#meta 2021-10-04

2021-10-04 UTC
[timothy_chambe], maxwelljoslyn[d], [fluffy] and alex11 joined the channel
The funny thing about this is that those saved files have a better chance of being around in ten years than the NFTs themselves. https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
I mean, I'm ok with people lighting their own money on fire, just please don't light the planet on fire at the same time.
↩️ it's true that it's not good to let google/facebook/twitter be an oligopoly of identity brokers, but the solution is having web space that you unequivocally control, and using that to anchor other accounts. the "rel=me" microformat is key here. https://indieweb.org/rel-me
[New Event] www.jvt.me created "Oct 13, 2021 5:30pm Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham" https://events.indieweb.org/P9xE0w648Lqz
↩️ Netlify is what I always recommend folks do and pair it with a static site generator like Hugo or Eleventy. I run #HomebrewWebsiteClub (https://events.indieweb.org/2021/10/homebrew-website-club-nottingham-P9xE0w648Lqz) as a meetup to get stuck into building your personal website if you're interested ☺ (https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2021/10/nihzq/)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
This has been blowing my mind since I read it but not just because of the absolute gonzo nature of the facts in evidence, but because it is so powerful of an illustration of how “crypto people” completely fail to understand the problems in “centralized systems” https://twitter.com/zemnmez/status/1443821271045845005
↩️ Some useful links: My website, just for fun :D https://jamesg.blog Homebrew Website Club: https://events.indieweb.org
↩️ +1 on everything @JamieTanna said. I like using Jekyll because it has a simple syntax and I find it easy to use. (#HomebrewWebsiteClub meetings are great places to discuss these sorts of questions!)
Seirdy, [Grant_Hutchins] and Ramon[d] joined the channel
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
↩️ No, I meant Micropub, which is an open API standard for publishing posts. There are plugins for a lot of cms, so you could reach a lot more people by implementing this: https://indieweb.org/Micropub (Also I don't seem to get notification on replies, sorry for the late response)
stephenajulu, diegov, mambang[m] and cadeyrn[d] joined the channel
edited /Facebook (+1216) "/* Downtime */"
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edited /Facebook (+23) "/* 2021-10-04 */"
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edited /Facebook (+291) "/* 2021-10-04 */"
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edited /Facebook (+610) "/* 2021-10-04 */"
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My blog is not down either: https://jamesg.blog You can continue to consume my coffee and tech writing without issue. #indieweb #ownyourdata
↩️ I went to my own site to point it out ;) which is also what @aaronpk did. What you’re seeing on Twitter is merely a syndicated copy, for those who use Twitter as their reader, AKA POSSE: https://indieweb.org/POSSE This reply is also from my site. https://tantek.com/t5F42
macaw joined the channel
created /devoops (+96) "prompted by sknebel and dfn added by sknebel"
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edited /post (+71) "/* Why post */ why post on a company blog"
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edited /post (+0) "move tweet"
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[tantek] great response!
this is what we call a teachable moment 😄
Today is a good day to remind you of a website first strategy for your content. If your business is only on a FB or IG site, today is probably a bad day for you. #indieweb #onlineautonomy
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
and @agaric would like to offer them all websites at a reasonable cost— unlike Facebook, we won't take your privacy and your sense of dignity! Seriously, i hope https://indieweb.org/ proponents are getting some attention right now.
Instagram may be down, but my photo grid on my website is looking sharp! https://aaronparecki.com/photos #indieweb
Kein Facebook, kein Instagram, kein WhatsApp – eigentlich ganz angenehm. Was mir aber dann immer einfällt: Ich müsste wirklich mal alle Fotos schön Indieweb-mäßig bei mir selber hosten.
Seirdy0 joined the channel
↩️ Facebook is very likely running fine, just no one can reach it. All your content is still there but this shows why we cannot trust centralized repositories, running on proprietary code, for profit and not for us. Check out https://joinmastodon.org/ and #IndieWeb and #LibreSaaS
↩️ Also, peep @jackyalcine who’s been on top of IndieWeb, specifically as it applies to Blk people.
jacky++ retweets been on point today
jacky has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
If you have any decent presence online you really should have a website of your own that you control, maybe a mailing list or some other direct ways to communicate to your followers and own the relationship with your audience. The #IndieWeb is out there waiting for you.
Seirdy joined the channel
↩️ I miss myspace! Met my wife on there too.
So, is http://indieweb.org @indiewebcamp finally going to take off now, or are we all going to go back to AOL, GeoCities, and MySpace? @FreedomBoxFndn anyone? #facebookdown
WhatsApp, Facebook and instagram are down. My personal websites aren’t. Just saying… #indieweb
^ might be a good day to post about the next HWC, IWC pop-up session etc. cc: GWG
I can, but how do I get the message out? Not sure I have a following
↩️ What one can do right now: Build ones indie web presence, bringing ones blog/site closer to become a full fledged Facebook replacement https://indieweb.org
Jeremy and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
You know what's not down? My #homepage, my #email , and my #xmpp messaging through my own server. So instead of waiting for #facebookdown #instagramdisabled #whatsappdown and #gmaildown to come back let's rebuild the Old Internet! #decentralize #indieweb
edburns[d] joined the channel
The goal of indieWeb is simple: own your own content Third party service can go down anytime
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
[snarfed] joined the channel
Instagram might be down but, don’t panic, you can still see my Instagram photos on my website https://leotsem.com/photos/ thanks to #indieweb. Crisis averted.
↩️ 10. Mai 2012 in Deutschland. Erinnert ihr euch?! Da hilft auch kein Indieweb ;-)
↩️ 10. Mai 2010 in Deutschland. Erinnert ihr euch?! Da hilft auch kein Indieweb ;-)
#InternetShutDown is why I've been working on transferring all my data from social media sites to http://mary.codes. I downloaded all my data from Instagram yesterday to make my own photo gallery. I want to own all my data following @indiewebcamp principles.
[Event Updated] david.shanske.com updated "Oct 6, 2021 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - The Americas" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/297/history/916/diff
[Event Updated] david.shanske.com updated "Oct 13, 2021 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - The Americas" changed description https://events.indieweb.org/event/298/history/917/diff
^^^ yo, HWC organizers, NOW is the time to promote HWC on your website, and POSSE to Twitter with #internetShutdown, #indieweb etc.
also IWC Create Day this weekend!
[tantek]: Me, I think
GWG, can you state that clearly in the description?
Also, needs an upfront code-of-conduct statement
treat it like an IWC description in that regards
I'll update it now, or, assuming my dinner arrives before I finish, after dinner
e.g. not everything from here, but at least the "Participating" and "Organizers" sections in a sentence or two: https://indieweb.org/2020/Austin
People want to know who is running something
People want to know will they feel safe or not (absence of even mention of a code of conduct = perception of being unsafe for many people)
GWG, once updated, then I'd say today is a very good day to promote it on your website and POSSEing to Twitter
I heard some social networks were down. As long as I have my website, my social network is always running. If you’re interested, join the #indieweb community on Wednesday at 6PM Eastern/9PM Pacific for Homebrew Website Club, or this weekend for Create… https://dshanske.com/t/1Su
um that's backwards in the timezones
[Event Updated] david.shanske.com updated "Oct 9, 2021 9:00am IndieWeb Create Day" changed code_of_conduct_url, description "Add organizer and CoC" https://events.indieweb.org/event/285/history/918/diff
[tantek]: It's my post, it is rightwards for me.
It's 9AM on the event.
That begs the question what is correct in the text of talking about an online event you are attending
Should you talk about the timezone the event is in, or relative to you?
GWG, the text of your message is incorrect: "6PM Eastern/9PM Pacific" are not the same time
Oh, oops
that's worth a delete & re-POSSE
Brid.gy can't update, alas.
you have to do it manually from your own site
Now I have to log into twitter
delete the POSSE tweet, change the slug of your original post, re-run Bridgy
has had to do a delete-tweet and re-POSSE from his own site twice today already
I haven't been int he Twitter interface in so long, I don't know where to delete
the "..." in the top left of your tweet
GWG, btw, you may want to implement this in your POSSE plugin: https://indieweb.org/Twitter#POSSE_Updates_to_Twitter
My POSSE plugin uses Bridgy
I also haven't done much posting of late with a POSSE. I should.
There we are
Exactly GWG, re: uses Bridgy. your POSSE plugin can have an option (button) to "delete POSSE tweet and repost with updated content"
That way your POSSE plugin deals with going to Twitter to delete the tweet instead of you having to login yourself
I heard some social networks were down. As long as I have my website, my social network is always running. If you’re interested, join the #indieweb community on Wed at 6PM PST/9PM EST for Homebrew Website Club, this weekend for Create Day. All events at… https://dshanske.com/t/1Sx
GWG, note that you can also use Bridgy to delete the POSSE tweet instead! https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/84#issuecomment-435456134
[snarfed] for those following this issue: i've tentatively shipped delete for twitter. feel free to beta test ! just follow https://indieweb.org/delete and return HTTP 410 for a post that you previously published with bridgy. let me know how it goes!
GWG, more TZ pedantics, it's not "Standard Time" in either Pacific or Eastern right now 🙃 re: "6PM PST/9PM EST"
I for one have stuck with using PT/ET instead of getting the S vs D wrong half the time
Good point
gRegor and macaw63 joined the channel
Facebook & Instagram outages have you rethinking your online presence? Come chat about having your own website at Homebrew Website Club on Wednesday! Hosted by @indiewebcamp https://events.indieweb.org/2021/10/homebrew-website-club-the-americas-KVhFTkxbnC99
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
that create day tweet makes me realize we need a "hero image" for IWC Create Day
Ooh, create day
Might be able to join for some of that.
I really want to get my ProcessWire IndieAuth plugin out to get some more testers, this will be good motivation
anyone want to help with an IWC Create Day image?
gRegor: You free the following week for a IndieAuth session?
[tantek]: I have a different idea for a design if you'd like
what dimensions does it need to be?
totally up for different ideas tracydurnell[d]!
I'll whip up what I'm thinking
and when it shows up in link previews, like your tweet: https://twitter.com/indiewebcamp/status/1445153667078782983
RT @TracyDurnell: Facebook & Instagram outages have you rethinking your online presence? Come chat about having your own website at Homebre…
oh hey since when do Twitter retweets have non-redirecting permalinks?!?
the event site will scale/crop to 1440x640, and then of course each platform will do whatever it wants with it after that
retweet "permalinks" used to always redirect to the original. now they actually have their own stable URL and display "🔁 IndieWebCamp Retweeted" on a line before the original tweet contents!
this is useful for /repost display examples!
GWG, not sure, I'll take a look though
here's the concept, can make changes if you guys want 🙂
thanks 😄
I think I like it better with the whole laptop in 😉
this is beautiful! :star-struck:
yes! only thing I'd suggest is a little https://indieweb.org/ watermark or something in the lower right
good idea 😉
always good to make sure images have typable URLs embedded in them for folks to go for more information (because these things get shared in pure image form often out of context)
what is create day?
It looks like we don't have a page for "create day" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "create day is ____", a sentence describing the term)
edited /create (+91) "expand dfn, link to create day"
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create day is an [[IndieWeb]] event, usually the second day of an [[IndieWebCamp]] or its own virtual event, where community members gather to share what they’re creating for their site that day, get inspired, and collaborate when their projects overlap.
created /create_day (+283) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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create day << Previously: [[2020/Create_Day_Intro]]
edited /create_day (+57) "[tantek] added "Previously: [[2020/Create_Day_Intro]]" to "See Also""
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ok, I added "Previously: [[2020/Create_Day_Intro]]" to a brand new "See Also" section of /create_day https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77221&oldid=77220
let me know if you think that url should be bigger
I'd stick the IWC logo in the top right corner, it looks like it's kind crowding the "Create Day" text
coming up 🙂
alternatively, make it a color logo and put it on the screen of the laptop!
Yes! Was just gonna suggest the laptop screen.
haha I was thinking about that 😉
ok if we all thought it let's go for it
Looks great, tracydurnell[d]++
tracydurnell[d] has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
created /createday (+24) "r"
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created /create-day (+24) "r"
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tracydurnell[d]++ yes this is awesome. I also created a /create_day stub (with redirects /createday and /create-day) if you wanted to link to that somewhere
tracydurnell[d] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
I mean as a page to embed your image on also 🙂
edited /create_day (+69) "link to previous description"
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edited /create_day (+14) "creator"
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edited /create_day (+97) "next event"
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there we go, that'll do as as tub
as a stub even
ok, gave it a go with the warp tool, if it's too weirdo looking I can try a different transform technique 😉
oh lemme get rid of the extra black logo
I don't know if it's an illusion but it looks like the "W" and text under it is bulging down a bit.
I think that's the warp
let me try something else
Pretty minor though
loving this
what do you think, better enough?
🚀 ship it
Looks great!
I wonder if we should do a Popup one also.
ship it! looks ready to upload to the wiki tracydurnell[d]
and try embedding it on /createday
ok will give it a go
if that looks good, upload it to this weekend's create day event itself :)