#meta 2021-01-24

2021-01-24 UTC
lahacker joined the channel
uploaded /File:content_warning_modal_for_cultural_advice.PNG "Screencapture of a modal or pop-up indicating the website may have content of a nature that may be culturally taboo or inappropriate for some viewers https://indieweb.org/File:content_warning_modal_for_cultural_advice.PNG"
edited /content_warning (+649) "Content warning exampe for cultural advice for indigenous peoples"
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[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
昨年だったかindiewebのサイト見た時にはwebmentionとか面倒くさそうと思ったんだけど、いま思うところあって読んでいたら意外とイケそうな気がしてきた。 https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started
[tantek], lahacker, gRegorLove, priyanshu and nickodd joined the channel
I really like using the Omnibear for #indieweb on Chrome. The problem is, I don’t like using Chrome and only use it on my mini-Chromebook. I’m not a coder and so I’m a bit unclear on the legality and etiquette but is there anything stopping someone… https://pauho.net/?p=24424
[jgmac1106], [colinwalker], [jeremycherfas], [Rose] and nickodd joined the channel
↩️ - easily self-hosted, so that you can own your own content - "networks" built by follow/subscription (kinda like how rss worked, but with better ux) - public content would be delivered to aggregation pools for discovery TL;DR: http://indieweb.org, basically.
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Who needs a Twitter blue badge when I have verification from the #IndieWeb? The’s only one Changeling posting from The Starship Changeling.
↩️ @DokuWiki is pretty awesome too. We used it a lot before (see http://holonica.net). As we are exploring decoupled CMS and static site generators powered by @pharoproject + Fossil, like Brea[1], TiddlyWiki without NodeJS seems a pretty good fit. [1] https://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/indieweb/
↩️ I’m not doing much with indieweb stuff anymore. So much of it was building its own silos. That said, I do like activitypub federation.
↩️ It's been a while since I dug in to work IndieWeb was doing. I need to get this week's lesson plans done, then add configuring all this to the personal backlog. Discovered it from an interview on http://TWiT.TV back in the day
jamietanna joined the channel
Did https://events.indieweb.org/2021/01/indiewebcamp-pop-up-session-respectful-responses-SoijMaY9KH7P get recorded? Would be nice to listen/watch the convo, but np if not, I can track through the Etherpad :)
yes it was recorded, I believe GWG has it
[tantek]: It's uploaded
I meant to ask who was archiving the Etherpad
You get both the speaker or the gallery view
GWG, can you add the usual play text/graphic link/widget to the wiki page?
what is Respectful Responses
It looks like we don't have a page for "Respectful Responses" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Respectful Responses is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]: That's why I didn't.
I wasn't sure who was archiving the Etherpad
huh? this has nothing to do with the Etherpad, that's a separate page
pop-up << 2021/Pop-ups
[tantek]: There's no wiki page for me to add the video to
We didn't create one.
sigh once again I'm lost in the maze of how pop-up wiki pages were organized
[chrisaldrich] I think we need a major restructuring / flattening (AKA regardening) of pop-up related wiki pages
[tantek]: We never finished that discussion
it's kind of an incomplete undiscoverable mess right now
GWG like why is 2021/Pop-ups/Sessions a separate page instead of just putting that content directly on 2021/Pop-ups ?
(clearly inherited from /2020/Pop-ups
I just copied 2020, which had that
yeah so we should fix the bad IA before it propagates any further
So, what is the top url? Should it remain as /2021/Pop-ups
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+105) "Don't use camelCase"
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GWG, there are a bunch of IA / naming 101 mistakes in the current pop-ups pages / instructions
edited /2020/Pop-up/Sessions (+66) "camelCase is only ok for single-word terms like IndieAuth, bold this"
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[schmarty] joined the channel
and like who is this for? this is so confusing: https://indieweb.org/Category:IWC_Pop-ups_2020_Organizing
I'll defer to the creator
But I know making it easier would help ne
[fluffy] joined the channel
would help all of us, and thus help actually create / fill out / complete the content
this is one of the reasons that categories usually suck, they make things too complicated for folks to easily help improve
(on a wiki)
edited /2021/Pop-ups/Sessions () "(-1641) /* Respectful Responses */ Done"
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created /2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses (+1957) "create with content from sessions page to start with"
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GWG, there you go, here's a wiki page for the session (which we should have created beforehand) https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses
we'll figure out gardening / repairing the 2020 Pop-up pages later
For now, you now have a place where you can put the recording
just like a session from any other IndieWebCamp
Okay. Will link in a few
Finishing up this code first
thank you
lahacker joined the channel
edited /2021/Pop-ups () "(-742) add explicit past sessions list, simplify a bunch: ditch separate "grid" bc there is no grid of pop-ups, ditch schedule bc we have meetable link, ditch demos bc not a separate pop-up, de-dup a ton of links"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups (+48) "/* Organizers */ add me & marty"
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!tell GWG,@chrisaldrich please compare /2021/Pop-ups (which I just heavily edited) and /2020/Pop-ups. This is the kind of simplification I'm talking about
edited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+119) "add Respectful-Responses, hopes for latter half of the year camps planning"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses (+24) "attempt at a respectful responses emojicon"
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shoesNsocks1 joined the channel
edited /2021/Pop-ups (+18) "camping tents are more ephemeral / light-weight for pop-ups than a circus tent"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups (-44) "organizing category is not really useful, as an organizer. more noise than signal"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups/Sessions (-30) "completed subsection"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+2) "replace gift calendar with site commitments"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-1) "try rewording"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-4) "once again"
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good enough
edited /2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses (+15977) "incorporate etherpad notes into a Notes subsection"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses (+11) "link etherpad, after the fact. turns out we didn't use the hashtag for the etherpad afterall"
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GWG ^ etherpad archived also
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+1) "more readable"
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edited /2021/Pop-ups (+1) "/* Sponsors */ *"
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[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Jan 23, 2021 10:00am IndieWebCamp Pop-Up Session: Respectful Responses" changed description "link wiki page instead of etherpad now that notes are archived" https://events.indieweb.org/event/202/history/728/diff
aaronpk ^ still confused about Meetable markdown support, does it not autolink plain http/https URLs? Pretty sure that's an expected part of markdown (instead of being forced to always use the totally forgettable hyperlink syntax)
this line at the end of the description is not auto-linked: Wiki page of archive notes etc: https://indieweb.org/2021/Pop-ups/Respectful-Responses
yeah i don't know why autolinking URLs isn't part of this markdown library either
looks like that's a github markdown thing, not part of the "original" markdown
[qwwwest] #326 Links are not automatically created
haha right, the old < link > syntax from ancient usenet / emails
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Jan 23, 2021 10:00am IndieWebCamp Pop-Up Session: Respectful Responses" changed description "try the classic old school < link > thing" https://events.indieweb.org/event/202/history/729/diff
grimler32 joined the channel
be some science behind this
<penguin42> Time-Warp: It's the number of people who gain serious injuries from standing on pineapples
Are there any T1me Travelers Or Al1ens Here Who can help me?
grimler32: With?
I need to warp my mind back to my younger self to relive my life
grimler32: Sorry, my time machine is in the shop.
GWG, what temporal location settings does it account for? When might you have it back?
[snarfed] joined the channel
Sorry, this room is for meta Indieweb discussions, I can answer in the off topic chat room if you want
[Raphael_Luckom] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel