#meta 2021-09-05

2021-09-05 UTC
Seirdy joined the channel
edited /Nextdoor (+328) "add blockquote"
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A Case For The IndieWeb — Smashing Magazine https://bit.ly/3m7sxSn #WordPress #WebDesign #WebDevelopment #WordPressDevelopment #WordPressDesign #WebDeveloper #WebDesigner
↩️ You’d fit in well with the indieweb movement of not already familiar. Data ownership specifically
[jeremycherfas] and [jeffrey_miller] joined the channel
created /IndieWeb_Search (+142) "prompted by capjamesg[d] and dfn added by capjamesg[d]"
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Saphire, kimberlyhirsh[d] and strugee joined the channel
created /index (+999) "stub; definition; examples; see also"
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[chrisaldrich]++ that's a pretty neat page! did you also consider making an index list of all the person-mentions from your posts?
[chrisaldrich] has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (47 in all channels)
will redir that to #indieweb since it's on topic