#meta 2021-03-10

2021-03-10 UTC
[KevinMarks], jeremycherfas, [fluffy], [chrisaldrich], [tantek], alex11 and [schmarty] joined the channel
[snarfed], nertzy, [fluffy], nertzy_, hoschi, hoschi-it, djmoch, jeremych_ and reed joined the channel
aciccarello[m], Salt[m], fredcy_, jamietanna[m], bw3, atj[m] and JackyAlcin[m] joined the channel
↩️ :wave: — Looks pretty tight. Would it be possible to change the <br>s for <p>? Since you’re into _very_ quick wins with HEY so how about sprinkling in a few classes to support Microformats https://indieweb.org/Getting_Started#Add_microformats_to_your_content And if you’re feeling super generous, more Indieweb blocks
↩️ And yes, of course I wish everyone were just writing these posts on their own self-hosted blogs and using IndieWeb, but they’re not. That’s not the reality. So how to make Twitter threads (microblogging -> blogging) readable in a non-sceevy way?
willnorris and voxpelli joined the channel
edited /2020/London/intros-demos (+72) "Add link to notes on etherpad"
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[snarfed] joined the channel
edited /green_computing (+138) "Add green cloud provider"
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Who is coming tonight?
I'll be asleep, I'm afraid
jeremycherfas: Sleep is overrated
Not in this household.
hoschi-it joined the channel
jeremycherfas: I understand.. would love to see you.
[scojjac] joined the channel
It is time for the semiannual seasonal time adjustment confusion. As such, may I suggest temporarily switching to UGT? https://indieweb.org/Universal_Greeting_Time
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
thread that fits with the frontpage redesign discussion https://social.tchncs.de/@Blort/105833191112911975
[Blort™ (Unofficial) 🚫] @urlfreezer How about starting with a clearly written explanation of what the #indieweb actually is, aimed at people not already in the know? I've tried to research it a few times and despite running my own servers etc, I've always come away confused...
[tantek] and [fluffy] joined the channel
hooray yet another example of why doesn't the home page speak directly to meeee
[jeremyfelt] and hoschi-it joined the channel
[New Event] ohhelloana.blog created "Mar 17, 2021 7:00pm Homebrew Website Club Europe/London" https://events.indieweb.org/RPPFzlAKm73H
jeremycherfas joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+170) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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Wrong channel
[tantek]1, nolith3 and ben_thatmust joined the channel
Which 0-tracking privacy-first preferably self-hosted tool for managing #newsletters could you recommend? #indieWeb
created /User:Hoschi-it.de (+611) "Write something about myself."
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genehack joined the channel
↩️ Thanks for the interest! We're confident in Bridgy's scaling and capacity, but we also definitely want more backfeed tools! (Other actual implementations, not just Bridgy instances.) https://indieweb.org/backfeed Btw, we'd love to see your web site when it's back up!
[tantek] joined the channel
This felt resonant especially with "IndieWeb as a movement" https://twitter.com/NickGreenergy/status/1369728463788269568
>150 attendees. @robintransition reminds us “MLK Jr taught us that any movement — any culture — will fail if it cannot paint a picture of a world that people will want to go to. Not just a survivable world, but a nature-rich world in which our children and grandchildren thrive” https://twitter.com/nickgreenergy/status/1369699035574059014
[KevinMarks] and [fluffy] joined the channel
↩️ IndieWeb dev chat is one such place: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2021-03-10#bottom But it still seems like RSS needs some kind of community forum.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
This thread actually prompts another question: where can I go to talk about RSS? Is there a Discord I can join? A mailing list? A blog comment section? Would love to know where people with experience working with RSS hang out. https://twitter.com/mrled/status/1369419333613613059