#meta 2020-08-04

2020-08-04 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /pop-up (+329) "links, see also section"
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edited /Internet_Archive (+1448) "link to and summarize new archive.org save API docs"
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[fluffy] and [manton] joined the channel
Day 3 of the @microdotblog August photo contest. The prompt? Bug. Courtesy of the Butterfly Biome @ThanksPoint #mbaug #indieweb
↩️ neat idea, curious to follow this! reminds me of the whole indieweb movement, feels like there's a set of ideas there that's eroding and could benefit from this type of better communication
↩️ Yeahhhh, I think indieweb and cozyweb both have a mix of wisdom and blind spots. They come from good intentions but are incomplete on their own. Lots more draft thinking on that here: https://kmcgillivray.github.io/a-web-pattern-language/a-fantastic-map-of-the-web/
edited /share (+449) "/* Icons */ archive org link to article, UI in general iOS6"
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[pfefferle], deathrow1 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
There's a saying that writing software is more like tending a garden than constructing a building -- things constantly change. But the more I learn about how buildings evolve, I think this process is actually a perfect analogy for designing software! Thread: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EajxYuIXgAIJXD8.jpg
[tantek] joined the channel
there's a lot of truth to that. I've been doing an amateur radio license course and Maths is being taught by a Structural Engineer and a Computer Engineer, the structural engineer is all "MUST BE RIGHT, DON'T MESS IT UP!" the computer engineer says "It'
's ok to fail, then you can try again"
GWG, jeremy-, [Murray] and [tb] joined the channel
[jgmac1106], [Murray], [KevinMarks] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ Atom solved this, but tools don't display it https://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rfc4287.html#element.source Indieweb has ways to publish and display this well https://indieweb.org/repost
nickodd left the channel
Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tomorrow! I hope to see you there at 1730 for some website stuff! https://events.indieweb.org/2020/08/online-homebrew-website-club-nottingham-qZ0U2nBYUpZT (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/08/kdjw1/)
[schmarty], [tb], [KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
created /Gobo (+153) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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[fluffy], [asuh], ben_thatmustbeme and jjuran joined the channel