#meta 2020-08-09

2020-08-09 UTC
edited /IndieWeb_Examples (+1368) "can also do Brainstorming instead, add Why / Why not, See Also"
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[github] Pull request merged by tantek: https://github.com/indieweb/spec.indieweb.org/pull/5
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/spec.indieweb.org to https://spec.indieweb.org
[chrisaldrich] I missed what you said about the HWC template and the use of e.g. "08-05" to link to all the events for that day, and then the 🌴 to link to the HWC West Coast notes, on the "2020" row of https://indieweb.org/Template:Homebrew_Website_Club — any thoughts? (anyone else too?)
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
nickodd and [tb] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Mondays or Tuesdays 6-8 EST are good for me if either of those seems like a good timeframe to target
Or happy to just start jumping in to anything existing too. Wednesdays are never good for me unfortunately otherwise I would've snuck into an HWC West Coast by now as well 🙂
[schmarty] joined the channel
craftyphotons: jmac and I were organizing online HWC East for a while but on wednesdays it falls between usual EU/London meetups and HWC West. a separate day makes sense! Mo/Tu don't work for me but I give a thumbs up to someone starting one!
[tantek] and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
edited /User:Fireburn.ru (+616) "/* Website */ Updates on Kittybox status"
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edited /User:Fireburn.ru (+174) "/* Website */"
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Finally got to my Wiki page and updated it with some new stuff and ideas
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
Its not easy to compare multiple ways of self-hosting an IndieWeb home page. Almost all methods require some trade-off. The trick, now, is to figure out the best one.
nickodd joined the channel
👋 I've been quiet on the IndieWeb front for a few weeks but I'm still here. As schmarty says, he and I let HWC-NYC cool off mainly because a monthly NYC meetup felt rather redundant, given the weekly Portland and UK meetups, at least while everything's online.
jmac: GWG left you a message 1 week ago: Aren't we due for an HWC East Coast and an IWC East?
But as he also says, it's not like we own the IP or anything
I'd like to see if we could get a different crowd at a different time though
jmac: IWC East is also the bigger event
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+13) "Adding myself to future Microsub pop-up."
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[tantek] joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+19) "/* Interest */"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /User:Manton.org (+119) "Added info box with photo."
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[manton] joined the channel
For a while I’ve been wanting to fix my username on the wiki so that it shows the tiny thumbnail photo. Where does the wiki get that? I have it on my blog as an h-card, I have the photo URL on /chat-names, and I just added it to on my wiki profile page too.
heh it's a mess
Ah ha, thanks!
You could also have a look at what others have as their personal template: https://indieweb.org/Template:chrisaldrich
oh it looks like yours did have a photo, but it was to the twitter magic url that stopped working
edited /Template:manton (-5) "Updating sparkling photo."
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[aaronpk] Yep. Updated now. Thanks!
Heh, “sparkling” typo instead of “sparkline”. I’ll blame auto-correct for that.
all the ✨✨ for you [manton] 🙂
↩️ To the point, this tweet was flagged by @Twitter as offensive. It can't be a conspiracy when Big Tech doesn't try to conceal their agenda. #IndieWeb is waiting. If y'all want join the fight for free speech and independence, build up @microdotblog. Build up @parler_app. Do it now!
2/3 is not bad I guess?
[jeremycherfas] and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
edited /status (+819) "first cut at some brianstorming"
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↩️ indieweb people, BTW, sometimes aren't fans of rss because it duplicates the content to present it separately in syndicatable and presentational forms. to me, rss is illustrative of the most important fact about all this :
chrisaldrich, [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Saving folks a click to the punchline of that tweet: https://twitter.com/kixiQu/status/1292552075188953088
@jackie_cs_ literally no standard matters that isn't incorporated into WordPress mostly by default. and any standard that is will have a massive chunk of the web conformant.
I didn't expect that conclusion!
jeremy joined the channel
that's superficial if arguable conclusion. actual conclusion: any standard incorporated into WordPress will likely be frozen in time, since backcompat and interop requirements will prevent changing OR FIXING anything.
more like: no standard can be evolved that IS incorporated into WordPress mostly by default. See RSS.
that's the actual "rss is illustrative of the most important fact about all this"
[tw2113] and [fluffy] joined the channel