2021-11-11 UTC
inertia, nertzy_, willnorris, alex11, Seirdy, voxpelli, jbove and justache joined the channel
justache joined the channel
[chrisbergr], Seirdy, alex11, inertia and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 07:03 Loqi [tantek] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (72 in all channels)
[calumryan] joined the channel
# 09:24 GWG aaronpk: I'm the 1 viewer, I guess. Nothing showing up yet but the logo
# 09:27 GWG Just to confirm, nothing is supposed to be showing up yet, right?
sebsel, [jeremycherfas] and vilhalmer joined the channel
# 09:46 [chrisbergr] GWG do you also have the loading indicator every 15-20 seconds for 1-2 seconds or is it me?
# 09:46 GWG Not every 15-20, but periodically, yes
sebsel joined the channel
hans1963[d] joined the channel
sebsel, [KevinMarks] and Zegnat joined the channel
sebsel joined the channel
# 12:21 GWG I'm fine with either, but I'll do IndieAuth if both are available
# 12:22 GWG I can turn on the camera long term if you want.
# 12:22 sknebel if someone else wants webmentions I can put a laptop on zoom
# 12:24 GWG Makes me miss the gang even more.
# 12:31 [KevinMarks] audio is good, though I'm not really payign attention as I'm trying to work as well
# 12:37 [chrisbergr] I try to work, too. I need to call a client but don't know how to mute the zoom audio -.-
# 12:39 GWG [chrisbergr]: Mute your computer's speaker?
# 12:40 [chrisbergr] My company uses software for phone calls, so I need the computer's audo (headphones)
sebsel joined the channel
# 13:40 GWG Okay. I have a simple tweak to my site ready
voxpelli joined the channel
willnorris and jbove joined the channel
# 13:45 aaronpk The screen sharing will be easier to see on IndieWeb.live
# 13:50 jbove Can recommend having a look at Tailwind CSS as a CSS framework and its "Just in time" compiler mode.
# 13:55 [KevinMarks] indieweb.live is buffering a lot for screen sharing, like 1 frame every 10 seconds
# 13:56 Zegnat It does not buffer that much for me, but it is very behind the Zoom cast
# 14:02 Zegnat I am also getting lots of buffering on the owncast now :( Refreshing the whole page sometimes helps
# 14:02 Zegnat We interrupt this program for technical difficulties with the demos ....
# 14:04 Seb[d] any remote demo's?
# 14:06 Loqi timemanagement has 1 karma over the last year
# 14:07 jbove Not from me - had to work on daytime job stuff
# 14:07 jbove I need to start working on Known's default templating system and optimize it
# 14:08 Seb[d] Zegnat++ for all the notes
# 14:08 Loqi Zegnat has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (32 in all channels)
# 14:09 jbove Oh man, I forgot to grab some stickers on my rush out
# 14:09 jbove It's awesome this happened today in my home town!
# 14:10 Seb[d] we can hide some in a library book?
# 14:10 jbove There are Encyclopedia Brittanica's on the second floor -
# 14:11 Zegnat Really sad I couldn’t make it on short notice. But it was great to see some familiar faces in the same room again! Next IWC DUS: in 170-something days, hopefully. Start planning
# 14:11 Zegnat Haha, hide a sticker under I in the Encyclopedia?
# 14:13 Zegnat There will be a full recording of the whole day from Zoom, I believe? (GWG probably has that one?)
# 14:13 jbove Does the 1992 edition have an entry for Internet ?
# 14:13 GWG Zegnat: It was recording and I have the password to download it
# 14:13 Zegnat Not sure if there will be a matching recording from owncast for the screenshares though
# 14:13 GWG aaronpk: Do you have the intro and demos footage?
willnorris joined the channel
# 14:22 [KevinMarks] I was listening on the zoom, and hitting refresh on the owncast to get a still frame of the screen
jbove joined the channel
# 14:24 jbove If you're staying in Düsseldorf check out the Alt Stadt where the beginning of the carneval season is celebrated - perhaps - responsibly
voxpelli, Aksel and edburns[d] joined the channel
sebsel joined the channel
# 20:49 [tantek]1 note the markup in the diff. the <br> are *supposed* to be there to add the linebreaks for the content to look correct.
# 20:49 [tantek]1 however, the <script> <head> </body> are not, or rather should be escaped
# 20:49 [tantek]1 should be literal, not tags
# 21:01 [tantek]1 anyone have ideas on how to improve the curl -H page for folks finding it via Google?
# 21:02 [tantek]1 what is curl -H
# 21:08 Seb[d] for ourselves: add an example that has even more IndieWeb relevance?
# 21:08 Seb[d] is this a good way to set a header / send an access token?
# 21:08 Seb[d] If so: nice way to get people clicking to the IndieAuth page next?
# 21:12 [tantek]1 ooh that's good
# 21:15 aaronpk this is basically the same strategy i've been using with oauth.net btw. looking at the popular pages, then creating additional pages linked from those pages to keep giving people things to browse
# 21:23 [tantek]1 lol that's on me
# 21:43 [tantek]1 tinbox << simplify (restructure if necessary) [[wikify ]] to be more approachable and usable (at a minimum not stress out aaronpk)
maxwelljoslyn[d] joined the channel
hoenir joined the channel