#meta 2021-09-14

2021-09-14 UTC
edited /email (+249) "/* Ecosystem discriminates against indie servers */"
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edited /email (+2) "/* Ecosystem discriminates against indie servers */"
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jeremycherfas, maxwelljoslyn[d], sebbu and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
↩️ Yeah, and the only time zone and format one really should have to remember online is the UGT ;) https://indieweb.org/Universal_Greeting_Time
Why did I wait this long to add a turbo-frame for webmention approval? So much nicer. #IndieWeb #Tanzawa
what is a turbo-frame?
It looks like we don't have a page for "turbo-frame" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "turbo-frame is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Pretty sure it's one of these: https://turbo.hotwired.dev/reference/frames (may be wrong, never used Turbo, just that's the context I see this in most)
it the same as AHAH, but with framework support?
↩️ Andy also kindly reminds us that Gardens and Streams II is coming up on September 25th. If you're interested in these tools for thought on the web, do come join us. #DigitalGarden #GardensAndStreams #EdTech (http://boffosocko.com/2021/09/14/55795746/?replytocom=337196#respond) https://events.indieweb.org/2021/09/gardens-and-streams-ii-pPUbyYME33V4
just to be clear, we're not using TravisCI for any of our public repos right?
how does one even verify this?
we were for a bunch of them
but they shut down the free accounts
rockorager joined the channel
edited /blockchain (+70) "finish blockquote"
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GWG, aaronpk, note the recent tweets from a11yclub on Twitter, about a mini-meetup the day after Beyond Telerand in Düsseldorf: https://twitter.com/a11yclub
Are you going, [tantek]?
GWG, trying to provide more info as I find it
looks like Joschi (jkphl in the tweet) is arranging for a half day Accessibility Club from noon-4pm and we could do a half-day IWC day 1 right afterwards at the same venue 4pm-7pm with informal small group discussions continued at some outdoor eating/drinking establishment in the area
thinking is to have a very brief welcome by organizers (CoC, housekeeping), then session planning and 2-3 breakout sessions.
the advantage of a 4pm-7pm half day for day 1 is that would be US timezone friendly for remote participation
and then day 2 create day
thoughts? GWG, aaronpk, [Jeremy_Keith], anyone else who may be able to make it or is going to Beyond Tellerand?
If I decide to go, I would add the day. Also have never seen DUS
I don't know at btConf. I need a pitch for that. Never been
GWG, It's where I gave the "Take Back Your Web" closing keynote in 2019
Marc Thiele (the organizer) is a long time IndieWeb supporter and always gets a great set of speakers
Would I like it?
Depends on what kind of conferences & speakers you like!
I like Indiewebcamps
Is this a lock yet?
nothing is a "lock", this is all incremental information in progress as we figure it out
I meant everything but IWC
Beyond Tellerand itself looks pretty solid: https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/dusseldorf-2021
So, what's the next step
Maybe I'll focus on the IndieAuth popup and research Dusseldorf tourism on my vacation next week
edited /Planning (+472) "/* Dusseldorf */ update details communicated with Marc and Joschi today, and update from BT site"
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edited /Planning (+471) "/* Dusseldorf */ capture next steps rather than just in chat"
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GWG, was going to say: next step is confirming venue & venue details with Marc (e.g. number of breakout rooms, windows to open for ventilation), and maybe figuring out a spot nearby for the informal small gatherings the evening of 2021-11-10, then decided to add it to the wiki
Perhaps a hotel where we can all isolate
Still torn between desire and rational panic
sayanarijit[d] joined the channel