tantek.comedited /challenges (+1386) "/* Citations to process */ add inline links to recent quote for better context, note selfdogfood already replaced in principles, other processing of points" (view diff)
waterpigs.co.ukedited /IndieAuth (+509) "/* Why does IndieAuth require separate authorization and token endpoints? */ expanded with info from Aaron" (view diff)
[tantek]barnabywalters, re: microformats facilitation, moving things along, how familiar are you with the processes we have in place for mf2 parser issues and mf2 vocab issues (and how they're different)?
[tantek]I ask because without that familiarity, there is too high of a likelihood of getting "agreement" in a meeting on something without actually having taken the necessary (agreed upon and essential for various methodological reasons) steps
[tantek]it's ok to facilitate from a position of unfamiliarity, as long as you are conscious of that and take care of walking folks through such unfamiliar things
[tantek]in a broader sense, we are all at various stages of learning / expertise, and the important thing is being very cognizant of where you are yourself so you can do the best in context
barnabywalterswell, I’m happy to participate in the session in any capacity. Would prefer not to be the one running things due to my absence, but would fulfil that social role and defer to others for process decisions if necessary
barnabywalterseh, I think there’s a big difference in rigour required for defining an optional extension to a protocol, and making changes to a mf2 vocabulary
barnabywalters[tantek]: re mf wiki troll fatigue: I’m curious to what degree the lack of recent activity on /issues is to do with troll burnout compared to that page being about vocabs which aren’t actively worked on any more
barnabywaltersnavigating the mf wiki, I do wonder if it’s starting to suffer a little from classic microformats topics living in the top level, and mf2 stuff mostly being namespaced behind microformats2-* pages
[tantek]barnabywalters, once troll burnout happened, it was enough for the regulars in the community to slowly start showing up less often, then fade away, then things got stuck in their state
[tantek]btw this is why a bunch of us early on put up very specific barriers in the IndieWeb community to discourage certain kinds of "drive-by" "entitled talker" participants
[tantek]we literally discouraged "entitled talker" types by making it clear that they would be considered "beginner" participants, and entitled talkers never want to think of themselves that way so they mostly self-selected out
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