#meta 2021-05-22

2021-05-22 UTC
samwilson, opal, lahacker, [chrisaldrich], petermolnar_, gRegorLove, justBull, nolith4, lanodan, nertzy, danyao, Salt[m], fredcy_, JackyAlcin[m], astralbijection[, jamietanna[m], ytqb[m], [chee], tweet[m], edsu and reed joined the channel
re sknebel "protected": You got me thinking. So I see two problems, both around indieweb(.org) & indiewebcamps. The first is, as terrible as it sounds, a trademark issue, but there the question is: would it be a problem is another entity shows up, organising indiewebcamps? If yes, or if we care, is there anything in place to "claim" indiewebcamps as ours?
The other is the indieweb.org domain & wiki, but if I'm correct, the content on the wiki is CC0, so that's that, which leaves indieweb.org - it's not THE cornerstone of any of indieweb, but seemingly what happened to freenode is that someone sold the domain, and the whole shitshow is a result of that.
general sentiment was "effective protection is uselessly expensive, and generally if an organisation can be avoided that avoids lots of hassle"
although "who has access to what in case of emergencies" etc probably is worth another look
(general sentiment at the last organizers event where the topic came up, at least of the ones I took part in)
re libera infra: matrix.org has announced that a bridge is in the works
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Name collision we have already seen with ind.ie
[dianoetic_net] joined the channel
Sharing some feedback about the getting started page: https://fosstodon.org/@Macroz/106263096549083013
barnabywalters joined the channel
thanks [dianoetic_net]!
barnabywalters_, lanodan, opal, [Sia_Karamalego], Seirdy, [KevinMarks] and [dianoetic_net] joined the channel; lanodan left the channel