#rj3000[m]peace. I viewed [tantek] 's contribution to a #dontgobacktonormal launch event from june 2020 archived here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxka-e58-jo . particular remarks about 'framing', 'power mapping', perhaps 'polycentrism' [my word], and 'dismantling partiarchy and white supremacy' captured my attention and sympathies. also the imperative to follow best practices to protect personal privacy and security for individual
#rj3000[m]participants in digital spaces. I was hoping to schedule a brief video call with tantek in the next week or so to speak in greater depth about the journey around these issues, all quite acute in my work establishing a global cooperative community around music streaming. peace. https://resonate.coop forum: https://community.resonate.is rich at resonate dot is