#meta 2021-10-12

2021-10-12 UTC
edited /diversity (+761) "update definition for IndieWeb relevance; add suggestions about mentorship and intro events"
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whoa i forgot about that page https://indieweb.org/apprentice
it hasn't been updated since ... 2014
haha perhaps a wee bit out of date 😉
and sounds like maybe some discussion is warranted about whether it's a useful concept / structure or not
we dropped that concept at indiewebcamp events years ago
I feel like "apprenticeship" sounds like a bigger commitment than being mentored
looks like 2014 in fact was the last year
or do pages like that ever get archived as out of date?
there is no automation of that kind of thing no
would it be helpful to manually add a note that the formal apprenticeship structure is no more?
i am updating that dfn to be past tense right now
I'll remove the reference to it from the diversity page 😉
edited /apprentice (+172) "this has not been in use since 2014"
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Sorry, I've been bulk scanning papers from 1998-2003
And a few from before.
Been a bit slow
edited /discuss (+190) "add Discord to list of clients (not sure what to link to), add welcoming sentence, fix a couple formatting issues"
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edited /discuss (+29) "link to discord section on page"
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the apprentice model *did* get a bunch of folks on board with their own sites at IndieWebCamps, and that aspect of it was very successful
what we dropped was the requirement for signing-up for an IndieWebCamp
we also stopped using the term entirely on indiewebcamp event pages
so technically we didn't drop apprenticeship per se, it was just no longer a requirement for participating in an IndieWebCamp without your own domain
right, because it was no longer a requirement
for IndieWebCamp events
however in as much as it was a successful model for bringing in a more diverse set of participants, I think it's worth acknowledging and updating, rather than dropping completely
I like the way you updated /apprentice aaaronpk, that's an accurate way to put it, while still allowing room for growth / evolution of the apprentice concept / role
great updates to /diversity tracydurnell[d]++
tracydurnell[d] has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
I'd like to figure out how to redesign IndieWeb apprenticeship in an opt-in way to help provide an onramp that feels easier & more explicitly supportive than the "just show up" method
tracydurnell[d] in the first few years of IndieWebCamp, we create the apprentice/creator model as a deliberate way of expressing the important of having/using your own domain as a way to discern who was actually serious about the "IndieWeb", in contrast to many folks in the "federated social netwok" or "social media" space who had LOTS of strong opinions or "proposals" or self-proclaimed expertise, but without any actual basis in
anything real of any sort.
it was the mechanism put in place to filter talkers from doers, an actual "big problem" at the time (late 2000s, early 2010s)
we didn't want to outright exclude such folks, so we arrived at a design that forced such outspoken folks to either get with it and make a personal domain work (a small token amount of effort for any such actual expert), or to swallow their pride/ego and sign-up as an apprentice to a /creator already going to the IndieWebCamp, thereby acknowledging that they were there to primarily learn, instead of lecture us on their supposed
created /recovery (+187) "prompted by astralbijection[ and dfn added by astralbijection["
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edited /recovery (+33) "[KevinMarks] added "[[longevity]]" to "See Also""
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edited /recovery (+66) "/* See Also */"
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edited /recovery (+23) "/* See Also */"
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@tantek thanks for the background!
I think it's worth exploring the concept for a new model of support
Organizers << Explore renewing & evolving the [[apprentice]] concept for a new model of support, especially for providing a more [[welcoming]] onramp to a broader set of newcomers to IndieWeb events
ok, I added "Explore renewing & evolving the [[apprentice]] concept for a new model of support, especially for providing a more [[welcoming]] onramp to a broader set of newcomers to IndieWeb events" to the "See Also" section of /Organizers https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=77386&oldid=77363
Little alpha release tonight: Interpersonal connects sites to the IndieWeb. Right now it just does IndieAuth. https://github.com/mrled/interpersonal
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Dec 25, 2020 9:00am IndieWebCamp Create Day" changed tags "createday" https://events.indieweb.org/event/187/history/922/diff
edited /2020/Create (+6) "Create Day, 2020"
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edited /Template:IndieWebCamp (+94) "Create days July & October 2021"
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created /2021/Create (+1633) "clone from 2020/Create"
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Seirdy joined the channel
GWG, et al, Create Day Etherpad notes from July and October archived
whats is 2021/Create
what is 2021/Create
IndieWeb Create Day 2021 took place on two separate days as online one day IndieWebCamps on 2021-07-10 and 2021-10-09 https://indieweb.org/2021/Create
ben_thatmustbeme and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ Alhamdulillah (walau math salah, supposely 4.62% positive rate), rare tengok menteri guna peratusan (which lagi tepat dan mudah utk faham situasi semasa). Cuma pelik, data yg publish semalam cuma sampai 2021-10-09 sahaja iaitu `8,743` +tive dan `96… https://robbinespu.gitlab.io/indieweb/211012055843/
[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/indielogin.com to https://indielogin.com
[github] Successfully deployed aaronpk/indielogin.com to https://indielogin.com
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[tantek]: We still haven't had an Organizer's Meetup in a while.
[Justin_Walsh] joined the channel
good point GWG, and feels like we could benefit from one. I was kinda hoping for Düsseldorf
[tantek]: I haven't heard anything. But if not, online ?
Organizers, not IWC
yeah, maybe an Organizers pop-up
[tantek]: It is on the proposal list
↩️ Interesting! Hadn't heard about Microsub yet! https://indieweb.org/Microsubi haven't even implemented webmentions yet, so will do that first at some point
created /Microsubi (+22) "redirect due to Twitter link"
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maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
Well this is a good reason to keep being extra cautious about doing an in-person IWC event. Why you don't want even a mild case: https://twitter.com/sfchronicle/status/1447232636670390283
A new study offers the worrisome suggestion that the coronavirus not only can shrink the brain, but also reduce “gray matter thickness,” damage tissue in areas associated with the sense of smell, and cause more than 60 other long-term changes. https://trib.al/rOhUwSr
gRegor joined the channel