tracydurnell[d]edgeduchess[d] earlier this summer I tried to identify a few different audiences and what content they'd be interested in for the homepage, which I think would also apply to the getting started page, if you wanted to add on to that or steal anything from there
[schmarty]one community approach to improving documentation would be to work with individual developers who are considering adding indieweb building blocks to their projects.
[tantek]one example of the maintenance challenge is the set of tutorials that were posted for WordPress and Known, which I don't think have been updated since
LoqiGet started on the indieweb by connecting with the indiewebcamp community, getting a personal domain, a place for your content, and setting up your home page and other indieweb essentials
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "documentation" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "documentation is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkdocumentation is written text or audiovisual media that is used to describe or instruct how something works, for example how to [[get started]] on the IndieWeb, or how to install a particular piece of [[open source software]] to use on your personal [[website]]
aaronparecki.comedited /documentation (+1334) "add related wiki pages, external tutorials, indiewebcamp sessions, link to chat log that inspired this page" (view diff)
aaronpki also went through all the past indiewebcamp sessions and linked to any related sessions from past events. turns out this has been discussed a *lot*
aaronpkedgeduchess[d]: please take a look at the new page and feel free to add any notes expanding on anything discussed today! some of the topics in chat could use summarization and capturing on the page for example
Murray[d]edgeduchess++ Really interesting conversation. I've long felt that a Smashing Mag/CSS Tricks style site for Indie Web topics would be an asset; somewhere centralised for high-quality tutorials and resources on how to set up certain IndieWeb technologies on different platforms, what the purposes are behind them, etc.
Murray[d]I think a site like that could also operate as a sort of prime example of IndieWeb tech directly by implementing and utilising most building blocks, a little like the Wiki does as an example of a use case for IndieAuth, but more broadly. Webmentions for interactions, IndieAuth for community, Micropub for article submission etc.
Murray[d]Of course, it would also be a full time job, even with community sourced contributions 😅 I've run similar services in the past (for much smaller communities) and am aware of just how vastly time-consuming they can be. Maybe if I ever win the lottery.... 😄
MarkJR84[d], Agnessa[d], barryf[d], jjuran, strugee_, GWG, sayanarijit[d], [tantek]2, [grantcodes], [jacky]1, [chrisaldrich]1 and [chrisbergr] joined the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "document" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "document is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Seb[d][schmarty]: Micropub / IndieAuth from scratch? as in coding it up? A lot of it depends on the language and CMS used, and there might be packages / libraries / plugins available too, which then will vary in compatibility over the years
tracydurnell.comedited /documentation (+344) "/* IndieWeb Documentation */ add wishlist section, add section for popup videos (or should that go under sessions?) with a couple wordpress related videos" (view diff)
capjamesg[d]I think implementation guides would be helpful for someone who is trying to get started and provide some assurance regarding project direction.
capjamesg[d]Specifications are ultimately the best place to go if you have a question (second to asking someone to help :)) but tutorials tend to be a bit more intuitive / easier to digest.