[tantek]also there's over a month between now and the proposed date. I'm optimistic with current trends that it'll be close enough to 80%, and considering the demographic of folks attending (which has other issues, don't get me wrong), there's a high likelihood of much higher than 80% vaxed folks in actual attendance. Wouldn't surprise me if it was like 99% in practice.
[tantek]that's been in the papers a lot recently, let me see if I can find something, though as that's not really applicable to an upcoming IWC, I'll take it to #indieweb-chat
[chrisaldrich]Uploading the photo for gardens and streams that we caught only at the very end... wish had remembered to do it after the intro session....
[chrisaldrich]I think it's because it's pulling data from IndieNews which got the bookmark from my site. Somehow IndieNews doesn't pull the original title from within my bookmark.
petermolnarI completely agree that "Why have your own website" and "Why Indie Web" are too washed together, and I'd like to propose of splitting them. "Why have your own website" != "Why Indie Web" - a website can be one's hub/home/portfolio without any indieweb building blocks.
petermolnarLooking at today's image/video centric feeds, that page also needs graphic examples for many points: eg. a collage of very different looking personal sites under the design/self-expression points that in high contrast with a social network profile.
petermolnarMaybe we could compose an alternative to /why, which separates website/indieweb, and on the next level (h3 to be specific) separates the bullet points/reasonings per audience? And by audience I mean more of what might be driving one, like urge of self-expression, a design challenge, wanting to learn, etc.
petermolnarin 1999 my motivation was generic curiosity, then it became technical curiosity, and I've learnt so many things through having a web presence. Today it's more about wanting to have something I control and that actually looks the way I more or less want my site to look.
petermolnarbut there must be so many more movitations; I'm just hoping we could group them in a reasonable manner, and have the headings based on that.
jamesg.blogcreated /why_brainstorming (+2046) "Created page with "{{stub}} <span class="p-summary">'''<dfn>Why Brainstorming</dfn>''' is a page where we can brainstorm ideas for what content we should include on our /why page, a page of sig..."" (view diff)
[KevinMarks]1I'd like to push back a little bit on this distinction -if you have your own website that is IndieWeb, so it's "why have your own site?" and "what extra features can indieweb help with?"
capjamesg[d]At the moment I don't think that's clear on the /why page. We don't make a clear statement that says having any sort of site that you own makes you a part of the community.
capjamesg[d]I think the intent for indiewebify.me is different. That site appears to be more focused on actual IndieWeb goals which feels like a stage after you have decided that you actually want a site.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2021-10-01.html