#meta 2022-10-22

2022-10-22 UTC
I'd kind of rather time be roughly solar-time and then like, business hours can be shifted if people want.
jacky joined the channel
hey folks, looks like An Event Apart SF is back, and happening December 12-14 *this year* https://aneventapart.com/event/san-francisco-2022
I see [Jeremy_Keith] is on the speakers list too!
perhaps we could try to organize a one-day IWC SF the day before? (Sunday December 11)
would anyone be interested in that? I can ping Jeremy to find out if he'll be around
if there's anyone here interested, I'll stub something on /Planning
might be timely with the whole Elon takeover of Twitter etc.
jacky, [jgarber], [jeremycherfas], [tw2113_Slack_], sebsel, jbove, Saphire and klez joined the channel
omz13, [Jamie_Tanna], mro, SaoLOC, barnaby, gRegorLove_ and jacky joined the channel
vanderven.se martijn
edited /email (+1225) "/* Examples */ Add Jim Nielsen timeline of email reply links, from in the feed to on every post page"
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vanderven.se martijn
edited /podcast (+921) "/* See Also */ Add adaptive podcasting, seems interesting, via cubicgarden"
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jacky joined the channel
the 10 year anniversary of Webmention!
Countdown set by aaronpk on 2021-05-17 at 3:39pm PDT
I do wonder what gives us that date?
Ah, it was on the timeline page. I could not find it anywhere else
Goodness, that means in a couple years I'll have been round indieweb for 10 years
jacky joined the channel