#meta 2021-10-11

2021-10-11 UTC
edited /code-of-conduct-why (+77) "complete quote"
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^ tracydurnell[d] curious if you've read that article/paper https://www.jofreeman.com/joreen/tyranny.htm — in particular interested in your opinion of it in the context of your blog post (about getting a broader diversity of folks involved in the indieweb community)
organizers << Consideration for discussion at a future Organizers Meetup: 2021-01-08 [https://mediarxiv.org/sf432/ Admins, Mods, and Benevolent Dictators for Life: The Implicit Feudalism of Online Communities] (js;dr unfortunately)
ok, I added "Consideration for discussion at a future Organizers Meetup: 2021-01-08 [https://mediarxiv.org/sf432/ Admins, Mods, and Benevolent Dictators for Life: The Implicit Feudalism of Online Communities] (js;dr unfortunately)" to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77361&oldid=71261
^ worth reading for all organizers
P1000[d] joined the channel
organizers << 2017-09-17 [https://medium.com/the-tuning-fork/minimum-viable-structure-92e91048ff66 Minimum Viable Structure: Organisational Scaffolding to Get Out of Emergency Mode] / 8 lightweight interventions to get a working team to shift from sprint to marathon. <blockquote>There’s a lot of goodwill in the group, but right now they’re feeling the pain of doing consensus decision-making using chat + long meetings + a little
of email. Meetings are overloaded with huge agenda topics. </blockquote>
ok, I added "2017-09-17 [https://medium.com/the-tuning-fork/minimum-viable-structure-92e91048ff66 Minimum Viable Structure: Organisational Scaffolding to Get Out of Emergency Mode] / 8 lightweight interventions to get a working team to shift from sprint to marathon. <blockquote>There’s a lot of goodwill in the group, but right now they’re feeling the pain of doing consensus decision-making using chat + long meetings + a little " to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77362&oldid=77361
edited /Organizers (+77) "finish blockquote"
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"A big focus of the indieweb is centralizing identity in a place that’s under individual control (currently: domain names), but that’s the complete opposite of what I want: I want it to be easier to fracture my identity..." — @WAptekar https://notebook.wesleyac.com/indieweb-thoughts-posse
voxpelli, willnorris and adi1 joined the channel
@tantek thanks for sharing that article, I wasn't familiar with it! I like the principles she outlines for democratic structuring
I haven't been involved in many groups but the elite pattern she describes sounds true
Personally I do prefer structured groups, on giving it thought, as long as it's not impossible to be heard when you're starting out
Unstructured groups can make it hard to make progress on things because no one's "in charge" so no one wants to make a decision or speak for the group - I think especially there's a sensitivity for women there about how they'll be perceived if they take charge, if they'll be seen as pushy
I am an action biased person though and I understand sometimes it can be more important to get on the same page 😉
I could see "elites" like she describes in an established unstructured group being somewhat of a deterrent to women joining, especially if most of the visible people are men so there could be a perception of an old boys club even where it doesn't exist? Without knowing the history of a group I could see drawing the wrong conclusion about the most visible people in a group all being men 🤷‍♀️ I feel like it's hard to speak for al
[jacky], [chrisaldrich], ben_thatmustbeme, grantcodes[d] and Ramon[d] joined the channel
↩️ Such a tic-toc model aligns well with eg. the @indiewebcamp principles of selfdogfooding and documenting: https://indieweb.org/principles
↩️ @keikreutler federated knowledge gardens are definitely an incoming and needed internet paradigm! the Indieweb folk… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1447539292646035456
[manton] and [snarfed] joined the channel
[Ed_Beck], kimberlyhirsh[d] and paul1 joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/indielogin.com to https://indielogin.com
gRegor joined the channel
[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/indielogin.com to https://indielogin.com
nertzy joined the channel
[tantek]: I do worry if I'm going about my attempts the wrong way
Just as important as it is to be kind and welcoming, it’s also important to speak up when someone is unkind (or other things even bordering on code of conduct “violations” before they happen)
Facebook << 2021-10-11 Brian Barrett [https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-delete-your-facebook-account/ How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account] (Wired)
ok, I added "2021-10-11 Brian Barrett [https://www.wired.com/story/how-to-delete-your-facebook-account/ How to Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account] (Wired)" to the "See Also" section of /Facebook https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77370&oldid=77322
Seirdy, gRegor and [aciccarello] joined the channel
edited /User:4xpro.ru (+57) "Updated information about POSSE to Twitter and VK"
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is there a place to make suggestions about meta activities and being more inclusive / welcoming? or better to throw things out in chat to make sure they haven't been done before, and get feedback there before dumping in the wiki? had a few sparked from the comments in the indieweb channel this morning
I also felt a little overwhelmed by chat at first (and honestly am still picking things up), I'm wondering if adding some more details or context at the top of the discussion page on the wiki would help at all -- like still not sure how the karma works, how RTing stuff works (can anyone propose something to RT?), or how to @ people across platforms -- or it's just the conversations themselves that are hard to jump into
I'm also thinking back to a recent discussion about mentorship (GWG I think you were talking about it?) -- I wonder if there could be a slightly more structured "welcoming" / "onboarding" process available for people who want to join -- even to the point of having a few specific friendly people who are open to being contacted with questions listed (I'm thinking of when I worked at the writing center at college, the tutors would put down
tracydurnell[d]: I don't recall talking about mentorship.
or to the event point, if you've ever tried like "New to the IndieWeb" standalone events that could be either mixers to meet other people who are new, or Q&A with knowledgeable folks in a welcoming setting
haha ok wasn't you 😉
I am always happy to help anyone I can, and most of the people here hop in
I recall, when the discussion came up, the idea of apprentices was mentioned. We used to have those when I first started. I never had one though
I know everyone is happy to help, I'm wondering if the trouble's on the other end of *asking* for help 🙂
yeah, apprenticeship, that was it
also, I just like to come up with ideas, they may or may not be useful 😉
what is diversity
Diversity is the extent to which a group's participants are representative of a wide range of human attributes including, but not limited to, race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, able-bodiedness, education, socioeconomic status, political leaning, national origin, etc https://indieweb.org/diversity
tracydurnell[d], IMO this chat (#indieweb-meta) is a great place to bring up these topics.
In addition, feel free to contribute & edit that /diversity liberally
including capturing any/all criticism
oh cool, that improving diversity section could be a good place to add ideas
also that definition needs IndieWeb relevance added to it (the contents are obviously IndieWeb relevant / focused, they "just" need to be summarized in a clause in the dfn)
what is IndieWeb relevance
Anything directly related to people with their own websites, such as technologies and services used, design and UX, formats and protocols, as well as events or podcasts are relevant to the IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/indieweb_relevance
what is a definition
It looks like we don't have a page for "definition" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "definition is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /definition (+61) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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GWG, you said something about apprenticeship I think recently, and that's a form of mentorship
I also was wondering about the Twitter page, it looks like it's mostly RTs and auto-posts of the weekly newslettter (and I think going forward Aaron(?) was going to set up auto reminders about events -- I'm guessing that's an intentional choice to minimize workload (and also the practicalities of posting from an org account)?
edited /DeleteFacebook (+45) "dfn phrase/statement too"
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definitely an intentional (if unspoken) choice to minimize workload / admintax
totally 😉
I run an account for work and can vouch it is a lot of work even when there's not a ton of interaction 🙂
the more we can automate / enable direct community participation in any kind of "shared" community resource like that, the better
not just from a "minimize workload" perspective, but also from a "minimize hierarchy" perspective
yeah, the "owner" of an account gains a lot of power
I think the "team RT" thing is a nice way for community members to agree on things to share on the account
I was wondering if it could be a tool to test out different messaging to see what resonates, but also that's a lot of work to set up and manage 😆
[tantek]: I thought I just said that we used to have it. I don't remember discussing it.