tantek.comedited /multi-photo (+188) "dfn, AKA carousel (term used for IG multi-photos in particular), rewrite Why as a series of points and expand to viewers and writers perspectives" (view diff)
[tantek]4I had neglected Taco Bell for perhaps more than a decade until on a late night road trip with friends they were one of the few "food" places open, and unbeknownst to me, had a plethora of vegan options (thank you web search and people blogging, AKA web 2), which turned out to be quite delicious. they'd quietly innovated and better served customers without a big fuss. there's something to that
[tantek]4this is what happens when I get "stuck" authoring a post, I end up overthinking the nature of the post, researching existing usage, and writing down such meta-post links & thoughts first as part of figuring out how to post something
capjamesgGames are a playful activities on one's personal website, or spread across multiple websites using a protocol like Webmention, that are for entertainment purposes.
[tantek]4^ for those of you that like to think about the differences between user-perceptual post "types" or "kinds", and specifically multiphoto posts vs articles with lots of photos, please review (GWG, aaronpk, you both come to mind)
@dcarcher↩️ Currently trying to wrap my head around why indieweb/small web people are anti-nft/crypto. Many talented creatives in that space but I think some communities have become echo chambers of bad news/scam stories (twitter.com/_/status/1566919542042943489)
[tantek]4I'm also curious about the Reader use-cases for displaying a multiphoto vs an article. as in do they want to do something / anything special for their users?
barnabyI have some vague thoughts about the subject, but nothing concrete. I don’t think I’ve ever posted an “article” which was mainly photos, but I often post notes with several captioned photos in e.g. https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/5JYNTX/
Loqi[Barnaby Walters] #CNC 2022 Day 2 Highlights! Only 90 observations today, despite much more time outside — yesterday cleared out the low-hanging fruit.
I think there’s a European pond turtle hiding in this picture somewhere
This Aesculapian Snake was much less... https://waterpigs.co.uk/img/p1100959.jpeg
barnabyin these cases, I don’t want to post the images separately and then make a collection post, and making a UI for separately uploading and captioning each photo, then organising them together into one post, is significantly more complicated than just having a text box and an “upload image” button
barnabyI think I already documented and discussed this a little bit when we were trying to figure out whether it was appropriate for all the photos in these posts to have u-photo, or whether u-featured(? can’t remember if that’s right) would be more suitable
gRegorOne thing I thought of with multi-photo is I don't think we have an mf2 way to link a caption to each individual photo. IG pattern is just text under the carousel, usually with people making a numbered list.
[tantek]4even Barnaby's example is not multiple captions but rather the telling of a story. each "caption" doesn't really make sense on its own, but rather reads like a continuation from previous text
[tantek]4e.g. in Barnaby's example https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/5JYNTX/ note the last snippet of text: "And I finally saw an Ant Woodlouse", key word there being *And*, connecting it to previous text as part of a longer narrative, rather than being a standalone caption
Loqi[Barnaby Walters] #CNC 2022 Day 2 Highlights! Only 90 observations today, despite much more time outside — yesterday cleared out the low-hanging fruit.
I think there’s a European pond turtle hiding in this picture somewhere
This Aesculapian Snake was much less... https://waterpigs.co.uk/img/p1100959.jpeg
[tantek]4gRegor, the other alternative to numbered lists is to write a single caption for the whole story across all the photos, and when there's a sentence most applicable to a photo, put in a parenthesized index number or numbers of the photo(s), e.g. "We climbed Mt. Tam (3,4)"
gRegorThese feel like alternatives to coerce different post types into Instagram. I think captions have typically been shorter, but with IG dominating, people are telling longer stories with more photos, leading to longer captions. I would prefer to make an article with photos in that case and probably not syndicate to IG.