#meta 2020-08-31

2020-08-31 UTC
cambridgeport90 and [tw2113] joined the channel
About to go full-on crazy with IndieWeb and Linux and encrypted email. I mean, I'm already like 75% crazy as it concerns these things, but about to go 100%. Getting dadgum tired of the normie internet & its selling of people as data & its participation in the surveillance state
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
context collapse << 2020-01-13 Nicholas Carr [http://www.roughtype.com/?p=8724 From context collapse to content collapse] has some good implied questions about how to improve social feeds, feed readers, online journalism
ok, I added "2020-01-13 Nicholas Carr [http://www.roughtype.com/?p=8724 From context collapse to content collapse] has some good implied questions about how to improve social feeds, feed readers, online journalism" to the "See Also" section of /context_collapse https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=72397&oldid=68731
nickodd joined the channel
accessibility << 2020-06-11 Olu Niyiawosusi *[*https://alistapart.com/article/building-the-woke-web/ Building the Woke Web: Web Accessibility, Inclusion & Social Justice]
ok, I added "2020-06-11 Olu Niyiawosusi *[*https://alistapart.com/article/building-the-woke-web/ Building the Woke Web: Web Accessibility, Inclusion & Social Justice]" to the "See Also" section of /accessibility https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=72398&oldid=70159
↩️ Sounds lovely. I really like the indieweb trend with /now and webmentions. Feels retro, but also personal, and adds something to the network.
[jeremycherfas], jeremy and jeremy- joined the channel
edited /indiewebring (+29) "adding myself to IndieWeb Examples"
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edited /User:Jamesg.app (+3) "/* jamesg.app */"
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edited /chat-names (+92) "/* Nicknames */"
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edited /quantified_self (+99) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I took your advice and started to flesh out the wiki a bit on quantified self. I’d love to see more contributions to that page because it seems like there are so many IndieWeb sites that track QS data.
edited /indiewebring (+17) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /indiewebring (+4) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /indiewebring (-3) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /indiewebring (-2) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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created /Template:jamesgoca (+113) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://jamesg.app/assets/coffeeshop.jpg}} [[User:jamesg.app|jamesgoca]]</span>""
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fuzzbomb joined the channel
[grantcodes] joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+2) "/* Nicknames */"
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[Murray] joined the channel
[Murray]: the sparklines are just template pages, e.g. https://indieweb.org/Template:murray (I'm assuming thats the one you want to edit ;))
it is, but I couldn't work out the URL (and the sparkline itself just redirects to a different URL :D)
sknebel has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (46 in all channels)
yeah - the {{ }} just tells mediawiki to look for the page with the Template: prefix and include that
finally managed to fix the broken link 😅
^ see that's the missing piece of information. Couldn't find anything that told me how MediaWiki was working out where to reference.
edited /related_reading (+579) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /bookmark (+686) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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edited /search (+185) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[grantcodes]: what sknebel was refering to in #indieweb is that the MediaWiki extension used for login on indieweb.org has a list of domains it will refuse: https://github.com/indieweb/mediawiki-extensions/blob/196b02b6c688b1a026b51f3c80d4e912304899b8/LassoAuth.php#L18-L26
I guess this could be a problem if indielogin.com allows for those domains, and the MediaWiki extension does not provide clear feedback once a user returns from indielogin to the wiki.
Ah yeah that'll be it
Probably worth listing those somewhere more obvious - if they're not already, I've not had a real look
edited /posts (+328) "/* Footer sections */"
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[tb] joined the channel
What are blocked domains?
It looks like we don't have a page for "blocked domains" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "blocked domains is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What as blocked subdomains?
What are blocked subdomains?
The IndieWeb wiki requires that you use your own domain to login rather than a subdomain of someone else’s domain, and thus has blocked subdomains of several popular and typically free blogging or static file hosts https://indieweb.org/blocked_subdomains
There it is ^^^
edited /bookmark (+280) "/* Murray (theAdhocracy) */"
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Sadly that page does not seem to refer to any previous discussions we have had about easing up on it. Which I am pretty sure we have had …
edited /bookmark (-1) "/* Murray (theAdhocracy) */"
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twomanytacos joined the channel
i'm tempted to allow github.io pages specifically
because that's almost certainly a sign someone is ready to set up their own site
still not sure how i feel about shared domains like tumblr.com or whatever tho
that said, i'm having trouble finding the list of blocked domains
scroll up :D
also I knew that sounded familiar: https://github.com/indieweb/wiki/issues/48
[sknebel] #48 Give error message to users logging in with banned domains
oh look at that it even has a link to the code
there must be a mediawiki hook for adding an error message though
Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb by ana.rdrg@hotmail.com (Ana Rodrigues) via Articles on Smashing Magazine — For Web Designers And Developers https://smashingmagazine.com/2020/08/autonomy-online-indieweb/
okay I can returrn a string that gets shown to the user. it's not pretty but it's probably better than a silent failure
well that was fun
[tantek] joined the channel
I disagree with allowing github.io subdomains as logins to IndieWeb. Getting a domain is easier than setting up a github.io, and I'd rather discourage drive-by dev-types TBH
not the greatest path to improving community diversity IMO
if a dev doesn't want to commit to their own domain, why do they want/need to edit the wiki? do they actually believe in IndieWeb or are they using it as a place to propagate their "proposals"?
See main channel for a use case
"I want to document what I'm doing while building my website that isn't yet online"
the counter argument of course is that putting up a temporary page isn't that much additional effort
especially since you could still host that on github pages
^ was just about to say
"public notes on how I build my site" <-- use the auto-created README.md on your github pages
README.me is "just as easy" to edit with the GitHub UI and Markdown as it is to edit a wiki page on the IndieWeb wiki
maybe that's something we should put in the starter project
like a site-notes.md that has something like a User page's "working on" list to get folks started
what is the starter project
It looks like we don't have a page for "starter project" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "starter project is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /blocked_subdomains (-84) "login is not a verb"
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nickodd joined the channel
that /blocked_subdomains page is now the most likely place someone will end up on if they try to log in with a blocked subdomain since it's in the error message displayed now, so we can also add more details there
ah ok we can make that friendlier
Note that the case from #indieweb was specifically someone who already had a site hosted on their domain, and were not yet ready to pull the trigger to launch their new indiewebified site
So the temporary or placeholder page did not seem to be an option specifically because of that.
they even wondered if rel-me in HTTP header would work. Probably as a way for them to use indielogin without changing the current contents of their site
we allow rel=webmention in HTTP headers, so why not rel=me?
i could add HTTP header support to indielogin.com
seems like an edge case but i don't really have an issue with it
i'd have to decide priority of headers over HTML tags and such, especially if multiple are found. i'm thinking the presence of any rel=me HTTP header would make it ignore everything in the HTML
Could you not list all of them? You give the choice betwenen multiple providers if I add multiple rel="" to my HTML, right?
[jgmac1106] and Zegnat joined the channel
i could, but there's already some fancy rules in there like if you have rel="me authn" then it only considers the "authn" ones
I guess you would be extending “Hidden Links” to also check Link headers, and leave everything else the same
Same fancy rules would apply, I am guessing. You would add them in the “discovery” step before filtering based on authn. (Then authn would also be supported in the Link headers)
is there a partticular reason you think they should be combined?
it seems like a security feature to prioitize link headesr over HTML if they are present
You could do that, but I am not sure that matters at all in this case? You present the user with their pick of providers anyway. I am not sure you actually win anything by prefering one over the other.
an rel-authn within the HTML might be a more wanted alternative than a rel-me from the HTTP headers?
it matters less on a one-user domain, but if more than one user has access, or if users can edit HTML but not Link headers, then the operator of the site can have a more secure way to set the allowed providers that users can't override with HTML
Hmm, true. I guess I am just wondering if that extra fancyness has any real world value in practice or if it adds complexity for very little reason.
Your product though, aaronpk, so whatever you think is best in implementation ;)
oh another one, if you show webmention comments but haven't sanitized HTML right, someone might be able to sneak in a rel=me link. but if you set an HTTP header then it wouldn't matter
But at that point we are slowly edging towards recommending HTTP headers for relmeauth, and I wanted to avoid getting there xD
edited /anonymity (+354) "changing dfn"
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It's already possible for IndieAuth so why not?
aaronpk I took a try, feel free to revise
aaronpk, I'd say start with the simpler option first (treating it the same as hidden links as Zegnat suggests), and document the security concern
it remains to be seen which is actually simpler
rel=me is supposed to be additive, to a set of options, so that seems more in line with the spirit of the spec
[jgmac1106] pseudonymous identities also don't require use of your "real name". Anonymity is different, you can't even connect different instances of anonymous behavior, that's the key point.
[fluffy] and [manton] joined the channel
okay after work will work on dfn trying to capture the difference
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
cambridgeport90 and [tw2113] joined the channel
[James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
edited /anonymity (+819) "dfn includes disconnecting interactions, How to / domains, IndieWeb Examples"
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[jgmac1106] ^^ attempt at an improvement, feel free to rewrite / iterate on further
edited /anonymity (-21) "commentpara.de is on the list of [[blocked_subdomains]]"
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[schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] was that tweet from @OFNblog with your Smashing artil doxxing your email address? Can we help by reporting their account for abuse?
[snarfed] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I just messaged one of the senior editors at Smashing because the author’s emails are available on the feed and I didn’t know that. I’m emailing the owners of that account now to kindly ask them to delete that tweet. I had a look at the feed and I’m not the only one : /
what a weird thing to do
unintentional but… could be harmful sadly.
edited /blocked_subdomains (+413) "stub, call to action to participate via Get Started"
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aaronpk ^ see if my suggestions there read ok with the flow of using it as an "error page" destination
edited /blocked_subdomains (+9) "/* Blocked Subdomains */ -jargon"
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looks good!
i like the addition of the how to use with your domain!
That is bizarre that they'd put the author's email address in <author> tag in the feed and not on the page... Do let us know if they don't fix it as I think a few here have some personal relationships that could help to remedy the problem.
blame RSS
the <author> tag never had any proper spec / interop either
thanks for the review aaronpk, appreciated. if we can think of more ways to try to help folks who get that login failure, we can hopefully add it there
Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb https://ift.tt/31L0r8G Follow Us...
our WP . com page is missing instructions for how to use it with your own domain name so I just linked to the top level page instead of a subsection
i see... the twitter bot just copies whatever is the RSS author tag
I've asked the #indieweb-wordpress folks to add a specific subsection for that
edited /anonymity (+167) "Trying to be a bit more explanatory"
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edited /anonymity (+17) "hey dfn tags would help lol"
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[jeremycherfas]++ nice rewording and expansion
[jeremycherfas] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (42 in all channels)
Oh the owner of that OFN blog just replied to me and it is now deleted : )
I scrolled back in their feed and they had a similar tweet (to the now deleted one) that didn't have the email address. odd...
Let us know how the Smashing side works out.
all the links from smashing (on that twitter account) have the author’s emails. But yes, I will let you know once I hear back from Smashing. Thank you!
[Ana_Rodrigues] Because of the time difference, I'll mention that I'm sure Jeremy knows Rachel Andrew, the editor of Smashing if you need a direct connection to the top.
I have to imagine it's a benign oversight on their part that they'll want to fix immediately.
Twitter << mobile signup flow as of 2020-08-31 https://tinysubversions.com/notes/twitter-usernames/
I feel like there's even a meme about "Hello first name and bunch of numbers with a strong opinion"
strugee joined the channel
edited /quantified_self (+205) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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Autonomy Online: A Case For The IndieWeb : https://ift.tt/31L0r8G by ana.rdrg@hotmail.com (Ana Rodrigues)
Getting a domain is _not_ easier than setting up a GitHub Pages site. GitHub Pages doesn't require money. That point re: it being centered around developers is key (and GitHub is really trying to gently break that mold but lol)
you don't even need to use git or a git app to use github pages, it's possible entirely from the website, kind of like editing a wiki
[tw2113] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
jmac: You free next Wednesday?
GWG: In theory I'm free other than around the noon hour Eastern time
I put something on
I figured that West Coast is fine at its current frequency and we'd just see about a monthly online East Coast to gauge interest
Sounds good! I took a few weeks off from IndieWeb stuff but I've been meaning to get back in; thank you for the ping
jmac: I am trying to build the online contacts I lack in real life
jmac: Still hoping for a IWC East in late October
GWG: I hear you. I am coincidentally paying attention to chats like this again thanks to my latest attempt to make chat manageable and not a complete attention-drain. (My undying, impatient obsession with trying to wrangle order out of the fractured and siloed chat universe is not unlike my attraction to IndieWeb, but is otherwise not exactly on topic)
jmac: Topic for next week? Order to chaos?
Sounds good to me
En meteen ook even mijn Instagram-posts handmatig doorgezet naar m’n blog: https://roel.io Dat moet ik toch eens automatiseren… #indieweb #posse #notyet
[tb] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
edited /HTML (+4) "linky"
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[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Just got a reply: they are now looking into removing that info.
[tw2113] joined the channel
aww yiss they approved my comment 😄
[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions () "(-2198) Moved WordPress Themes to Scheduled section; moving organizing data to the new page"
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[New Event] boffosocko.com created "Sep 26, 2020 9:30am Making IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes" https://events.indieweb.org/8fs9gAVX3OkV
Greetings West Coasters, we need a host and a "start the zoom" person for this week's HWC West https://events.indieweb.org/2020/09/homebrew-website-club-west-coast-eKgjOW4KvBIK
[tantek]: Know anyone on East Coast time willing to come on the 9th?
I've been sharing it around work
There's some interest
created /GitHub_Hosting (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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[tantek]: I think the monthly attempt in different timezones can work to gauge interest.
created /GitHub_static_pages (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /GitHub_Pages (+156) "clarify turn off issues, cannot turn off pulls, cannot use private repo"
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[tantek]: Can I invite you personally to the event on the 12th?
If not, I feel like I need to internalize the process
after our discussion about which domains can log in to the wiki this morning, that reminded me that we should probably get an organizersr popup on the calendar
given that we used to do those adjacent to in-person events, but that won't happen again for a while
The IndieWeb WordPress community could use some more theme options. Join us on Sept. 26 for an IndieWebCamp Popup Session to help make some IndieWeb Friendly WordPress Themes #WordPress #microformats https://boffosocko.com/2020/08/31/making-indieweb-friendly-wordpress-themes-an-indiewebcamp-popup-session/
aaronpk, did you forget that we did do this? https://indieweb.org/2020/West/Organizers
realizes now that the Etherpad wasn't archived lol
so we mostly did it 🙂
[jgarber] joined the channel
I'm in for an Organizer meeting
But I'm in for most things
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG, if you want to help lock in a late october/early November date, we can put an IWC East on the calendar and that'll give us a good excuse to do an organizers check in....
Didn't I put my blackout dates in?
edited /2020/West/Organizers (+5071) "archive from etherpad"
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I think I've got the WordPress theme popup set... let me know if the page(s) have any inconsistencies...
I've also started a bit of a curriculum/outline for the day at: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/WPandMicroformats if you want to add any notes GWG.
ah, aaronpk, you missed IWC West Organizers, ok that makes sense then that it feels like we didn't do one to you
when was that?
I have to pick a theme
What is planning?
The IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page https://indieweb.org/Planning
I kept being called away during that
aaronpk, per https://indieweb.org/2020/West/Organizers 2020-06-26: 9:30-13:00
ah i thought that was more about IWC specifically, not covering general issues
GWG, you gave a +1 to Oct 17/18, but nothing else. Do you have any workable dates in November to give ourselves a bit more runway? /Planning#North_America_East_.28Online.29
edited /2020/West/Organizers (+1) "make the event & rsvp more visible than buried in a prose paragraph"
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If it doesn't happen the day before an IWC... might not get spillover
aaronpk, like all recent Organizers meetups, it covered both the IWC and general issues
[chrisaldrich]: No, you reformatted it to remove context
[chrisaldrich]: I am busy until the 17th...I have nothing after that.
having to deal with the reality of an imminent IWC helps focus the "general issues" on things that actually matter more than theoretical concerns
Although Thanksgiving
[tantek]: Also a point
GWG, are you sure you're not thinking about the WordPress theme session? That had some other details....
[chrisaldrich]: Possibly
Same me though
I have no short term plans
And I have days to burn
GWG: there's a slight level of committment for a popup vs a camp. 🙂
I still have no plans
The next plan I have is in December, tentatively
And I have a month or so of vacation I need to use
I need to start taking it
We *once* (last year) did IWC the weekend before Thanksgiving (IWC Berlin2) and it was a big success, I think because it was *not in the US*
I would recommend avoiding a "weekend before Thanksgiving" IWC in the US
[tantek]: I enjoyed the Berlin events
I'm thinking maybe either November 7/8 or 14/15, both just after Daylight Saving Time changes. Veteran's day on the 11th is the only nearby holiday.
I'm free
tantek, aaronpk, do you have a preference?
Not sure where I'll be free, but wherever I am
needs to get a life
let me check my schedule, it get kinda packed those weeks
Outside of the house... although bad time for it
sorry, forgot the 😉
I am thinking maybe I should take a week and just clean the house and do indieweb projects
That may not be meta enough
that's meat
That's the meat of the meta
👋 [chrisaldrich] on IWC East
I see your avails [tb]. Anything you'd like to volunteer to help out with?
Hmm I wouldn't know where to begin 😄 Is there a list somewhere of some things that could use some volunteering on?
Ah I found the list 🙂
Let's see..
Certainly can start with co-hosting Zoom rooms
edited /Planning (+21) "/* North America East (Online) */"
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