#meta 2020-10-21

2020-10-21 UTC
edited /pipes (+21) "convert text into links"
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nickodd joined the channel
created /User:Suzspot.com (+36) "Created page with " '''Introduction''' '''Projects'''""
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swentel, [fluffy], deathrow1, jeremych_, [KevinMarks], [Murray], IWSlackGateway1, [KevinMarks]1, [Murray]1, [capjamesg], aaronpk and [schmarty] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[tantek] re cruise, I think one of our joke suggestions has been to take one of those night trains here in Sweden from all the way South to the polar circle. Just book an entire cart for an IndieWebCamp. Should offer enough places along the way with mobile coverage (if not just railway provided WiFi) to not have to be offline, and you still get the isolated group travelling feel ;)
I think we talked about inlandsbanan, which isn't night trains but the tourist thing :D
jamietanna and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Either way, summer or winter, I’m up for that.
Indieweb Cruise time?
swentel joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] and lahacker joined the channel
↩️ Ik heb al een open uitnodiging van @LeoLovesTwtr om een keer met haar over Indieweb te komen praten ;-)
↩️ Wel fijn dat Jaap-Henk een van de kernproblemen benoemt nu. Al die diensten werken niet decentraal genoeg. Zoals email bijvoorbeeld. API's zijn nog te beperkt. Maak er open protocollen van die onderlinge comm mogelijk maken. Zoals al binnen Indieweb tech gebeurt. #tegenlicht
edited /colophon (+55) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[KevinMarks] joined the channel
i need to look in to how they do this, but at IIW they have zoom set up with a bunch of rooms where you can join and then anyone can claim the host role by typing in a passcode
so there's no need for anyone in particular to log in an start the meeting
oh that's nice
[chrisbergr], [fluffy], Lionir, paulrobertlloyd, [snarfed] and [tantek] joined the channel