#meta 2022-11-07

2022-11-07 UTC
Had to switch the kitchen music to WRIR Ambient Congo for spaghetti making. It's live now, so you can enjoy, too. The music, not my spaghetti sauce, which is good. Fun fact: I talk about my Irishness, but my mom's… https://indieweb.social/@jamesecradockjr/109298929166300574
↩️ I have same issue… signed up on http://indieweb.social are you on http://mastodon.online? Signup email took half a day…
barnaby joined the channel
that Medium article from 2017 about "Lessons (so far) from Mastodon for independent social networks" had an opensourcebridge/.org link in it and I'm still sad all that content and years of conferences, wiki etc. all disappeared 😞
what was OSBridge
Open Source Bridge (AKA OSBridge) is an annual open source conference in Portland Oregon where many indieweb talks have been given over the years, and the event which served as an anchor for the immediately adjacent very first IndieWebCamp in 2011 https://indieweb.org/OSBridge
You can also follow this post's link that gets you to the list full of addresses to follow - https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109299464718225439
If you’d like to support me & my work, please consider subscribing to my newsletter and following me on Mastodon. This is really important right now. ✨ https://marinaamaral.substack.comhttps://indieweb.social/@marinaamaral Thank you!
edited /Open_Source_Bridge (+139) "was, link to Internet Archive"
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edited /Open_Source_Bridge (+3) "fix see also"
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jacky joined the channel
How to opt out your contact details from #Facebook and/or #Instagram Vía #MastodonSocial #privacy https://indieweb.social/@kaitebay/109285907672012939
edited /design (+165) "add IA of prev post"
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edited /follow (+458) "stub how to, markup, notify"
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edited /Koype (+94) "/* Planned */ add note of planned expermential ability to get log of changes made to a URL"
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↩️ I’ve been exploring #Mastodon it’s nice, German (ish) the founder is from Germany. 500 characters per “toot”, no dirty dm’s, CW (content warning) on political or controversial posts. I’m @dwplato@indieweb.social on there maybe we’ll see you there.
↩️ check your spam folder. I couldn't find you without your server address. @tombrady814@indieweb.social
edited /follow (+72) "/* How to notify */ add link to what the AS+AP 'follow' action looks like and link AP page"
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I’ve been exploring #Mastodon it’s nice, German (ish) the founder is from Germany. 500 characters per “toot”, no dirty dm’s, CW (content warning) on political or controversial posts. I’m @dwplato@indieweb.social on there maybe we’ll see you…
edited /Falcon (+486) "Design POSSE truncations display"
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I actually think @elonmusk can make @twitter better, but he might need some PowerPoint slides. Meanwhile I’m checking out mastodon @smithlc@hexagon.social and (soon) @smithlc@indieweb.social … feeling toot, might delete later.
Find me at #Mastodon at @manuelte@indieweb.social
Important thread on Mastodon. Check it out! I signed up for the “http://indieweb.social” sector. The strategy is to have a presence both spaces before Twitter totally disintegrates. @tbacchus20 @wcruz73 @YNB @Reelblack @TheTrekCentral @ForCommunities
[dmitshur] joined the channel
↩️ You don't need to be on the same server to follow others or for others to follow you. You just need to know their full address when using the search ie @tombrady814@indieweb.social
↩️ I'll have to check that one out if I'm not accepted by http://indieweb.social. Awaiting word on that now.
↩️ Coincidentally, all these tweets I’m doing today are me trying to get my indieweb site to also federate with mastodon
CrowderSoup joined the channel
↩️ I ended up migrating to https://indieweb.social/web/@addyosmani as the previous server had issues :)
CrowderSoup joined the channel
↩️ thanks for the help this morning! I just dropped you a follow from @riversidewings@indieweb.social
I like decentralized system without web3 nonsense. I’m on @joinmastodon on @mudkip@indieweb.social
I have moved across to Mastodon. Find and follow me at: @missemilielib@indieweb.social Those of you with Mastodon accounts that I follow here: I am going to refollow you there! Here's how if you want to do this too https://fedifinder.glitch.me/
↩️ When someone sets up an account on Mastodon the address will consist of the username and the name of the server they are on. My address on there is @caffeneko@indieweb.social
Bon allez, balancez vos blases sur Mastodon en reply Le mien —> @Francois@indieweb.social
↩️ I love it and the old school indieweb vibe combined with well considered design choices. Has a kind spirited community. Happy to answer any questions.
CrowderSoup4 and mro joined the channel
↩️ http://Micro.blog is very popular in the indieweb community. They've collectively authored a great guide to it here: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
嗯 2022年结束之前计划实现通过indieweb把hugo博客接入fediverse和twitter的功能 然后我就真正自由了
CrowderSoup9 joined the channel
↩️ Cool! Really not sure what I'm to do on there yet but here's me: @fanny@indieweb.social
[Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Trying out this Mastodon thing. I wonder if this will be another Google+ experience? https://indieweb.social/web/@tantacrul
barnaby joined the channel
created /Template:Dries_Buytaert (+194) "Created page with "Dries Buytaert the Founder and Project Lead of Drupal. He is also Co-founder and CTO of Acquia. Dries has been working on Open Source and an Open Web for 20+ years. He blogs at https://dri.es/.""
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edited /photo (+6)
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jbove joined the channel
↩️ owning your domain is powerful but the indieweb crowd has historically put too much emphasis on this extreme case. makes sense tho‘ given the era of social media we just went through was/is on the other side of the spectrum.
CrowderSoup4 joined the channel
↩️ (Distributed over multiple servers communicating with each other through fixed protocols and identified by domains with names like http://mastodon.ie, http://tech.lgbt, and http://indieweb.social)
↩️ I think @mantonsblog et al get a lot of things right with http://micro.blog — It’s an accessible way to get started with a blog, and you get familiar “social networking” features on top, bc turns out you can totally do that with RSS and Indieweb Tech like Micropub
↩️ This is a very long discussion I’d love to have with you, but the short version is: I’m all for FOSS products and the IndieWeb community. I’ve advocated for that myself for a long time — but the reality isn’t that pretty. 1/2
↩️ "the indieweb crowd has historically put too much emphasis on this extreme case". What is the extreme case you are referring to, please?
So I set myself up with a Mastodon account (@chldlktndncs@indieweb.social) if anyone wants to add me on there. But I've actually been thinking we Lucifans could set up our own server on there, to provide like-minded fans with an instance of their own to sign up with
↩️ I mean, if you're following the #indieweb approach the best option is to host your own personal service yourself, but that's too technical for most
[campegg] and [campegg]1 joined the channel
↩️ Bonjour, il y a un nombre croissant de journalistes qui établissent une présence sur le #Fediverse (via @mastodon). Tim Chambers (@tchambers@indieweb.social) maintient une liste, que je ne reposterai pas ici, de journalistes et des serveurs où ils se sont établis.
If I did everything correctly (and there's more than a betting chance I didn't), I'm @mmaney@indieweb.social somewhere on the Mastodon/IndieWeb/fediverse.
Like many of you, I recently opened a Mastodon account for research and contingency-planning purposes. Then I realized I'd already done that in 2018--at an indieweb meetup at #XOXOfest in Portland after one speaker encouraged trying it.
[Dinis_Correia] joined the channel
So I don't know for how long we will still have Twitter, so just in case I have opened an account on Mastodon. You can find me there through this link: https://indieweb.social/@DThemiscyra
Tenía una cuenta de mastodon de hace años sin usar, pero dentro de poco cierra la instancia en la que está. Así que, por si acaso vienen más ocurrencias de cierto billonario tarado, me he creado una nueva en @darum@indieweb.social https://indieweb.social/web/@darum
↩️ Doesn't seem that extreme to me, perhaps because I have been doing it for quite a few years. But I am no techie, and many modern CMS enable quite a lot of the interaction that IndieWeb promotes.
Welp, just signed up for #Mastodon. That's all so far... will have to see how it goes... @Thurley@indieweb.social
↩️ https://indieweb.social/web/@elisabethonthewebs I'm trying it out too. I haven't articulated my feelings about it just yet. :)
[jeremycherfas] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (13 in all channels)
And welcome Dries++
Dries has 1 karma over the last year
↩️ there are also AP plugins for wordpress and drupal, although I can’t personally vouch for how well they work. AP is quite complicated, and mastodon adds a lot of semi-documented quirks to it, so good integration is a challenge https://indieweb.org/ActivityPub#Software
Over on Mastodon you can now find me at @10gotoperkins@indieweb.social. I'm not gone yet but just glad to have some breathing room.
↩️ I've been building a little microblog at http://feed.nmoo.dev and really want to enhance it with ActivityPub! I think this framing is much more appealing to indieweb folks. Pretty pleased with this GitHub Action to automatically cross-post to Twitter! https://github.com/natemoo-re/feed/blob/main/.github/workflows/post.yml
↩️ I guess this builds great awareness that thought leaders with big followers are joining the #TwitterMigration as the "Free For All Hellscape" version of Twitter continues & a great reminder to follow @paulkrugman over on Mastodon here: https://indieweb.social/web/@pkrugman@mastodon.online cc: @joinmastodon
↩️ I just grabbed the first one which would allow me to register: http://indieweb.social. Not sure which one you join really matters, though.
the man is worried, he's now been drawn into the attention economy of a hobbyist scale indieweb project, which is a threat to a $40 billion investment. self inflicted
mro joined the channel
edited /h-card (+304) "/* partial vs complete */"
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jacky joined the channel
edited /h-card (+544) "/* partial vs complete */ added rel-about suggestion"
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edited /h-card (+409) "/* partial vs complete */ added suggestion for how to integrate this into existing h-card related algorithms"
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↩️ I'm on http://ruby.social, with a lot of folks from Ruby, Rails. Some of you are already on http://indieweb.social And there's also http://mastodon.social and http://mastodon.xyz Any other you like?
Anyone wanting a “leave Elon alone” crying video ala the one for Britney Spears many years back?
not saying i’m going to be the one to make it, but just the idea of having one
Just in case Twitter implodes since @iamjohnoliver said that Twitter is being held together by sticks (or he said employees said this) I created a Mastodon account and you can find me there @DrJenHo@indieweb.social -- we'll see if I switch entirely but I am curious about it
For folks making (or considering) the #TwitterMigration / #Twexit to Mastodon, here's a Quickstart guide: https://livemind.net/blog/mastodon-quickstart-howto-guide.html Find me at: https://indieweb.social/@doctorparadox Come on in, the water is very fine! An oasis unspoiled by the boredom of billionaires.
↩️ I'll send you an http://indieweb.social invite if you're interested. It's full of builders
↩️ @frosty @nheagy I’ve seen lots of smart folks on https://indieweb.social/about so maybe that’s a good one for you Automat… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1589671666090934272
either i'm getting good at scrolling past all these "i'm on indieweb dot social now" tweets or i am also missing a lot of discussion in between them, lol.
gRegor and [jeffpaul] joined the channel
it's truly been a blast my friends, see you on the other side ✌️https://indieweb.social/@travisgerke
↩️ Neocities is a super cool initiative tho, a lot of creative projects are hosted there, including a whole "IndieWeb" movement ❤️
↩️ Implementing activitypub/activitystreams gets you #fediverse integration. Implementing mf2 and webmentions gets you #indieweb integration. Easy.
[Sam_Butler] and mro joined the channel
November 7, 2015....IWC at MIT, I think
"Easy" 😂 😭
Seven years later
jacky joined the channel
I’m joining @joinmastodon for when this bird house finally burns down. @amyewilkins@indieweb.social
created /friends-only_posts (+22) "prompted by [tantek]1 and redirect added by [tantek]1"
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edited /protected (+35) "include friends-only posts in the dfn"
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↩️ switched servers, i'm now @ironiclast@indieweb.social
[schmarty]1: you have the magic wrist flick lol
↩️ Good idea! I was always reluctant to adopt IndieWeb technology because last I checked most required some server-side rendering, so you had to have a server executing scripts running somewhere.
↩️ Re prior art - PESOS might be a good starting point (https://indieweb.org/PESOS). fwiw I cross publish most of the stuff on my own site as well and plan to backport the whole Twitter archive as soon as I find the time. Will report back. ;-) https://git.bascht.space/bascht/bascht.com/src/branch/bascht.com/content/posts
↩️ I think the server side bits are only needed if you want to have any interactivity that is instantly rendered. I got by with plain HTML (Hugo backed) and still do a lot of IndieWeb stuff. :D
[jeffpaul] joined the channel
edited /h-card (+577) "/* partial vs complete */ noted relmeauth spec suggesting same-domain rel-me for this use-case"
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Hi folks I have opened a Mastodon account; @ThoughtsfromCerebro@indieweb.social
↩️ Cool... trying it out. @cheedoh@indieweb.social
↩️ Here is a post that gives you a list of journalists worth following: https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109300638072746525 I'll reply next with some academics I'm finding. Give me a minute or two.
[Zeina] joined the channel
edited /expiring_content (+458) "/* Silo Examples */ add mastodon"
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I really, really, really like http://Micro.blog. Was my first real foray back into IndieWeb a few years ago. Modern, mature, fast, and you can follow folks on Mastodon with it.
Peter här. Vardagsjobbar i Uppsala, tänker och försöker formulera mig om varifrån frågorna kommer, deras paradoxiska hemvist liksom. Tycker om samhällets så kallade digitalisering, och om rättvisa, tillit, balans, ödmjukhet och… https://indieweb.social/@dkmj/109304647112552546
[jeffpaul]1 joined the channel
↩️ why did you use indieweb. social as your hub and not mastodon. social?
↩️ errrr @codazzo@indieweb.social I am not very good at this
mro and jacky joined the channel
edited /tools (+18) "/* Microformats Parsers */ updated mf reader link"
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edited /tools (+69) "+rel-me.cc"
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edited /h-card (+551) "/* partial vs complete */ added some stats"
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Here's an invite code for the http://indieweb.social server in case you're in need of another #web3 / #dweb related mastodon instance to login to (send more in comments, pls) -> https://indieweb.social/invite/bRTWHNwE #ByeTwitter
edited /h-card (-90) "/* Validators */ indiewebify.me parses all stable h-card properties now"
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tbbrown joined the channel
lolwut - how is indieweb.social at all web3 related?!?
dweb in only the most generic sense I suppose
↩️ Annoyingly, when the W3C Social Web Working Group was standardizing ActivityPub, we failed to fully integrate it with the blog model expressed in the indieweb standards. So we made a set of incompatible standards for the world to pick through. Still, you're right.
↩️ https://myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov/ Before that, I spent 13+ years at Google (first in BD, then a PM on Blogger, Google+, and Youtube, then at Google Ventures). I'm currently figuring out what's next, probably at the intersection of tech and government. https://indieweb.social/@rklau/109303983289434291 (2/2)
made an account on mastodon and started following a bunch of people i found, it still says i only follow two people tho so idk what i did wrong. ill try to figure out how to use it later, for now here’s my account in case anyone’s interested: https://indieweb.social/@manolo/
lol sandhawke's tweet. not sure how to politely reply to that one aside from the old unfinished draft of going from ~15 proposals/projects/stacks down to ~2.5
↩️ mastodon is pretty good. You have to work a lot harder at finding your content though. http://indieweb.social is where I am
↩️ I'm on http://indieweb.social and I was able to find and follow you. @AlanBedford@indieweb.social over there.
Looks like this time around Mastodon is really gaining traction, I'm trying to spend more time over there. I'm at https://indieweb.social/@mantish
My new social media is fire. Check out my 3D render of Tim Henson from Polyphia - https://indieweb.social/web/@BenLevinMusic
edited /h-card (-76) "/* partial vs complete */ added updated indiemap data with 29 instances"
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AramZS joined the channel
trying out Mastodon... @suenew@indieweb.social