2022-09-04 UTC
neceve joined the channel
# 00:55 Loqi GWG has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
neceve_, gRegorLove_, voxpelli, [Jamie_Tanna]1, klez_, aaronpk, vikanezrimaya, capjamesg, Saphire, sebsel, jbove, [chrisaldrich], IWDiscordGateway, [Jamie_Tanna], Ruxton_, jeremycherfas, s[_], tommorris, Kaja, willnorris, lanodan, GWG, omz13, jan6, zack[m], Zegnat, sebbu, jjuran, cali-iwc, AramZ-S[m], Steve[m]1231, strugee, mambang[m], angelo, sknebel, Seirdy, pmlnr, ben_thatmust, Guest5425, [manton], sara, [manton]1 and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 07:11 [tantek]4 GWG++ amazing!
# 07:11 Loqi GWG has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (74 in all channels)
# 07:11 [tantek]4 what time does it start today?
AramZ-S[m] joined the channel
# 07:22 [tantek]4 jkphl++ great job running the intro session!
barnaby joined the channel
neceve_, [James_Van_Dyne] and cali-iwc joined the channel
# 11:28 capjamesg Thus all IndieWeb links will be replaced with wiki links.
# 11:39 capjamesg [tantek] There is also support for direct Etherpad archiving.
# 11:39 capjamesg [tantek] It's not very pretty because I can't reliably extract event date / name from an Etherpad but it does copy the etherpad into a wiki page and add some basic formatting).
cali-iwc and jamietanna joined the channel
# 13:43 aaronpk If the etherpad always linked to the event page they were for you could find it that way
# 14:21 [tantek]4 capjamesg++ cool!
# 14:21 Loqi capjamesg has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (89 in all channels)
# 14:31 [manton]1 Catching up some of the IWC Berlin sessions, including the venues one. Thanks everyone for participating and recording!
# 14:33 [tantek]4 Yes the pad for an event should always link to the event url like first link there
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
# 16:56 GWG Is there even a venue for a theoretical summit?
# 16:58 [tantek]4 good question. I wonder if Aaronpk has any leads on possible small venues in Portland in the fall time frame? maybe 10-20 people?
# 17:00 GWG If it's like Berlin...we could fit in his studio
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
# 17:18 [tantek]4 The only time AFAIK there's been an IWC at a "house" was the large community house in SF known as "The SF Embassy" for IWC SF 2014
# 17:27 GWG [tantek]4: I think Jacob Hall has a venue in DC. Maybe we want to pursue that in 2022
# 17:31 [tantek]4 GWG, do you mean an IWC? Sure, if folks want to organize a IWC DC that'd be great to see!
# 17:31 GWG [tantek]4: I just figured if we can't get PDX...
# 17:31 [tantek]4 for Summit, makes more sense to organize one where we have had at least held a decent sized IWC before
# 17:32 [tantek]4 it takes much more effort to make a Summit happen than an IWC
# 17:34 GWG So, do we call it a summit if we can get something in PDX? Or just an IWC?
# 17:35 [tantek]4 depends on what the organizers want to commit to doing
# 17:43 [tantek]4 The key factor is figuring out some venue options, and then using its constraints to determine what kind of an IWC or Summit would be possible.
# 17:43 [tantek]4 Typically the most successful IWCs are when organizers are active in the community, e.g. here in chat, including whichever organizer is able to find a venue
# 17:47 GWG I'm willing to help as always... but I know venue discovery isn't my strength.
# 17:56 [tantek]4 yes we need organizers with a diversity of "strengths" as it were for a successful IWC or especially Summit
# 18:19 [tantek]4 GWG++ for setting up the remote participation for IWC Berlin and archiving the session! I also appreciated the 360deg camera brought by Jkphl++
# 18:19 Loqi GWG has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
# 18:24 GWG [tantek]4: Do you think the 360 adds to things?
# 18:30 [tantek]4 GWG it does. Though a bit "warped", watching it did provide some sense of "being there" that a grid of faces does not
# 18:30 [tantek]4 I'm very tempted to get one
# 18:31 GWG [tantek]4: One that works independently or a connected one?
# 18:33 [tantek]4 The same device Joschi has. have we documented it somewhere?
# 18:34 GWG He told me at DUS, but I forgot to write it down.
# 18:39 GWG I think I found something I'm going to buy.
# 18:41 GWG May need a computer...but I can justify $55
# 18:46 GWG Okay. Now I'm ready for an in person event
# 18:57 aaronpk I don't know if i'm ready to do an IndieWeb Summit just yet
# 18:57 aaronpk I also haven't been paying attention to who still has offices in portland in the last 2 years
# 19:00 [tantek]4 That's the bigger challenge IMO
# 19:01 [tantek]4 We're still not doing "community events" in Mozilla offices/spaces, and no idea when that may resume (and I understand and sympathize a lot with that decision)
# 19:02 [tantek]4 aaronpk there used to be a channel, maybe pdxtech? did that make the transition to libera IRC? perhaps ask there if anyone would be interested in hosting an IndieWebCamp / Summit for ~10-20 or maybe even 20-30 people?
AramZS joined the channel
# 19:08 [tantek]4 perhaps the #portland channel in XOXO Slack?
gRegorLove__ joined the channel
# 21:10 IWDiscordGateway <capjamesg> I’m not ready to commit to this yet but would there be a few people interested in an IWC Edinburgh early next year?
# 21:24 GWG I've always wanted to visit Scotland
jacky joined the channel
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