sgregerHi. Haven't been here in a while. It seems it is not possible to update a webmention that was accidentally sent to IndieNews as a bookmark. I fixed my markup and resubmitted, but IndieNews created a second webmention entry rather than updating the original.
sgregerI really liked the aesthetics of the 3x3 avatars, even though no longer using them… I believe I have that snippet somwhere as I recall sharing it an IWC once
sgregerIt was just an adaption of example code from SO, so I simply added a link there (not sure about the licensing, as our wiki is CC0 and SO answers are CC-BY-SA)
sgregerWell, it was a pretty significant, and in that very specific, change in my markup (from bookmark to note), so I guess I unveiled some edge case there ;)
sgreger states "For submissions of bookmarks, IndieNews displays the name and domain of the bookmarked post as if it were posted directly […]"
sgregerThis is separate from the "update webmention" issue; maybe something odd with my markup? (I had `class="h-cite u-bookmark-of"` on an <a> element inside the `h-entry` my note)
@voxpelliGot free from my current assignment a bit earlier than originally anticipated, so open to new freelance work in Node.js, JS, semantic HTML, standards, IndieWeb etc starting immediately. (
tracydurnell[d]at HWC either this week or last week, we had the idea of including a short bullet list of "highlights" or "topics discussed" at events in the newsletter - is that something that's technically possible since it's auto-generated? I don't know how it works 😂
[tantek]aaronpk, what I was expecting in the newsletter: a "More..." link right after the summary that links to a fragment on the event page right after the summary
[tantek]This way when we do update the Event description to e.g. link to the archived Etherpad notes, those are readily discoverable via the newsletter as well
[tantek]it also helps provide motivation to archive the etherpad notes more promptly, and link to them in an update to the description on the event page, since folks may be clicking through to see them via the newsletter
[tantek]let's at least capture that as a suggestion, and then can discuss which specific IndieWeb components / building blocks would be good / appropriate on MDN and prioritize them respectively
capjamesg[d]I agree. I’ll look around MDN a bit more to gain a further understanding of the way they write content. I refer to it a lot but need to take a closer look.
[tantek]capjamesg[d] I think with explicit thoughtfulness about the purpose & audience of each of the sites, we can come up with what kinds of content / structure makes the most sense on each
[tantek]indieweb wiki : user-understandable definition of said microformats and why those matter to users, and developer understandable "Why" and "How to" sections, and "IndieWeb Examples" along with allowing lots more messy / unstructured wiki content "in progress"
[tantek]MDN : very focused *web developer* perspective brief definition, use-cases, and how-to, with very good copywriting / copyediting, no "messy" or "unstructured" / in-progress content, and links to the official spec (on microformats wiki) and the IndieWeb community "discussion" page as well
[tantek]that's a rough idea of the kind of thing we could put in /MDN#Brainstorming for how to work towards writing up a new topic for MDN (hint: do the respective work above on the microformats and IndieWeb wikis first, and then subset/curate/rewrite for the MDN audience accordingly)
capjamesg[d]Definitely, MDN content should be well-structured and written with the intent of helping someone easily comprehend and start working with a topic.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time.