much interest there is before committing to a regular event https://indieweb.org/pop-up
^ GWG that page looks quite minimal, could you add links to it to past/planned and potential IndieWebCamp pop-ups?
Not tonight...I have a wedding to go to.
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+5) "rm past camps, add IndieAuth pop-up, and hopeful IWS 2021"
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But yes in general
So, 23rd at what time then? That's two weeks from the IndieAuth one
will think about it. I updated /Sidebar a bit and want to link to /pop-up for more session planning in the future (whether camps or hwcs) so I'll wait for your update to /pop-up to do that
and yes I'm being optimistic about Summit 2021. What are others's thoughts?
what is 2021
The IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page https://indieweb.org/2021
I think it is too early to count June 2021 out
I am still hoping for East
i'm still optimistic
indieweb-post_types-identifier-scrobble (0.2.1): IndieWeb Scrobble Post Type Discovery for Microformats 2 JSON. https://rubygems.org/gems/indieweb-post_types-identifier-scrobble
Optimism is good
[tb] and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /Internet_Archive (+152) "/* Trigger an Archive */"
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edited /POSSE (+299) "link to syndication page; concatenated/cleaned up see also/related sections for parallelism; Sessions heading with aggregated and new session links"
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edited /Category:syndication (+462) "camp sessions about syndication"
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edited /tagline (+115) "see also: description; GWG quote from Austin"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
[Event Updated] aaronparecki.com updated "Aug 8, 2020 9:30am IndieAuth 1.1 Identity Protocol Standards Session" changed description "expand description" https://events.indieweb.org/event/133/history/494/diff
[manton] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Oct 2 - 5, 2020 ActivityPub Conference 2020" changed description "highlight IndieWeb specific/related talks" https://events.indieweb.org/event/106/history/495/diff
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
read << [https://learnawesome.org/ LearnAwesome] is an [[ActivityPub]] compliant equivalent of [[Goodreads]] built by [https://nilesh.trivedi.pw/ Nilesh Trivedi]. It’s a repository of learning resources (books, but also blogs, courses, podcasts, newsletters, livestreams etc).
ok, I added "[https://learnawesome.org/ LearnAwesome] is an [[ActivityPub]] compliant equivalent of [[Goodreads]] built by [https://nilesh.trivedi.pw/ Nilesh Trivedi]. It’s a repository of learning resources (books, but also blogs, courses, podcasts, newsletters, livestreams etc)." to the "See Also" section of /read https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71842&oldid=71607
[tb] joined the channel