#meta 2021-04-10
2021-04-10 UTC
[KevinMarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
# You'll never be good at something if you never do it. Sounds trite, but I meet a lot of UX designers who think they'll never be good at visual design. Or designers who believe they could never be writers. You might suck when you start, but the only way up is through. ( twitter.com/_/status/1110111047275298817)
Salt[m], [tantek], enpo, nolith3, mindranger[m], Saphire, BinyaminGreen[m], reed, jjuran, GWG, mattl, aaronpk, Kaja, rsheftel, alex11, vilhalmer, petermolnar_, lahacker, IWSlackGateway, danyao, prtksxna, sknebel, sebbu, strugee, Ruxton, deathrow1, fredcy_, aciccarello[m], jamietanna[m], bw3, JackyAlcin[m] and nertzy joined the channel
[scojjac] and [schmarty] joined the channel
# Yes please let's grow the #IndieWeb! https://bit.ly/3dOimjz #Webmentions ( twitter.com/_/status/1380927065524932617)
# Looks like @digitalmappa is a cool project. I wonder how well this might make for a platform for #DoOO/ #IndieWeb / #annotation?
I came across it α₯ https://twitter.com/whitneytrettien/status/1379891816514867201
where it sounds like an off-label use.
Does anyone else have experience with it?
https://boffosocko.com/2021/04/09/55789713/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1380933094719451136)
[schmarty], enpo, aaronpk, rsheftel and Kaja joined the channel
# Reinventing Twitter, but with freestyle emoji reactions and proper bookmarks (including annotations) that get stored on your website, based on RSS and the Indieweb, with headless WordPress acting as your content hub. That's all, good night. ( twitter.com/_/status/1380984197477761027)
# I have many memories from conferences.
The most memorable is recent, when I was speaking about #IndieWeb and more precisely #POSSE at @ParisWeb in 2019, with @adactio in the audience! βΊοΈ
We had been table neighbors during the speakers' dinner, also a great pleasure. ( twitter.com/_/status/1380992334981177352)
[schmarty], [Rose], [tw2113_Slack_] and [tantek] joined the channel