#meta 2021-10-10

2021-10-10 UTC
edited /mascot (+1325) "mushroom proposed at IWCD, Mushroom emoji meanings from emoji references"
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what isπŸ„
what is πŸ„
An IndieWeb mascot could offer a visual representation of the community, and create a fun & welcoming visual explanations; a mushroom (πŸ„) has been proposed for the IndieWeb mascot https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%8D%84
↩️ Prototyped a metaverse version of a possible indieweb-style personal website today at #IndieWeb create day. Was instructive and fairly easy. Code and demo video: https://gitlab.com/j12t/indie-website-metaverse-prototype
j12t++ and post your video too!
j12t has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
(like directly in your post so it gets the nice preview on your POSSE copy!)
edited /Falcon (+2067) "unfinished projects from Create Day: fix home page photo grid, prioritize named pages / wiki pages, more thoughts on versions, and a static file approach"
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collected/captured my thoughts on my unfinished projects during Create Day so I can pick up where I left off next time
edited /Falcon (+100) "/* named pages */ link chat archive where I brainstormed some versioning thoughts"
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gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /chat-names (-1) "fix chatname and put it on sort order correctly"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
edited /Category:Pop-ups (+118) "direct link to make actual pop-up planning more discoverable"
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voxpelli, willnorris and Loqi joined the channel
RT @chrisaldrich@mastodon.social After a week that highlighted some of the massive continuing failures of Facebook, there's never been a better time to join the IndieWeb. Come join us in creating and working on your own website. https://boffosocko.com/2021/10/09/55796343/ https://mastodon.social/@chrisaldrich/107072351137409122
voxpelli, willnorris, IWSlackGateway, Darius2, [tantek] and j12t joined the channel
↩️ adding to my mini eleventy tutorials: how to password protect/encrypt content on a JAMStack site on @vercel using @eleven_ty #indieweb #jamstack #11ty https://www.alpower.com/tutorials/how-to-password-protect-a-static-site/
upon2020.com blog author jernst
edited /metaverse (+427) "Added who the priniciples behind the web apply to a possible "indie" metaverse"
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Murray[d] joined the channel
edited /selfdogfood (+161) "/* Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps */ call for Wikipedia to include an explicit Criticism section"
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Seirdy joined the channel
moved /create_day to /Create_Day "proper noun, refers to a specific type of event, or the day 2 of an IWC"
edited /Create_Day (+0) "titlecap per proper noun in the IndieWeb community"
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edited /Create_Day (+191) "a few past create days, indiewebcamps template"
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edited /donation (+341) "/* Silo Examples */ Freecycle and Freegle"
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Loqi: @tantek I've been thinking about this tweet and I agree that the web feels less weird these days but also I'm not sure I agree about no culture of collaboration? Meme culture is allll about remixing, so is fanfic, TikTok seems to be heavy on participating in challenges and recreating / responding to popular videos. It might be that he doesn't value the works being created but they are being created.
created /Freecycle (+44) "r"
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Also re: weird and re: IndieWeb search my friend sent me a search engine that weights text heavy sites higher than ones with graphics as a proxy for finding personal websites https://search.marginalia.nu/
I think there has been a shift overall from creation to rt/sharing, that Tumblr and Patreon have moved a lot of people into feeling like they're participating in something by sharing or following it, but also the internet has allowed a lot of creative folks to make a living on crowd funding that wouldn't have been able to before
(my husband pointed out those aren't strictly collaborative since it's individual people making things in response to other things without the participation of the original creator πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ)
it's remix culture though, and in tiktok I think the original is known (less so with memes and shitpics)
Good point on TikTok
big fan of the mushroom mascot (πŸ„) πŸ˜„
@kevinmarks @plasticbaguk Things on the internet grow fungally, not virally. The metaphor is completely wrong.
tracydurnell[d] I missed the context of which "this tweet". Agreed about remixing and fanfic and derivative works in general, thought as KevinMarks pointed out, that tends to be more unidirectional rather the two/multi-way interactions of "collaborations"
sorry, I think replies don't show context across platforms πŸ˜‰ It was "The web itself, meanwhile, is sterile and moribund. There's nothing fun or weird around that doesn't get immediately co-opted, and there's certainly no DIY or collaborative culture of making cool things. You can play with the toys Google or Amazon gives you, big whoop."
Murray[d] thanks! πŸ˜„
@KevinMarks, nice!
[Pinboard] The web itself, meanwhile, is sterile and moribund. There's nothing fun or weird around that doesn't get immediately co-opted, and there's certainly no DIY or collaborative culture of making cool things. You can play with the toys Google or Amazon gi...
yes that was unnecessarily pessimistc
mascot << earlier similar conceptual metaphor of web/internet growth as "fungal": https://twitter.com/Caterina/status/4852023167
@kevinmarks @plasticbaguk Things on the internet grow fungally, not virally. The metaphor is completely wrong.
ok, I added "earlier similar conceptual metaphor of web/internet growth as "fungal": https://twitter.com/Caterina/status/4852023167" to the "See Also" section of /mascot https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77357&oldid=77342
πŸ‘”Suit sales are in decline. Even before Covid, major companies were relaxing their policy on wearing suits to the office. Now, the pandemic has driven another nail into the coffin. ✍️@mickbrownwriter mourns the passing of a more elegant era Thread 🧡 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/luxury/mens-style/have-fond-memories-buying-first-suit-16-now-act-rebellion/
oops that was meant for chat sorry
I mean sorta vaguely indie vs. corporate relevant πŸ˜›