#meta 2022-10-29

2022-10-29 UTC
Trying this Mastodon thing. So far I like it, but finding folks will be a thing. https://indieweb.social/@keithart/109248719560133394
AramZS joined the channel
↩️ @jasontucker @AlexStandiford and I were digging in to more of @pfefferle's plugins (talking over on Mastodon). I think Matthias will ultimately have to explain the philosophy and exact process, but this omnibus plugin seems to speak to a lot of that: https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/
↩️ I might stay here for as long it's healthy (or not), but I think I've caught a bug either way w/r/t to IndieWeb/OpenWeb
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
I’ve left this cesspool. You can find me on #Mastdon at @alwirtes@indieweb.social.
↩️ Join us! (Again?) You already have the domain! https://indieweb.org/ Eg https://micro.blog/ is hosted, as easy as Twitter to use, supports domains, cross posts here, fully indieweb compatible, etc.
↩️ Webmention can bring the conversation to blogging and RSS https://indieweb.org/Webmention
one for the #IndieWeb folks: looking for an open source irc chat interface for a project. know of any? details here: https://visitmy.website/2022/10/22/vitamancy/
mro joined the channel
#TwitterMigration, first time? Have posted notes to https://tantek.com/ since 2010, POSSEd tweets & #AtomFeed. Added one .htaccess line today, and thanks to #BridgyFed, #Mastodon users can follow my #IndieWeb site @tantek.com@tantek.com ... https://tantek.com/t5MZ1
mro joined the channel
Die eigentliche "Alternative" ist übrigens RSS/Atom, evtl noch #IndieWeb
barnaby and mro joined the channel
↩️ For services like twitter, masto, etc, it's the person who runs the server. For domain names, which is the basis for identity on #indieweb that's done by registrars who use the fiscal cost of registration to manage who gets what,
mro joined the channel
↩️ Why I will look harder at setting up https://indieweb.org/PESOS and/or https://indieweb.org/POSSE for my site when I relaunch it on top of @eleven_ty. Not planning on leaving Twitter, but would be great with some redundancy + have a way to keep in touch with people who are leaving :)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell voxpelli the beauty of owning your notes and always POSSEing is that as your friends move to other systems, it's marginal incremental work to POSSE to those systems, without depending on any prior silos to "work" for your setup to keep working
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tantek]: for sure, though I guess one could do both? Syndicate to one’s own site and then syndicating to the rest? Treating Twitter as mostly a client
voxpelli: [tantek] left you a message 22 minutes ago: the beauty of owning your notes and always POSSEing is that as your friends move to other systems, it's marginal incremental work to POSSE to those systems, without depending on any prior silos to "work" for your setup to keep working
Twitter as “client” limits you to their constraints like 280 chars which is lower than micro.blog, or Mastodon
It’s been so nice being free of that limitation and only using it editorially for determining what gets POSSEd to Twitter, without sacrificing a longer post for my own site and other destinations.
Good. Let’s get back to independent publishing on self-owned sites. https://indieweb.org/POSSE
mro, S, gRegorLove__ and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
created /User:Sanlive.com (+167) "Created page with "<div class="p-summary"> {{Infobox person |name = sandy |url = https://sanlive.com |summary = Writer |elsewhere = [https://sanlive.com/now What I'm doing now] }} </div>""
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[timothy_chambe], [tonz], [pfefferle], mro and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
created /User:Slyduda.com (+126) "A website created by Sylvester Duda."
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↩️ I am @fraktalisman@mastodon.social https://mastodon.social/@fraktalisman and I plan to get self publishing to both here and Mastodon sorted (again), too! @joinmastodon #mastodon #fediverse #indieweb
↩️ of your public, non-reply posts. Which means no need for API credentials, ability to skin however I want, ability to filter however I want... The more I do with #IndieWeb and #Fediverse, the more I wish these were the paths we took all along... https://phpc.social/@mwop/109252818260529133 (2/2)
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
nertzy joined the channel
↩️ IndieWeb & Webmentions?
^ looks like that account’s timeline is entirely crypto and antivax BS, might be worth blocking