#meta 2021-09-20

2021-09-20 UTC
nertzy, IWSlackGateway and Seirdy joined the channel
#indieweb theory of content silos https://indieweb.org/silos -- in contrast to self publishing
↩️ indieweb publishing software design principles https://indieweb.org/Principles
Seirdy, Loqi, diegov, jamietanna and Jack1 joined the channel
edited /IndieWeb_Search (+17) "/* IndieWeb link weights */"
(view diff)
grantcodes[d] joined the channel
Playing around with an IndieWeb avatar service, feed it a URL and it returns the avatar/icon for that site. I rely on Twitter avatars way too much, trying to move away from that. e.g. https://v1.indieweb-avatar.11ty.dev/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.a11yproject.com%2F/ Code: https://github.com/11ty/api-indieweb-avatar Live demo: https://www.11ty.dev/speedlify/
That idea is genius ^
Would anyone be up for a pop up session on web search (that might touch on but would not be specifically for the IndieWeb search project I am working on).
I’d love to riff on tantek’s distributed crawler idea, what existing search engines get wrong regarding representing personal websites, and really anything else search related.
Adding search to your site, image search, etc.
I’ll add something to the wiki if there is at least one other interested party.
nertzy joined the channel
the old google favicon service is still up though it only returns 16x16 ones - eg https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=twitter.com
11ty/api-indieweb-avatar: Return an optimized avatar image from a domain name input. https://github.com/11ty/api-indieweb-avatar
@CofoundryCMS sounds like a good area for new Micropub and webmention standards support... not to mention, #indieweb post kinds as custom entities? thoughts from the Indieweb community?
kimberlyhirsh[d], [snarfed], IWSlackGateway2, [tw2113_Slack_], [fluffy] and Seirdy joined the channel