#meta 2022-11-06

2022-11-06 UTC
↩️ I set up shop on the indieweb Mastodon instance a while back, and I love it, though I don't expect it'll be everyone's jam. I'll hang around here, but I anticipate it sliding downhill pretty fast. I hope I get to keep following you and the other science folks, whatever happens.
↩️ oh man, I was spoiled by the (soon to be defunct) http://cybre.space aesthetic. I just set up on http://indieweb.social and vanilla @joinmastodon is indeed very ugly. And it sucks that their posts are called "toots." http://cybre.space called them "pings"
lol pings
↩️ Any of the major ones will work just as well. If you wish you can join the one I admin but any major one will do: https://indieweb.social/invite/NzA7HPR5
#Decentralization and #federation are the future. Bring back #smolnet and #indieweb
what is smolnet
It looks like we don't have a page for "smolnet" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "smolnet is ____", a sentence describing the term)
↩️ for the people to stay together regardless of which platforms they flee to when. So far this has been a hard problem, at least in the parts of the net I'm familiar with. https://indieweb.social/@cellio/109294412213399471 (2/2)
↩️ Indieweb: even messier & more complicated than Mastodon, but I'm starting to think it's worth the pain to figure out. "Site deaths are one of the big reasons why you should own your own identity and content on the web." https://indieweb.org/site-deaths
On a long enough timeline...
I’m trying out Mastodon right now, as a long time social networking geek. It is the current Indieweb effort with enough critical mass to maybe succeed. Check it out! I’m https://mastodon.social/@jpanzer
↩️ Please let me know if you know any good communities. I’m also here apparently ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ https://indieweb.social/@man
Loqi joined the channel
↩️ Just join an instance like http://indieweb.social, introduce yourself on the local timeline, and start following some people on the instance and tooting cool things. I use the local timeline a lot now to interact :)
created /u-follow-of (+252) "prompted by [tantek]1 and dfn added by [tantek]1"
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↩️ Conceptually, there could/would be the instance (managed Mastodon server), the forum (via https://element.io), and the plugin (piggybacking off the ActivityPub/Indieweb plugins already published, but ostensibly it would be vastly simplified *with better onboarding, ahem*)
↩️ The unbroken bridge is #BridgyFed, connecting the two archipelagos of #IndieWeb and #Mastodon. (The htaccess line lets the bridge stand on your site.) This is a good solution, far better than no solution, but still clunky and brittle long-term. https://fed.brid.gy/
I haven't posted much on here in the past 15 years, but as an open web supporter, the direction of Twitter (and centralized social media in general) is bad for innovation and democracy. Let's try something different, improve and iterate. #Mastodon: @oshuma@indieweb.social
↩️ Oh, I didn't know that. Can I migrate to a different server and bring all my content with me? I'm not that much into free software but more into building things and writing. Checking out https://indieweb.social/about
↩️ In the meantime I’m ofc now also on Mastodon @spongefile@indieweb.social looking for the people I follow on here
Zoomer tip: never have a single point of contact. I don't know where folks will emigrate to, but Mastodon is trendy. Feel free to look me up. @spazahedron@indieweb.social (obviously i chose this instance ironically) https://indieweb.social/@spazahedron
I've set up on CoHost recently too: https://cohost.org/stevepdp It has a nice IndieWeb vibe around it, similar to services like NeoCities. Hoping it's Plus! subcription model allows it to remain independent.
neceve and barnaby joined the channel
I'm @rasmus@indieweb.social on https://indieweb.social/invite/XoUDqiCG for you those who care about a free and open internet, but also https://www.linkedin.com/in/rasmusvuori/ if you prefer a commercial platform
barnaby and neceve_ joined the channel
Because of the alarming events unfolding at Twitter, like many I’ve been exploring Mastodon. I’m optimistic. You can find me at https://mastodon.social/@barryf or my own #indieweb website http://barryfrost.com.
neceve_ joined the channel
POSSE - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere - is the standard way to be in control of your online identities in the age of big tech. https://indieweb.org/POSSE
neceve_ joined the channel
neceve joined the channel
The more I play with Mastodon, the more I enjoy it. I can easily see me switching over completely once I get all the people I want to follow set up. @tombrady814@indieweb.social
↩️ I see KK is on indieweb which means he may not have seen the http://eupolicy.social instance; I moved over there from http://mastodon.social when it got too overloaded. I love the http://eupolicy.social local timeline.
↩️ I hate to take anyone away from indieweb though! Maybe the servers should federate and then the federated timeline would have the same content...
... thats not quite how that works :D
[davidmead] joined the channel
edited /ActivityPub (+32) "/* Software */"
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what is Drupal ActivityPub plugin?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Drupal ActivityPub plugin" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Drupal ActivityPub plugin is ____", a sentence describing the term)
created /Drupal_ActivityPub_plugin (+99) "prompted by aaronpk and dfn added by aaronpk"
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nertzy joined the channel
It’s not easy picking a mastodon server today since so many are closed (incl mine). If I had to pick right now to get started, I’d probably go for: L http://mastodon.online M http://indieweb.social S find a special interest group, friend/colleague running one, or start your own
edited /authorization-endpoint () "(-6392) remove specifics of spec stuff and link out to the actual spec"
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Is anyone else here using Slack (iOS, at the very least) and noticing that usernames are showing up as “incoming-webhook” instead of, say, Loqi…?
This changed at some point in the last week or so. Used to be webhook-posted messages appears with the proper username.
try restarting the app
slack glitches sometimes
Restarting didn’t work. Will try clearing whatever caches the iOS app may be hanging on to…
i've seen it happen before but it's always been temporary
Hrm, no luck with cache clearing either. Okay, so others have seen this, too. :crossed_fingers::skin-tone-2: this goes away on its own.
edited /token-endpoint () "(-2529) /* Creating a token endpoint */"
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Slack iOS app updated two days ago, but I forget whether or not the issue presented itself before or after that update.
https://indieweb.social/@kkomaitis/109297079834347190 "Elon Musk achieved the impossible: he encouraged competition in microblogging when none existed! "
neceve_ and [davidmead]1 joined the channel
↩️ There is sone irony that a free speech agenda is attracting more to the indieweb than censorship atm
mro joined the channel
Changing lanes to @evolove@indieweb.social Migrating off the toxic superhighway From the olds, the best driving song of the 1990s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jSOQBcz9hc Geggy Tah featuring @GregKurstin on keys
Changing lanes to @evolove@indieweb.social Migrating off the toxic superhighway From the olds, the best driving song of the 1990s: https://youtube.com/watch?v=1jSOQBcz9hc Geggy Tah featuring @GregKurstin on keys
mro joined the channel
↩️ Good news! #Mastodon timelines all expose RSS feeds too. There is a strong #indieweb community on it too. The main point of #Mastodon isn't even the platform itself, but the #ActivityPub protocol that ties in the entire #Fediverse https://axbom.com/fediverse/
↩️ can you both provide your SLAs ? ;) [i've been on indieweb for a couple of years, with no complaints, but federaté be fickle]
nertzy joined the channel
Since I joined here in Dec 08, I'll delete & continue on @ingie@indieweb.social / https://indieweb.social/web/@ingie in Dec 22, just to pick a sensible cutoff. If you haven't left here for fediverse by then, you probably weren't /really/ left wing lib enough to be following me anyway ;)
According to the text file I made to remind myself back in April, I have TWO accts, one @ http://mastodon.social and another @ http://indieweb.social Gawd knows why. Is one an alt acct? Did I have to sign into two servers? Gd thing I'm not a spy w this kind of memory.
[jgarber] [aaronpk] i've been seeing the webhook user stuff too. i just restarted my ios app so hopefully that's that.
oh dear
Me at Mastodon Social @phonicsbus@indieweb.social #gameaudio movin' right along! https://indieweb.social/@phonicsbus
gRegor joined the channel
Only a little tempted to create a Slack user called “webhook”
nertzy_ joined the channel
oh captain my captain
Still seeing nice chats between incoming-webhook
↩️ And I've got some thoughts about current barriers to POC on Mastodon in https://indieweb.social/@jdp23/109268506955477904
↩️ Thanks much! I'll add more links as I find them. As to *why* there aren't a lot of Black people in Mastodon, there's some discussion and links from 2017 in the thread at https://indieweb.social/web/@jdp23/109298769379065802 My takeaway at the time has held up pretty well if I do say so myself!
↩️ For more discussion, this birdthread links out to more history and perspectives https://twitter.com/jdp23/status/1588989543726075904 including https://indieweb.social/@jdp23/109298769379065802 A key thing you have to do is follow people from other instances, similar to your analogy of suburbia - you gotta leave the burbs
↩️ FWIW, I'm on http://indieweb.social. I wanted to be on the main social instance, but they aren't/weren't taking new accounts. So far, I'm content.
Added my Mastondon link to my link in Bio And here it is https://indieweb.social/@ADHD_Cyborg
I'm not really losing a huge audience but I'm leaving Twitter and joining the crowd moving across to @joinmastodon See you on the other side: https://indieweb.social/@tomsalterdev
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
↩️ Your significant conversations should be in a place that you own - is the implicit motto of #indieweb and #fediverse Cross-posting between both is also an option.
↩️ I'm @Sarahburnes@indieweb.social [if i can figure out how to use it!]
another #Mastodon update: I found a super cute server about #indieweb & #humanetech and so I'm trying to migrate my account there; this is my new handle, promise to stick with it for a while: ✨ @blackholeness@indieweb.social ✨
barnaby joined the channel
edited /Error_establishing_a_database_connection (+127) "finish adding content"
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edited /Error_establishing_a_database_connection (+109) "incorporate SA content into page content, add screenshot of a longer error message"
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↩️ I got right in at http://indieweb.social. Dancingseas@indieweb.social. Easy to switch later. Just get in. I’m hoping Twitter will be ok.
[eddie] joined the channel