#meta 2021-04-20

2021-04-20 UTC
The amazing thing about NFTs is that they are built on blockchain so the records are open and permanent and in no way will that digital art NFT you bought end up on the Indieweb site deaths list. https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk: jamietanna left you a message 4 hours, 50 minutes ago: looks like chat.indieweb.org is being rejected by Chrome 89 as it's not got a cert that's on the certificate transparency list?
looks like we got a new cert this morning
[kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
edited /Micropub/Servers (+204) "/* Kirby */ add Kirby 3 plugin"
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edited /User:Sebastiangreger.net (+549) "Update Kirby setup and list of Indieweb-related blog posts"
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edited /Linktree (+19) "/* Alternatives */ Willow"
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edited /Linktree (+98) "/* Alternatives */"
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edited /Linktree (+4) "/* Alternatives */"
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edited /Linktree (+24) "/* Alternatives */"
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[Kasper_Zutterm], [Murray], [Rose] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
edited /Clubhouse (+265) "Extended definition + added links to See Also"
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↩️ You'll have a ball with it, methinks. I am right now on http://indieweb.social and http://open.tube. Follow @cambridgeport90@open.tube and @cambridgeport90@indieweb.social. I will let you know when that changes, though, for it will.
[schmarty] and petermolnar joined the channel
Yikes yikes yikes that open dot tube homepage
Oh gosh
yea I would not make an account there
there is no such thing as a neutral platform
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
[tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
oh, wow. I'd love to believe this is a parody, but it very much looks like it's not
well then I won't link to it as a js;dr example 😛
Instead I'll record their js;dr unstyled text content here:
You are blocking Javascript, and we totally get that. However this endpoint uses Angular, so the front end is in full JavaScript and won't work without it.
"There will be other non JS-based clients to access PeerTube, but for now none is available. Be sure we will update this page with a list once alternative clients are developed. You can certainly develop you own in the meantime as our code is open source and libre software under GNU AGPLv3.0.
"There might be numerous reasons you refuse to use JavaScript. If it has just to do with security (or lack thereof) of JavaScript-based webapps, then depending on your threat menace you might want to go through the code running on the node you are trying to access, and look for security audits."
end quote
very odd to tell users to look for security audits 🤔
[snarfed] joined the channel
wow that's a thing
[manton], [chrisaldrich] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
For those of you who use Webmentions, what's something you'd like to see/understand/explore more? The @indiewebcamp community is holding a small event related to that! https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/webmentions-beyond-webmention-io-zG4JpHhZShVA
jamietanna and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
does anyone know if Micro.blog supports posting events? Looking at a replacement for a blog/event site and wondering if m.b is suitable or maybe WordPress would do it
if not, I think meetable is something you could look into as well
So I guess to rephrase - we're looking into whether https://technottingham.com/ could be replaced with something IndieWeb backed, to allow us to take advantage of POSSE to Meetup, more easily posting tweets to Twitter, blog posts etc, rather than it just being events
jamietanna: Someday, I'd love it if Nottingham had an open house. I'd show up to meet the locals. Or just chat with you.
edited /IndieAuth (+271) "/* IndieAuth Providers */"
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oooh hm
jamietanna: Maybe someday there will be another IWC in the UK and I can stop by
[tantek]: That reminds me, we should get on that Organizer's Popup.
In terms of picking a date
Yeah that'd be cool, not sure if the timing would work though, it may be a bit early for you folks
jamietanna[m]: I used to get up at 4AM to remote into IWC Dusseldorf and such
Haha, that's dedication
if I didn't have stupid 9am meetings I'd attend US HWCs (since the EU ones collide with other events...)
jamietanna[m]: Europeans attended the US timezone ones as well.
I remember putting Zegnat up on a screen many times
jeremy, [manton] and alex11 joined the channel
↩️ This has been the obvious trend from the start of Substack. While useful now, it will just be another evil silo we could have avoided had we heeded @kevinmarks & @indiewebcamp folks. But hey, maybe someone now will re-invent widgets and it will be 2000 all over again :)
This has been the obvious trend from the start of Substack. While useful now, it will just be another evil silo we could have avoided had we heeded @kevinmarks & @indiewebcamp folks. But hey, maybe someone now will re-invent widgets and it will be 2000 all over again :)
↩️ how does substack provide a blogging culture? (I follow substack blogs with RSS feeds, so they fit in my indieweb blogging culture, but not sure how @HeerJeet sees that)
jamietanna: Just noticed your Micro.blog question… Posting events isn’t something I’ve thought about much yet. I guess you’d need to add the events markup to a post yourself if you wanted people to be able to RSVP to it, and then Micro.blog could handle receiving Webmentions. Although it doesn’t aggregate RSVPs like events.indieweb.org. It can POSSE to Twitter, LinkedIn, and others, but not Meetup.
jamietanna joined the channel
Thanks Manton, that's good to know! Is the Twitter+LinkedIn syndication custom, or would I be able to hook it up to Bridgy? (as Bridgy's Meetup publishing is on my TODO list, likely as part of this)
[tantek] joined the channel
jamietanna: It’s custom, but you can keep it disabled and use Bridgy instead. (The only thing that doesn’t work with Bridgy right now is pulling e.g. tweets _from_ Twitter, but sending posts out to social networks should be fine.)
cool, may look into that as an option then :) thanks Manton!
No problem, good luck!
[Rose] and tomlarkworthy joined the channel
^ whoa! is that via OwnYourSwarm aaronpk?
good question!
ah it is!
jjuran, [girrodocus] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel