#meta 2021-07-26

2021-07-26 UTC
jeremycherfas, stevestreza and Saphire joined the channel
edited /on_this_day (+274) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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[pfefferle] joined the channel
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /on_this_day (+158) "/* Alan Levine */ added Ton's site as example"
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I have to update that page as I spun my code out into its own plugin
justache, [jacky], rockorager, angelo, [schmarty] and [fluffy] joined the channel
jeremycherfas joined the channel
my tl;dr: I like the overall approach, very much missing a "core values" or "principles" or other mission/vision statement thing as a method of unifying a community beyond "the people that happen to show up" or "the people that have always made it work"
absent explicit values / principles / mission / vision, it ends up strongly biasing towards giving more governance power to much more highly privileged folks
[aciccarello] joined the channel
I agree it's important. I'm not sure that it fits github's vision of "minimum" or "viable" though. Also, considering the Drop ICE protesting I doubt GitHub wants to encourage principled software development.
rockorager, angelo and nertzy_ joined the channel
yeah. governance without values/principles is not "viable" IMO.