#meta 2021-04-21

2021-04-21 UTC
[kimberlyhirsh], [tantek] and Loqi joined the channel
welcome back Loqi
IWSlackGateway and aaronpk joined the channel
i am back
aaronpk: Did they make you migrate? I had that two weeks ago
Glad to have you back
[tantek] joined the channel
gives Loqi a poke
Thanks, [tantek]!
poking is for social networks, trout slapping is for IRC :P
Ruxton: Reminds me of the good old days
what did the trout ever do to deserve slapping?
Someone should interview Khaled and ask where /slap came from
edited /colophon (+72) "Add example of ciccarello.me"
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[grantcodes], Ruxton, [KevinMarks] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ Mostly solving community and IndieWeb/Fediverse problems; creating clients for more of the newer WC3 standards (webmention, activityPub, Micropub, and so on), of which we don't have enough.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
When is IWC london?
IndieWebCamp London 2020 is March 14-15, 2020 in London, UK; the first IndieWebCamp in London https://indieweb.org/IWC_London
Rats. Happen to have a potential opening this evening, and cannot use it.
I definitely like the “rolling up” of recent posts functionality added to http://Indieweb.xyz – cool. (https://simply.personal.jenett.org/981-2/)
It's March 417, 2020 (UTC)
[fluffy] and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
jeremycherfas we should have HWC next week : ) hopefully you can make it!
Thanks, but highly unlikely. In the general run of things, I just cannot manage the time. Occasionally, I am on my own in the evenings. But I will always try.
alex11 joined the channel
↩️ OK so here is a demo of using IndieAuth to boot a Firebase Auth session. Cool thing discovered is that Firebase sessions have their own refresh tokens so the short lived IndieAuth token becomes a long lived Firebase session. https://observablehq.com/@endpointservices/indieweb-login-for-firebase
[Murray], [tantek], [KevinMarks], [chrisaldrich] and [raph_l] joined the channel
It's HWC America tonight. Who is in?
when is HWC America?
alex11 joined the channel
petermolnar: 6pm Pacific
oh I didn't see your question, aaronpk, but I put it to confirmed!
[chrisaldrich] I don't even understand what Google Sites (classic) is, vs. non-classic. I got an email from them too and pretty sure I never set one up?
GWG: yeah, not going to happen, that's 2am for me
tbh if we could run two events for both sides of the pond, I'd love it
would have to do a merge of thoughts out of band
My brief understanding was that they'd purchased some previous company which they renamed and set up with some modest changes. Later on Google revamped to the new Google Sites, which is still in operation now.
Apparently they're mothballing all the old sites many going back a decade or so. Supposedly they're rolling up the content for people and stuffing it into Google checkout for everyone. From what I've heard one can then redeploy this back to the new Google Sites set up. [jgmac1106] may have more experience with the classic version. It was pretty popular as a free option in the education space for a long time.
petermolnar: What else are you doing at 2am?
We got [KevinMarks] to show up a few times
[snarfed] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
What happens to the old google sites post transition? Do they still work if you do/don't update?
Only when there's noöne else in the house to keep awake
[KevinMarks]: petermolnar doesn't have to know that. trying to motivate him
[pfefferle] joined the channel
created /User:Ag.eitilt.life (+187) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Sam May |url = https://ag.eitilt.life/ |photo_url = |pronouns = |summary = |elsewhere = [https://github.com/ag-eitilt GitHub] |contact = |chatname...""
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
New Google Sites is less HTML than old Google Sites,
that's the big difference, make it less like the web
tomlarkworthy joined the channel
↩️ Ja, die Leute von indieweb machen schöne Sachen, manchmal würde ich gern dorthin umziehen.
[KevinMarks] and jjuran joined the channel