#meta 2020-11-14

2020-11-14 UTC
[CrowderSoup] joined the channel
This is an #indieweb inspiration story
tantek, I actually thought about that for /poetry, but didn't have the bandwidth this afternoon. Hopefully we'll have a session tomorrow and we'll fix it on Sunday??
[chrisaldrich]: Red usually
expl0iter joined the channel
I'm not sure why RSS/Atom is insufficient for pretty much all social updates. IndieWeb tech is certainly more convoluted without obvious benefits.
Zoom room awaits
[hibs] joined the channel
created /bingo (+51) "prompted by [chrisaldrich] and dfn added by [chrisaldrich]"
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edited /bingo (-23) "redirect"
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Attending my first (!) online conference tomorrow at 6AM on a Saturday and very much looking forward to it ☕️ https://2020.indieweb.org/east
↩️ I stated my opinion. I'm not sure why RSS/Atom are insufficient when I see how many more moving parts are involved in IndieWeb. I'm not concerned with how that "looks". That's how I want it to look. If you give me better feedback than simply suggesting i go all in, that's welcome
[tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Okay now we're getting somewhere. Likes I can do without. Some kind of support for discussion feedback is worth having, whether something from IndieWeb, or building off the original ping back servers, or a disqus-like thing. Yes, something beyond RSS/Atom but maybe not instead of
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+2) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (+75) "/* Saturday */"
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j12t, nickodd and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
↩️ Rss was a subscription model and it was euthanized by a standards mishap and the usual adtech/web standards malcreants. #indieweb twitter was real sad about it.
Esteemed Followers, sorry! I forgot if you are more into the federated social web or tinkering on websites, so: Why not both? #activitypub Social CG meeting 16:00 UTC https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/2020-11-14-meeting/1128 #indieweb IndieWebCamp East SAT/SUN https://2020.indieweb.org/east
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Getting excited for #IndieWeb 2020 East this weekend. Gonna be talking poetry and personal websites: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?oldid=73278&rcid=73160 Join us. Always full of special characters.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
thx Chris one thing I struggle with is titles, I write poems with no titles and they are notes but then if I go back and republish I may often add a title making it an article....In the end people know its just a poem
edited /poetry (+134) "/* Greg McVerry */ fixing broken url"
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edited /poetry (+53) "/* CLMOOC */ adding web ring"
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↩️ Hm, um 15 Uhr bis So. https://2020.indieweb.org/east - oder lasst uns doch mal was zu #activitypub am Niederrhein machen, also erstmal nukular-virtuell und dann in Moers (?) Co-Organisierer https://conf.activitypub.rocks hier (40+ videos) Um 17 Uhr https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/2020-11-14-meeting/1128
Not sure what I will build for #IndieWebCamp maybe finally rebuild a jukebox and get all my music back online. I think #OwnYourMedia as important as #OwnYourData asit helps to feed artists.
carolline joined the channel
aaronpk and jeremycherfas joined the channel
gwg if you are around can you check on the 1am start time on the Zoom link confusing people
Odd. I have 9AM Eastern, 6AM Pacific
The room is on now, regardless
Just a heads up: I am going to try to be around a lot in the chats, but I probably am unavailable to join in time for the Keynotes. Will someone be scribing notes during those?
Zegnat: I'm sure we can find someone
Cool! Would love to skim on my phone. Hope to make it intime for the planning session :D
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
edited /green_computing (+135) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[chrisaldrich] and Salt[m] joined the channel
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Nov 14 - 15, 2020 IndieWebCamp East 2020" changed meeting_url https://events.indieweb.org/event/164/history/662/diff
jamietanna[m], samwilson and jalcine[m] joined the channel
edited /use_case (+151) "/* IndieWeb for hobbies */"
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fwe joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+226) "quick links for camp"
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fredcy_ and [Ian_Forrester] joined the channel
edited /2020/East (+207) "quick links"
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Gyuri joined the channel
[scottgruber], [Simon_Willison], [jeremycherfas], h0p3, DavidDylanThomas and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
GWG I had ot leave and rejoin Zoom, fixing mic. Could you please re-grant the mod power
sweet, thanks
[tonz] joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+26) "/* Saturday */"
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nickodd and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
created /Dogsheep (+165) "prompted by [Simon_Willison] and dfn added by [Simon_Willison]"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
David Dylan Thomas about to give the keynote at #IndieWeb Camp on Designing for Cognitive Bias….
[tipoqueno] and Asher1 joined the channel
↩️ I'm at IndieWebCamp East today, planning to host a session about personal data warehouses https://indieweb.org/2020/East
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Matrix (+114) "Added how to join #Indieweb via Matrix"
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[hibs] joined the channel
attending #IndieWebCamp East today & tomorrow! Great first keynote by David Dylan Thomas (@movie_pundit)! Up next, Sarah Hibner (@practicing_dsgn) Grab a complimentary ticket at https://2020.indieweb.org/east and join us in Zoom & online chat: https://tantek.com/t59f1
tracydurnell, tomasparks and asher[m] joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+47) "link to hibs talk"
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[Sue_Hanen], [calumryan], jenna, [KevinMarks], [Ana_Rodrigues] and [manton] joined the channel
I know the intros are important, maybe more, than ever, given the remote nature, but the session proposals should have started 30 minutes ago
created /2020/East/Intros (+355) "stub page with etherpad for later backup"
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Saw a reference to Ushahidi in a demo @indiewebcamp that took me down a rabbit hole thinking about @blogorlando and the key note speaker. Which led me to this awesome photo by @markjaquith of @ringmaster https://flic.kr/p/5r6oud
GWG joined the channel
created /User:Jaenis.ch (+332) "Created page with "Hi, I'm André Jaenisch. I'm a web developer living in Germany. My tasks usually revolve around Frontend (HTML + CSS + JavaScript), but I also can handle backend (Python, Nod...""
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nice to see you hanging around Mike
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
carla-paloma joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+75) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (+75) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (-75) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (+24) "/* Saturday */"
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nickodd left the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+88) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (-1) "/* Saturday */"
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[scottgruber] joined the channel
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+332) "/* Saturday */"
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[Event Updated] calumryan.com updated "Nov 25, 2020 7:00pm ONLINE: Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" changed description, tags "BST to GMT" https://events.indieweb.org/event/176/history/663/diff
GWG were you about to voluntell me? :P
Earlier this morning I presented an intro to variable fonts at #IndieWeb Camp East 2020! I built a web page that summarizes my talk, check it out at http://outer-outer.space/intro-to-variable-fonts/
Happy to do the schedule, btw, GWG / [chrisaldrich]. If nobody else is already editing the wiki. Because wiki conflicts suck
carolline joined the channel
[Sue_Hanen] joined the channel
Sorry was trying to help out with the schedule grid, but god, the wiki synax really gives no help whatsoeer wit understanding where you are inside the grid ...
who was tasked to do it?
It really does not, maxwelljoslyn
I can get it fixed, just a minute
edited /User:Schmud.de (+76) "/* Working On */"
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i think chris is doing it
only one person needs to wikify or.. collisions
one of many many ways that computer interfaces are sooooooo far behind wher they could be, like unbelievably so lol
"hey computer, I have a grid. i want to edit it in place." sure, have fun scrolling an array of structures
vanderven.se martijn
edited /2020/East/Schedule (-173) "/* Saturday */ This the schedule?"
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I think that is it: [chrisaldrich] GWG ^^^
making a drag-and-drop thing for wiki tables is in that annoying "would be cool but don't need it that often" spot in https://xkcd.com/1205/ :P
[Simon_Willison] joined the channel
Ah, forgot the hashtags, because they did not seem to be in the etherpad, give me one more minute
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+15) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (-2) "/* Saturday */ tweak Hyperproductivity session title (re-apply)"
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No need even for drag and drop. One could add a clickable button at top right of table, or other strategic points on the page, which sends you into the editor right there (see what Wikipedia does with "edit this section" - not just one "edit" at top of page0
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+94) "/* Saturday */"
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... are you adding the hashtags now GWG?
Whelp, I will pull back, looks like organisers on it
fastest Chris in the West
fastest Gwg in the East
Should have probably done a better job calling out a specific wiki editor. I'll make sure to volunteer specifically next time round
Also note for future camp thinking: lets keep reminding ourselves of using short titles or easy hashtags to make this process smoother
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+0) "/* Saturday */"
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[dmitshur] and saunders joined the channel
Zegnat++ for wikistuffs
Zegnat has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
vanderven.se martijn
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+325) "/* Saturday */ Remention Zoom links"
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[tantek] joined the channel
coming back and the main event Zoom seems shutdown?
when I try to join from https://events.indieweb.org/2020/11/indiewebcamp-east-2020-ShBaD3gD6Df0 it says "This meeting is scheduled for 11/13/2020 / Eat Your Own Cooking Pre Party" which is odd because that linked worked this morning!
LIVE NOW: IndieWebCamp East 2020
GWG, [chrisaldrich] can you fix the Zoom link on https://events.indieweb.org/2020/11/indiewebcamp-east-2020-ShBaD3gD6Df0 to work again?
LIVE NOW: IndieWebCamp East 2020
GWG, I've updated it to link to the red room ^^
[Event Updated] boffosocko.com updated "Nov 14 - 15, 2020 IndieWebCamp East 2020" changed meeting_url "updated link for red room" https://events.indieweb.org/event/164/history/664/diff
?? hopefully it works...
ugh annoying Slack too slow to properly parse my key strokes and ignored everything after auto-completing [chrisaldrich]
let me try that again
[chrisaldrich]++ thank you!
[chrisaldrich] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
edited /2020/East/Schedule (+3) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (+26) "/* Saturday */"
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edited /2020/East/Schedule (+543) "hallway track labels for empty sessions"
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fwe and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
edited /User:Schmud.de (+61) "/* Working On */"
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edited /User:Schmud.de (+17) "/* Working On */"
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created /Template:Schmud.de (+1) "Created page with ".""
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[KevinMarks], GWG_, [jgmac1106], [hibs] and [calumryan] joined the channel
I am attending the IndieWebCamp. Lots of fun learning with this wonderful group of people, so much generosity and so much knowledge and insights! #OpenWeb https://2020.indieweb.org/east
jmac left the channel
created /tummeling (+202) "prompted by [chrisaldrich] and dfn added by [KevinMarks]"
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Hmm...Indieweb East Meets West should be next.
Guest2 joined the channel