#meta 2021-09-04

2021-09-04 UTC
[snarfed], [chrisaldrich], [KevinMarks], [benatwork], [Rose], [schmarty], [grantcodes] and [Matt_Maldre] joined the channel
Was just reading the requirements for going to Germany and looking at the flights
GWG, indeed, I think proof of vax + neg preflight test right?
on another subject, [chrisaldrich] I wonder if we can glean enough about "curate" / "curation" from existing wiki pages to stub something
[tantek]: Actually, if I read it, Germany doesn't require a test if vaccinated, but the US needs one on return
It is.
jjuran, voxpelli and sebbu joined the channel
↩️ As usual y’all need to see what the indieweb folks have been doing for years with rel=“me” links
↩️ Indieweb/bridgy is too high up the stack for decentralization. It always seemed a bastardized attempt to force decentralization on reluctant tech giants. IF DID is the path forward, it probably pains him with all the work he put into the other stuff.
Well that was not the thread I thought that was in reply to 😂😂😂
I think that guy thinks Tantek made bridgy?
Ok who is running that account
[tantek]: How do you do that thing where you and snarfed are in the same room at the same time?
organize an HWC SF in the 2013-2015 time period
[Serena] joined the channel
↩️ Have a look at http://www.kevinmarks.com/distributed-verify.html And put the rel=me links back on twitter profiles please, you made us have to special case you as a silo. https://indieweb.org/rel-me
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/6thgrade4ever/status/1433519577892327424" to the "See Also" section of /single_point_of_aaron https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=76799&oldid=76163
↩️ one poorly documented aspect of the genesis of web 3 that I can recount from experience is that many early contributors were pursuing #indieweb non financialized alts at the beginning of the 10s and they migrated over because those projects, while ambitious, were not sustainable
↩️ The upcoming @indiewebcamp "Gardens and Streams" event looks promising, and I RSVPd, hoping I can make it for at least part of the day: https://events.indieweb.org/2021/09/gardens-and-streams-ii-pPUbyYME33V4
Is that Blue Sky comp not just redesigning rel=me?
I don’t get why rel=me would not win.
not enough blockchain
[fluffy] joined the channel
not enough math to flex your CPU
also what are financialized alts? I didn’t understand that tweet at all
[manton] joined the channel
I followed that blue sky link, is https://blueskyweb.org/satellite for real? rel=me is anything, but new, for PGP there has been DNS based solutions for decades. Why does this question even exist?
Because blockchain
Rather than Proof Of Work or Proof Of Stake, URL based identity works on Proof Of Payment
POP — great name for a protocol!
Seirdy joined the channel
I’ll wait for the third revision of it