#[chrisaldrich]Following this evening's HWC West Meetup where /JSON_feed was a general topic of discussion, I've added a stub to the page ^^ to encourage further discussion/voting on the issue. [manton], GWG if you could take a quick look at the wording, I would appreciate it. Everyone else, please discuss and indicate your support.
nickodd, swentel and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[manton]After a couple emails with IANA, they will not approved the JSON Feed media type unless it’s submitted on behalf of a recognized standards organization or has an independent-stream RFC. The IndieWeb isn’t yet a recognized organization, but I feel like it could be. Here’s a current list: https://www.iana.org/assignments/iesg-recognized-organizations
[MitchWagner] joined the channel
#[manton]I wonder if my best path forward right now is to write an RFC for JSON Feed. The jsonfeed.org site would still be the canonical version, but the RFC would be more formally written and satisfy other standards folks. Then as we move forward it could be mirrored at spec.indieweb.org. Thoughts?
#[KevinMarks]So how do we ask iesg to be recognised?
#aaronpk[manton]: I don't know the other implications of the independent stream process but I'd suggest you get familiar with that process and any limitations before going that route?
#aaronpkfor example can you even have a "canonical" version that exists outside that RFC? What do you need to do to update it later? etc
[Murray] joined the channel
#[manton][KevinMarks] Good question. I don’t know. I skimmed a couple RFCs about process but this might be something that needs to be asked directly to IESG folks.
#aaronpkFrom that page: "Requests from other organizations will be
#aaronpkconfirmed by the IESG, and after such confirmation those organizations
#[manton][aaronpk] Thanks. My understanding is that RFCs are basically frozen, and then require _new_ RFCs for changes. That is a definite drawback and would make the specs fragmented and confusing.
#aaronpkIt sounds like there's a process to be recognized there, is that the best path forward?
#[manton]I think it is the best path. I would only write the RFC to get this media type registered and move on, which I’ll admit is not the best reason.
#[manton]Having IndieWeb recognized would help going forward with potentially several specs.
#GWGsknebel: What are your thoughts about adoption though?
#sknebeladoption as in it living on indieweb.org pages? neutral. its not somethng I'd call an "indieweb community" project, but if it needs a home why not (+ its not like I realstically have any work from that, so other votes are more important)
#[tantek]since we have quite a few Etherpads archived from HWC meetups, rather than have them lost among unlinked wiki pages, I suggest we link directly to them from the HWC template
#[tantek]it looks like the March through June HWC West events were not tagged with "west" or "westcoast" so it's hard to point to a past list of them all.
#[tantek]Could I get some help from folks with adding the "west" and "westcoast" tags to HWC West events listed here (months March through June, feel free to pick a month and say you're doing it so we can split it up) https://events.indieweb.org/archive
#[tantek]!tell gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich] I'm particularly interested in your opinion of using our HWC Template table to link to the etherpad archives of past HWCs, since there's no easy way to quickly see / browse all those: https://indieweb.org/Template:Homebrew_Website_Club (see the 08-05 example there with the 🌴 for the "west" link for that day in particular)
#LoqigRegorLove: [tantek] left you a message 2 minutes ago: I'm particularly interested in your opinion of using our HWC Template table to link to the etherpad archives of past HWCs, since there's no easy way to quickly see / browse all those: https://indieweb.org/Template:Homebrew_Website_Club (see the 08-05 example there with the 🌴 for the "west" link for that day in particular)
#[tantek]!tell [Ana_Rodrigues], [calumryan] I just noticed the HWC London Etherpad from this weeks HWC London: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/Xsk0dbeSRU — do you regularly archive those to the wiki like we do with the HWC West etherpads?
#tantek.comedited /issue (+146) "/* Special Responses */ Bridgy backfeed feature request for closing, re-opening etc." (view diff)
jamietanna joined the channel
#jamietannatantek no we don't - there's not really as much structure on the conversation, it's more what people are working on. I've not really thought about documenting it, because I'm not sure the convos would be super interesting
#tantek.comedited /untag (+662) "/* How to mark up? */ counterpoints, maybe u-untag-of is ok for now, to at least complement tag-of" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /untag (+409) "/* How to mark up? */ note reversibility of tag/untag in GitHub, and blocking aspect of "Remove Tag" in FB" (view diff)