#meta 2022-10-30

2022-10-30 UTC
yeah they're a distributed tech spammer that essentially keeps repeating themselves and doesn't have their own site
!spam @DecentralEvery
!block @DecentralEvery
Okay, I blocked "DecentralEvery" from all IndieWeb Twitter searches
Ruxton_ joined the channel
Hoping it won’t be necessary but getting properly set up on mastodon after leaving the account sitting for a bit @krra@indieweb.social if anyone else is over there
↩️ Owning your own content is easier than you think! Go to https://indieweb.org to learn more. Embrace your local nerds. Buy a domain name and hosting if you can afford to. #indieweb #freespeech
[chrisaldrich], [Murray], cali-iwc, jjuran, aaronpk, Zegnat, IWSlackGateway, [jgarber], [tw2113_Slack_], angelo and capjamesg joined the channel
↩️ Do I have to open two tabs (mastodon and indieweb) or is there an aggregator?
aaronpk, cali-iwc, [fluffy], wyrdsystems, mro, [jgmac1106] and barnaby joined the channel
there's an indieweb tab you all have been hiding from me all this time?!
↩️ I’m @sebaker@indieweb.social on Mastodon fwiw … enough Cory Doctorow content there to keep me diverted
[Sam_Butler], mro, jeremycherfas and [Sam_Butler]1 joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
mro joined the channel
^ interesting way to show public replies to friends-only tweets
mro and jjuran joined the channel
jmtd.net about
edited /comments (-102) "rm comments.network - dead site, domain parking page"
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tbbrown joined the channel
Afgelopen maanden was het lekker rustig op Mastodon, mijn volger en ik hielden elkaar eigenlijk nooit van het werk. Maar misschien is wat meer leven in de brouwerij toch ook wel aardig, ik zit daar als @juurd@indieweb.social
mro_ joined the channel
↩️ She is @web3isgreat@indieweb.social You might like other peeps in my follow list: https://mastodon.social/@tasket/following ...which includes Matt Green, Micah Lee, Lesley Carhart, Naomi Wu
mro joined the channel
!tell [timothy_chambe] now that I have @/tantek.com@/tantek.com working (without the slashes obv), do I qualify for the "IndieWeb Voices" list on https://indieweb.social/about/more 👀?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
vanderven.se martijn
edited /JSON (+1783) "/* See Also */ Add SPA JSON, a "relaxed JSON variant" with no documentation ?! One of these days this rabbit hole will absorb me whole."
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lol that's quite the See Also
↩️ An even smaller group of people is interconnecting their personal websites and blogs using a bunch of protocols like Webmention (see https://indieweb.org/Webmention). They aren't "compatible" with either diaspora* or Mastodon, and they're still all really cool projects.
I wonder who’s tweeting from @joindiaspora
[denschub] joined the channel
(partially. that post was me.)
oh cool, good to know, hi [denschub]!
I occasionally get a bit tired about people acting like “everything has to talk to everything” is the only right thing to do
[denschub]++ :pleading_face:
[denschub] has 1 karma over the last year
plurality has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
I must admit that if what you tweeted is the official line, I’m surprised that there isn’t more interest in getting some degree of interop between diaspora and mastodon working, as (I assume?) the two largest federated social projects
but I can imagine there are plenty of difficulties, especially if partial interoperability isn’t viable
[denschub] the exception is that there are bridges! E.g. https://fed.brid.gy/
barnaby, I think a good first "proof of concept" step is the building of bridges, before trying to get protocol level interop
bridges can help shakeout the UX issues which are often the key thing to solve
e.g. this could use some contributions: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/7
[snarfed] #7 support Diaspora
sure, and using a bridge comes with the expectation that some things might not work perfectly, rather than building incomplete support into the existing UX and having loose ends
"the expectation that some things might not work perfectly" <- this is the expectation for most protocol interop work too!
barnaby, the point is the with a bridge, you get *something* working much faster than agonizing over years of protocol debates before you can even post a "hello world" from one system to the other
point is that* with a bridge
oh absolutely, I’m entirely in favour of bridges
partial interoperability is fine for nerds. diaspora has a lot of users who use diaspora because they don’t want to care about tech. diaspora also has lots of users who once used mastodon or friendica or whatever and came back to diaspora, not because diaspora has lots of flashy features or has a super large audience, but because we try our best to make sure that the stuff we offer actually works.
i’ve talked to a lot of our users who said that they actively disliked mastodon because they ran into interop issues several times and they just stopped using it because not having confidence in your messages arriving at their target ruined the fun for them