#meta 2020-08-08

2020-08-08 UTC
[schmarty], jjuran, [fluffy], [tantek], justache, vivus, mattl, prtksxna and [tb] joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+1544) "/* Microformats 2 */"
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edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+6) "/* Microformats 2 */"
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edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+121) "/* H-Event */"
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nickodd joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+158) "/* H-Entry */"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Waiting for previous registrar to approve domain transfer so I can get started playing around with #indieweb is like holding my breath wondering when my parents will say yes to going to a house party. Reliving your youth, compliments of the brave new world of #ownyourdata
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
created /backblaze_b2 (+484) "Created page with "{{stub}} '''<dfn>Backblaze b2</dfn>''' is a file [[hosting]] service from [https://www.backblaze.com/ BackBlaze]. BackBlaze claim they are cheapest cloud storage company wit...""
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tomasparks, jjuran, gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], jeremy, [mapkyca], [grantcodes] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
@wencesg says: "we're facing the unethical evolution of many social platforms, but there is a movement called the #IndieWeb that understands you're done with others owning your content and your identity!" https://buff.ly/3b8wAsO #startup
jamietanna, nickodd, [tantek], [schmarty], [manton], [grantcodes], deathrow1 and [Rose] joined the channel
Etherpad link for anyone looking for the IndieAuth pop up https://etherpad.indieweb.org/IndieAuth-Popup
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+63) "/* Microformats 2 */ add mf2 parsing issues as a whole explicitly to the top since there are individual issues listed below"
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[chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106] and [schmarty] joined the channel
repost << The Markup has an interesting UI with a "republish" button that presents full html of an article including Creative Commons material for quickly cutting/pasting for a repost. Example: https://themarkup.org/google-the-giant/2020/07/28/google-search-results-prioritize-google-products-over-competitors
ok, I added "The Markup has an interesting UI with a "republish" button that presents full html of an article including Creative Commons material for quickly cutting/pasting for a repost. Example: https://themarkup.org/google-the-giant/2020/07/28/google-search-results-prioritize-google-products-over-competitors" to the "See Also" section of /repost https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71941&oldid=68788
ok, I added "https://daverupert.com/rss-club/" to the "See Also" section of /RSS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71942&oldid=71777
[tantek]: I saw you looked at what I pulled out for a possible MF2 session.
[tb] joined the channel
Turns out that it was indeed trivial to add PKCE on the server side!
tantek: circling back on the idea of adding HWCs and/or etherpads to the HWC template. https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=71878&oldid=69748&rcid=71750 We certainly ought to do something, so those pages aren't orphaned. I'm not sure about how best to do/present it so there's less work/maintenance and some semblance of parallelism for what has come before.
Looks like we've also recently stopped/slowed the use of [[Category:Events]] on some of those pages as well...
nickodd left the channel
edited /Planning (+20) "/* North America East (Online) */"
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edited /Planning (+62) "/* North America East (Online) */"
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edited /Planning (+240) "/* North America East (Online) */"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] it's ok that wiki pages aren't using [[Category:Events]] any more since the literal event pages are now all on events.indieweb
regarding presentation in the HWC template, see what I did for 08-05 with the 🌴
that's a suggestion to start with
I did, just need some additional time to think about it... if etherpads have the Category:Events by default then when they're archived, they'll show up in the bigger list and then can potentially be added to the template more easily in batches
[tb] happy to help with East but has to be at or after 20:00 for me... But that gets close to West timing
Before 20:00 has to be M or T as my partner works in restaurant industry. So W-S just me and kids
I miss adults
edited /2020/Pop-ups (+40) "/* Schedule */ link to meetable schedule"
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gRegorLove joined the channel
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Jul 25, 2020 9:30am Micropub Pop-Up Session" changed description "etherpad archived and wiki link" https://events.indieweb.org/event/128/history/522/diff
edited /2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth (+5106) "copy notes from etherpad, add formatting"
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hmm i am thinking about blocking webmentions from bridgy on events.indieweb.org
most of the time they are the promiscuous webmentions bridgy sends for replies to things that mention the page far down the reply chain
or likes of peoples posts that mention the event
perhaps if the content doesn't _explicit_ mention the link?
jacky: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 1 week, 2 days ago: Since you're regularly updating your user page, would you consider adding yourselves as examples at https://indieweb.org/wikifying#IndieWeb_Examples ?
oh talk about a cached message
right cause people tweeting about the event would be nice to see
that's tricky then, I was hoping to avoid special-casing bridgy by just adding a list of blocked domains
i guess the general version of this is "only show plain mentions from this list of domains"
[New Event] aaronparecki.com created "Aug 22, 2020 9:30am IndieAuth 1.1 Identity Protocol Standards Session (Session 2)" https://events.indieweb.org/uCtG38aoJyju
edited /2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth (+77) "add second session time"
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edited /2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth (+229) "/* Consolidate authentication and authorization sections */"
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edited /2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth (+201) "/* New Features */"
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i tried to start recording after everyone had settled in so that the recording would start clean, but then GWG interrupted with that comment about pelle's mario background 😂
should i leave it in or cut this up and reencode it?
i don't really want to reencode it
edited /2020/Pop-ups/IndieAuth (+655) "/* New Features */"
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[github] Pull request opened by aaronpk: https://github.com/indieweb/spec.indieweb.org/pull/4
GWG: can you approve that for me?
[github] Pull request merged by aaronpk: https://github.com/indieweb/spec.indieweb.org/pull/4
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/spec.indieweb.org to https://spec.indieweb.org
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[github] Successfully deployed indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[github] Error deploying indieweb/indieauth to https://indieauth.net
[github] Pull request opened by tantek: https://github.com/indieweb/spec.indieweb.org/pull/5
[chrisaldrich] no please do not pollute Category:Events with *notes* about the events. That's a very different thing, and more like individual sessions which have their own category
Category:Events should only be for actual event pages, that's my understanding. gRegorLove may be able to correct / refine that
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I'm just going by the years of what I already see with that pattern: https://indieweb.org/Category:Events
[tantek]: What is next in trying to get microformats on the event page?
If anything the notes from these may actually be richer content for capturing and crosslinking
all of the "bigger" events are captured as sub-categories of particular years
edited /commonplace_book (+23) "fix blockquote"
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[tw2113] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] going by the years of what is on https://indieweb.org/Category:Events is 100% only actual event pages
so I'm not sure how you expanded that to include notes about/from events?
GWG, I have to unblock enough to suggest a date 2+ weeks out 😕
not sure what else
GWG, something you can do to help is see if you can post a /tag-reply from your own site to label one (perhaps your favorite) microformats issue with what stage it needs work in terms of the process
so technically that's a "what is next" that you can completely do on your own GWG! 🙂
created /IndieWeb_Examples (+475) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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edited /FitBit (+553) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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