#meta 2022-01-01

2022-01-01 UTC
cygnoir[d] joined the channel
created /IndiePass (+24) "prompted by Zegnat; temporary redirect until IndiePass name officially surpasses Indigenous"
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^ that tweet thought. good being upheld on the same level as TimBL. that's quite a bit of reputational parity
edburns[d], sarahd[d], IntriguedWow[d] and Christian_Olivie joined the channel
which tweet
capablecable[d] joined the channel
To help my new year resolution (language learning), I've put together an Apple shortcut so I can log the study sessions to my personal site as an h-event (via the micropub endpoint). It should help me be more accountable. I might event get some nice stats. #indieweb
↩️ Hardly that clown has taken Wordpress down the wrong path with Gutenberg. It is not too late though for him embrace the #Indieweb
P1000[d] and Murray[d] joined the channel
edited /read_later (+198) "Added Micro.blog to bookmark services."
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kimberlyhirsh[d] and Seb[d] joined the channel