#meta 2021-10-02

2021-10-02 UTC
edited /Web_3.0 (+419) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/fanf42/status/1443470387560525827" to "See Also""
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capjamesg[d], exactly! motivation vs actions
why vs how to (as sections on many pages too)
capjamesg[d] continuing from #indieweb, re "feedback from a friend (who can code)", tbh the /why page should focus on *non* coder perspectives, most of the stuff there is already very coder-centric
we may want to make a different page split, and create a /why-for-developers page or something like that that is targeted at folks who are up for or want to code a bit
#indieweb.org I'm not sure if endearing,or perhaps just byproduct of the thing it is, it's intent/counterculture; but the number of dead links, and stale content is a tad disheartening.
define "stale"
hmm, more concerned about the dead links
also interesting hashdomain tag
i’ll go remove my angelfire based Mulder fan site 😉 😄
maybe it's the remaining kylewm (in IndieWeb Examples sections) or woodwind links, we really should do a clean-up on those.
[tantek]: We have a lot of pages with dated information we should update
GWG, you realize the challenges inherent in that statement right?
[tantek]: Yes. I'm wondering if there is a way to address it.
At least on the pages that are people's regular community gateways.
Or encourage changing the way we do IndieWeb Examples on pages
The standard phrasing for examples is, "____ supports ___ as of ____. Maybe it should be, implemented?
do you mean "implemented" instead of "supports"?
A lot of the examples are about features
as they should be
The tense.
Here's another one. "Eddie Hinkle uses..."
"Sven Knebel is building"
the IndieWeb Examples are expected to be live, not historical
But over time, they cease to be.
So, how do we overcome that.
that's what "Past Examples" are for
But we'll never keep up to date on that.
the key is to encourage folks to move them as they encounter examples that no longer work
e.g. if you're writing consuming code and checking / trying examples, when one doesn't work, move it
I think most people a) don't realize this is a wiki, and b) if they do, they don't feel empowered to edit it
the latter is true with Wikipedia as well
alex11 and maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
edited /h-feed (+21) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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What will the internet look like in 25 years? It depends on us, we must preserve history and spread free and independent access to information #451 #1984 #2046 #Farenheit451 #freedom #independence @internetarchive @indiewebcamp https://wayforward.archive.org/ia2046/
Hey @marcoarment Has something changed in Overcast back end? I am getting errors like `file_get_contents(): Failed to enable crypto` from my all data XML file. Maybe part of that root certificate thing, which I confess I do not fully understand. #indieweb
Memicme, [marksuth], macaw, capablecable[d], [snarfed], [jgmac1106] and johs1 joined the channel
edited /otp (+19) "shorten dfn, put disambig in dfn for easier what is discovery"
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created /one_time_password (+52) "for now, until someone creates, abstracts, expands a separate page on one time password"
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edited /otp (-95) "de-dup a little, fix link"
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edited /Time-based_One-time_Password_Algorithm (+706) "One Time Password section, krebs article on OTP interception bots/services"
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edited /Web_3.0 (+430) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/mortenmertner/status/1443597799552126981" to "See Also""
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edited /Web_3.0 (+90) "rm extra See Also headings from Loqi, cc: aaronpk. moved a few See Alsos into other sections"
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lol i need to fix that
edited /Instagram (+433) "note criticism, IG and eating disorder targeting"
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edited /finsta (+31) "article mentions vs see also"
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edited /robots (+239) "silo examples / twitter bots, chat bots, wiki bots, move brainstorming examples which are real verifiable examples into other sections"
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just a little gardening combined with closing some tabs
edited /Fastly (+191) "Bloomberg article"
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