[chrisaldrich]I put my squarespace site in and it tells me it doens't support mentions (which I want), so here's a preformatted email to send to squarespace to support Webmention....
[chrisaldrich]And for users who are purchasing IndieWeb as a Service it's useful to know what they may provide (or not https://indieweb.org/Quick_Start) to know which fast-casual or fine dining establishment they're going to patronize instead of going yet again to the fast-food restaurant du-jour (Tw, IG, FB, etc.)
[Murray]Just to throw something into last nights convo: as someone still "low ranked" in terms of IndieWeb stuff, I took one look at IndieMark a while back and subtly ran away 😄 Whereas the step-by-step UI structure of indiewebify.me means I keep going back to that site. I get the whole "gamification" concept, but really all that's trying to achieve are positive feedback loops; high scores/ranks are one way, but so are medals/rewards/immediate
[Murray]The problem was, that the order didn't make sense for me, so I fell off the process. Personally, an ideal would be a branching pattern (like your shelf analogy) so you can pick up building blocks and work through them a la indiewebify.me, record progress, and see that in terms of badges or something like that for the gamification. Of course, that would never work on a Wiki; it needs to be a standalone site 😉 Just two cents to add to the
[Murray]feedback mechanisms. That last one is something that indiewebify.me does better: I make the changes it suggests, return to the website, plug in a URL, and I get an h-card preview (or whatever).
[Murray]Oh, and whilst generations may be a useful framing device, and I'm not suggesting get rid of it, it is a pretty hard concept to grok and the occasional off-hand references around chat are still a level of terminology I don't want to invest time into learning. Seeing someone talk about people as Gen1 or Gen2 or whatever just feels a bit weird and off putting when you don't know the context, and even when you do it (if you don't fully
petermolnarI'd like to propose a special Indieweb Wiki Editors meetup. It seems like many of us would like to sunset certain, older ideas, like Indiemark, Generations, etc, and replace it with a different approach. This process is not in line with the usual way of wikifying, and, therefore, probably needs a conversation.
ZegnatI keep coming back to “the order didn't make sense for me” type of arguments. I think jgmac1106 was onto something with “badges”. If you want to stick to gamification things it would be “achievements”. You can collect them all, in any order, etc. If that is what people like.
ZegnatBut as I said the other day, I also feel like it is important to keep pushing that if you do not personally have a need for some of the interactions, then there is no reason to implement them. You do not need to use every LEGO brick in existence to build your house, just because those bricks exist. Just the rectangle ones are find for building too!
[Murray]Zegnat, that's why I think a branching structure to any kind of onboarding guidance would be useful. The first step then becomes "what do you need your website to do" as opposed to the current system which sort of forces you to just do certain things 🙂 Like, for me, I really only want MicroPub (which is probably never going to happen because my setup is problematic for it 😄) and to _send_ webmentions. I currently have IndieAuth and
@sl007↩️ Ok, mache ich.
Prof. Silvia Grundmann vom Council of Europe ist auch eine Gute. Die ist sogar mal zum IndieWebCamp gereist ;)
Andere Frage:
Wärst Du bereit der W3C 15-30 Minuten dazu zu schenken?
Wir haben regelmäßige Mumble meetings (Audio) … (twitter.com/_/status/1329756111310901256)
djmoch, jeremych_ and [Aaron_Klemm] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]What's the secret for getting camp photos to show up in the newsletter? Do we need to use a different format? Should we add them to the events page? What's the best way?
[tantek][Murray] re: "branching structure to any kind of onboarding guidance would be useful." yup, that would be hypertext in general right? lots of branching opportunities at every page! 🙂
[tantek]but seriously, for "onboarding" or "getting started" type experiences, it greatly varies from person to person, level of ability / interest etc. some folks (such as yourself) want a branching structure. others don't have time (or desire to weigh options) and literally just want a clear step-by-step path. the key is to find ways of accomodating both styles, not throwing one away for the other (which usually results in a periodic back/forth
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2020-11-20.html