@booksandbbqAbout to go full-on crazy with IndieWeb and Linux and encrypted email.
I mean, I'm already like 75% crazy as it concerns these things, but about to go 100%. Getting dadgum tired of the normie internet & its selling of people as data & its participation in the surveillance state (twitter.com/_/status/1300251441748209673)
[chrisaldrich]context collapse << 2020-01-13 Nicholas Carr [http://www.roughtype.com/?p=8724 From context collapse to content collapse] has some good implied questions about how to improve social feeds, feed readers, online journalism
[James_Gallaghe][chrisaldrich] I took your advice and started to flesh out the wiki a bit on quantified self. I’d love to see more contributions to that page because it seems like there are so many IndieWeb sites that track QS data.
ZegnatI guess this could be a problem if indielogin.com allows for those domains, and the MediaWiki extension does not provide clear feedback once a user returns from indielogin to the wiki.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "blocked domains" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blocked domains is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiThe IndieWeb wiki requires that you use your own domain to login rather than a subdomain of someone else’s domain, and thus has blocked subdomains of several popular and typically free blogging or static file hosts https://indieweb.org/blocked_subdomains
[tantek]I disagree with allowing github.io subdomains as logins to IndieWeb. Getting a domain is easier than setting up a github.io, and I'd rather discourage drive-by dev-types TBH
[tantek]if a dev doesn't want to commit to their own domain, why do they want/need to edit the wiki? do they actually believe in IndieWeb or are they using it as a place to propagate their "proposals"?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "starter project" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "starter project is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkthat /blocked_subdomains page is now the most likely place someone will end up on if they try to log in with a blocked subdomain since it's in the error message displayed now, so we can also add more details there
ZegnatNote that the case from #indieweb was specifically someone who already had a site hosted on their domain, and were not yet ready to pull the trigger to launch their new indiewebified site
Zegnatthey even wondered if rel-me in HTTP header would work. Probably as a way for them to use indielogin without changing the current contents of their site
aaronpki'd have to decide priority of headers over HTML tags and such, especially if multiple are found. i'm thinking the presence of any rel=me HTTP header would make it ignore everything in the HTML
ZegnatSame fancy rules would apply, I am guessing. You would add them in the “discovery” step before filtering based on authn. (Then authn would also be supported in the Link headers)
ZegnatYou could do that, but I am not sure that matters at all in this case? You present the user with their pick of providers anyway. I am not sure you actually win anything by prefering one over the other.
aaronpkit matters less on a one-user domain, but if more than one user has access, or if users can edit HTML but not Link headers, then the operator of the site can have a more secure way to set the allowed providers that users can't override with HTML
ZegnatHmm, true. I guess I am just wondering if that extra fancyness has any real world value in practice or if it adds complexity for very little reason.
aaronpkoh another one, if you show webmention comments but haven't sanitized HTML right, someone might be able to sneak in a rel=me link. but if you set an HTTP header then it wouldn't matter
[tantek]aaronpk, I'd say start with the simpler option first (treating it the same as hidden links as Zegnat suggests), and document the security concern
[tantek][jgmac1106] pseudonymous identities also don't require use of your "real name". Anonymity is different, you can't even connect different instances of anonymous behavior, that's the key point.
[chrisaldrich][Ana_Rodrigues] was that tweet from @OFNblog with your Smashing artil doxxing your email address? Can we help by reporting their account for abuse?
[Ana_Rodrigues][chrisaldrich] I just messaged one of the senior editors at Smashing because the author’s emails are available on the feed and I didn’t know that. I’m emailing the owners of that account now to kindly ask them to delete that tweet. I had a look at the feed and I’m not the only one : /
[chrisaldrich]That is bizarre that they'd put the author's email address in <author> tag in the feed and not on the page... Do let us know if they don't fix it as I think a few here have some personal relationships that could help to remedy the problem.
[tantek]thanks for the review aaronpk, appreciated. if we can think of more ways to try to help folks who get that login failure, we can hopefully add it there
[tantek]our WP . com page is missing instructions for how to use it with your own domain name so I just linked to the top level page instead of a subsection
[Ana_Rodrigues]all the links from smashing (on that twitter account) have the author’s emails. But yes, I will let you know once I hear back from Smashing. Thank you!
[chrisaldrich][Ana_Rodrigues] Because of the time difference, I'll mention that I'm sure Jeremy knows Rachel Andrew, the editor of Smashing if you need a direct connection to the top.
jackyGetting a domain is _not_ easier than setting up a GitHub Pages site. GitHub Pages doesn't require money. That point re: it being centered around developers is key (and GitHub is really trying to gently break that mold but lol)
jmacGWG: I hear you. I am coincidentally paying attention to chats like this again thanks to my latest attempt to make chat manageable and not a complete attention-drain. (My undying, impatient obsession with trying to wrangle order out of the fractured and siloed chat universe is not unlike my attraction to IndieWeb, but is otherwise not exactly on topic)
aaronpkafter our discussion about which domains can log in to the wiki this morning, that reminded me that we should probably get an organizersr popup on the calendar
[chrisaldrich]GWG, if you want to help lock in a late october/early November date, we can put an IWC East on the calendar and that'll give us a good excuse to do an organizers check in....
LoqiThe IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page https://indieweb.org/Planning
[tantek]having to deal with the reality of an imminent IWC helps focus the "general issues" on things that actually matter more than theoretical concerns
[chrisaldrich]I'm thinking maybe either November 7/8 or 14/15, both just after Daylight Saving Time changes. Veteran's day on the 11th is the only nearby holiday.