#meta 2021-10-05

2021-10-05 UTC
edited /create_day (+42) "added graphic to use for events"
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[Event Updated] tracydurnell.com updated "Oct 9, 2021 9:00am IndieWeb Create Day" changed cover_image "added header graphic" https://events.indieweb.org/event/285/history/919/diff
looks GREAT!
do we want the Zoom link there in advance though?
I thought we waited til an hour before the event or so to reduce the chances of griefers etc.
Who put the Zoom link in?
if you put the zoom link in the field for it it hides it until the event
I see it only in the field, not elsewhere
yes it looks right to me too
"The meeting link will be shown 15 minutes before the event"
Waiting for context.
a-ha! this is tricky
aaronpk, GWG, click on the .../diff link above
[tantek]: What is?
that's fine
you can only see the diffs when logged in
then click on the " πŸ‘ View" link
it looks like the "normal" event except the Zoom link is showing
that's all behind the login
however if I go to the home page and click on the event, it is not showing
behind the login or not, why is it inconsistent?
or rather, why does it show it depending on how I got there?
the "πŸ‘ view" link is showing the event at a particular version
if you couldn't see the actual zoom link, you wouldn't be able to tell if it had changed between versions
that makes sense
ok this is confusing, viewing the latest revision from the history page https://events.indieweb.org/event/285/history/919
is different from just viewing the page
also if I trim history/919 off that URL, it sends me to a create UI? what?
stop hacking URLs :P
that's the edit UI
or rather an edit UI
oh, weird, ok, I guess that makes sense that the present tense of history is edit
free will and all
once you're in the "revision history" section https://events.indieweb.org/event/285/history you're looking at snapshots. but that's also why those URLs are all `/event/X/...` rather than the URLs with the event dates and slug
it's the "admin UI" part of the URL design
get flashbacks of incrementing the event "ID" in upcoming just to find random events elsewhere πŸ˜‚
jjuran joined the channel
tracydurnell++ for the excellent diagram.
tracydurnell has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
I had no idea that there was a revision history on the events page.
[tantek] that is funny πŸ™‚
gRegor, [fluffy], ben_thatmustbeme, justache and [pfefferle] joined the channel
It's kinda sad that the FB outage didn't last longer. It is a good way to encourage people to go down the @indiewebcamp route and self-host again. My last serious outage of websites/email/dns/hosted content was around 4 years ago & only for 3 mins for a reboot.
↩️ Saya dah cuba, tapi β€œsystem error”, saya dah hubungi careline 03-2714 8888 tapi mereka suruh saya pergi ke link yang sama juga iaitu https://customerservice.touchngo.com.my/erefund/Step1.aspx . Mohon selesaikan isu ini. (https://robbinespu.gitlab.io/indieweb/2021-10-05-1533-reply-tweet-tng-3/)
Hey @nathansmith7713, was just looking at the features of LunaRSS... have you perused the #micropub #indieweb spec yet? basically would allow Luna to be interactive provided the site you were replying to had features enabled.
[jacky] joined the channel
↩️ I want to build an IndieWeb service for this. Enter a domain and it gives you all of their socials BUT WHO HAS THE TIME
↩️ I sort of support this on IndieWeb Search: https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=jamesg.blog+social The search engine looks for all rel=me links (commonly used in the #IndieWeb to indicate social profiles) on a home page and returns them.
macaw joined the channel
↩️ Everything is open-sourced. It's still a very early project though but I try my best to respond to issues when they come up. https://github.com/capjamesg/indieweb-search
capjamesg[d] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
FYI folks (especially aaronpk, in case Loqi is having problems with # social) W3C IRC is down https://status.w3.org/incidents/lfwjx05yvldr
tracydurnell++ again for the beautiful Create Day image! Great timing too, just in time for this early morning's monthly Redecentralize Digest which links to the Create Day event! https://redecentralize.org/redigest/2021/09/
tracydurnell has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
tracydurnell has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
happy to help! πŸ™‚
I have your "Getting More Women Involved in the IndieWeb" on my reading list.
I'm excited to read it tracydurnell πŸ™‚
capjamesg[d] you should make it the next blog post you read πŸ™‚
Will do! I should have time in an hour.
I just read your article. You raised many interesting questions.
This is definitely something I have been thinking about because the discussions we have would benefit from as many diverse perspectives as possible.
Everyone has different ways of thinking about things like social media, website design, standards implementations, etc. so the more people we can get involved across the board, the better.
I'd love to see something like the Apprentice system for HWC where we invite all attendees to bring someone along who might be interested in a site (if they know anyone) and have a discussion about the basics of setting up a site.
I don't have a solution to the issue but would love to brainstorm on what we can do better to reach out to more people / make sure we resonate with as diverse an audience as we can.
you cant ++ the same person twice within some time
Ah, I see. Thanks!
↩️ Hmm. Some of this could be achieved in a kind of "feed" or "directory" view. Something like a tag page on indieweb: https://indieweb.xyz/en/books
capjamesg[d] interestingly enough, IndieWebCamp *started* with an apprentice system, deliberately, so as to give folks without a site a way to participate, with someone who would be responsible for guiding them
what is an apprentice
An apprentice, in the context of the indieweb, is an IndieWebCamp participant who has not yet setup a personal domain with IndieAuth, but is passionate about owning their identity & data on the web and dedicated to doing so, with the help of a creator https://indieweb.org/apprentice
^ there you go
[tantek] I learned about Apprentices from a talk of yours...
and, tbh, it *did* very much make a difference in the diversity of the first few IndieWebCamps
I'd need to rack my brains about someone to invite but I'm sure I could find someone willing to join to chat about websites.
I'd love to get people's perspectives on their exact issues with social media and introduce them to things they can do to take control over their data.
and the key there is looking for people on the edges of your existing social networks, rather than centers
yesterday was a great teachable moment
I'll not be able to do this at next week's Europe HWC sadly as I am going on holiday (yay!). But I'll keep this in mind for the next one I attend.
does a happy dance!
I just want to call someone my apprentice
Oh well... I suppose I have a fan club... it's enough
GWG, yes you’ve graduated from having apprentices. I think you’re at the level of having acolytes πŸ˜‰
[tantek]: I am still hoping Zegnat and [chrisaldrich] organize that first annual GWGcon
Think of the merchandising opportunities
hm, surprisingly little naming collision. Just the "Genome Writers Guild" seems to have used GWGCon to shorten their conference name occasionally
Genome Writers Guild sounds very Gattaca dystopian
edited /Category:jargon (+32) "Bayesian, p-category"
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Seirdy joined the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+19) "SERP(s)"
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capjamesg[d]: interesting idea! Haha I just invited a (male πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ) friend to come to Create Day because he mentioned he's got a website idea he wants to start, but he hasn't responded yet πŸ˜‰
created /SERP (+179) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by capjamesg[d]"
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Love it tracydurnell.
I like your thought of brainstorming more too πŸ™‚
On another topic, thoughts on adding this cartoon as the "main" image for the /social_media page? https://twitter.com/cartoonmovement/status/1445459790738583557 or is it too BDSM-shaming?
The massive impact of the 6-hour Facebook disruption begs the question: how dependent have we become on social media? Cartoon by @RAHMACARTOON: https://cartoonmovement.com/cartoon/how-much-are-we-slaves-social-media #socialmedia #Facebook #outage #addicted #dependence https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FA9OBGRUYAgSL3o.jpg
potentially we informally "poll" friends who we think might be in the tech savvy range to run their own website and find out what's holding them back
I have a bunch of friends who work at MS who seem to have no interest in having their own websites, which I find fascinating but also I haven't ever asked them about it πŸ€”
I'd almost take an emotional approach instead, who of our friends had the strongest emotional reactions yesterday, get them to act on it
emotion = motivation = likelihood of follow-through
yeah I like that thought
my friends were most upset about WhatsApp (which I've been trying to talk them into abandoning for a while anyway πŸ™„)
tracydurnell[d]: Would you like to volunteer at Create Day? I come across too serious at times and some people respond better to people who come across more casually
what do you need? like for intros and stuff?
I'm planning to show up at 9 though I may be bleary-eyed πŸ˜‰ so happy to pitch in / talk / whatever you need πŸ™‚
tracydurnell[d]: Perfect
OK I will plan to lead chatting / intros at the start of the day, and try to get some conversation going at lunchtime πŸ™‚
I haven't forgotten about picking a date for a Friday hangout event, still contemplating my own schedule for October πŸ˜‰
would I just set up a new event on the events site, or post on the wiki events page with a date?
Friday hangout?
I proposed the idea of a non-website-related hangout to get to know other IndieWebbers outside of web opinions, and maybe attract a different crowd than usual
i'd say post it as a separate event on events.indieweb.org!
framing it as something like a Craft Night, so like a create day but more casual?
totally makes sense! we used to do those on the Friday night before weekend IWCs!
that's what someone said!
what aaronpk said
ok all the enthusiasm is making me think I need to pick a date and get it on the calendar πŸ˜„
i just realized another automation i can do with our twitter account... tweet out upcoming events from the site
i already did it with the oauth event site! https://twitter.com/oauth_2/status/1444040682344091649
Coming up: OAuth Virtual Interim Meeting: OAuth 2.1 πŸ—“ 2021-10-13 at 16:00 UTC #oauth https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/agenda-interim-2021-oauth-12-oauth-01/
aaronpk, need to do tweet it out long enough in advance to get people who care to actually add it to their calendar, but not too close to the event because that attracts opportunistic Twitter trolls & griefers
what's a good threshold you think? a week?
great question
long enough so that a troll wouldn't bother
maybe a day or two?
for IRL event promo I do a few weeks out, a reminder at one week, and a couple days before
^ this makes total sense
but I don't have to worry about trolls showing up to my recycling events πŸ˜‰
really? not even the diehard consumption minimalists that believe all recycling is a scam? (I mean, plastic "recycling" kinda is)
mostly the people who get mad at us are people who want *more* recycling events πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
the anti-recycling folks don't usually bother to call
that's good. I suppose the regenerative closed loop farming people have their own events πŸ˜‰
as long as they're not complaining to me, I'm happy πŸ™‚
who was the person that showed up to a HWC SF with their own indieweb local hardware/software/server to manage their own in-home plant watering/monitoring?
that's dedication!
I wrote a blog post series on how I did that.
I had to disconnect it though because my plant recently got some unwanted visitors (pests) and I didn’t want them going on the wires.
very cool
Hello! This is James’ plant sharing a quick update. The chart below shows my plant moisture levels plant over the last 30 days.
capjamesg[d]: bummer!
now that's what I call pre-emptive debugging πŸ˜‰
I have heard Neem oil helps.
are the three lines for three plants / beds?
Same plant but different areas.
The kit I bought recommended one sensor per plant but I only have one plant.
interesting there's a good bit of variability in one pot!
I've had success with taking a house plant with small bugs (maybe aphids?) outside and leaving it on the back steps, and waiting for predator bugs to eat them and clean off the plant
The bugs are really small. Almost hard to see. I could leave the plant outside.
what unit is moisture level measured in? is that like mL or grams of water? or some special moisture index?
The tutorial starts here if anyone is interested: https://jamesg.blog/2021/09/07/plant-monitor-dashboard-part-1
tracydurnell Good question!
maybe this would enable me to not kill every plant I buy πŸ€”
I have done a lot of work with the sensor and I don’t have a good answer.
does it send you a ping when it's too dry? πŸ˜‰
The moisture sensor uses Hz or something for measuring.
[James] How to make a plant monitor dashboard: Part I https://jamesg.blog/assets/plant_raspberry_pi.jpeg
Yeah πŸ™‚
I have an IFTTT webhook set up for that.
that sounds very intriguing πŸ™‚
The tutorials document the web interface and chart making and such.
Anyway, sorry to change the subject so much haha πŸ˜‚
haha, be careful about getting me going on plants, even though I kill them all I love em!
I love them too!
your tutorial is great, it looks like something I could follow along with!
Why thank you!
taking plant talk to #indieweb-chat because I'm afraid there's zero connection to my indieweb presence/projects
edburns[d], gRegor and macaw joined the channel