#meta 2022-11-08

2022-11-08 UTC
If you're looking for me somewhere else, maybe check here: @Prosenblum@indieweb.social
↩️ tb fiquei tonta, e terminei escolhendo uma de indieweb... nem sei se funciona, mas consegui pelo menos criar um perfil capenga.
edited /h-card (+381) "/* partial vs complete */ linked list to 90 examples of /about pattern"
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edited /h-card (+360) "/* partial vs complete */ added /contact list"
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I need to collect all those rel-me tweets and then link back to when I added rel=me to XFN back in 2004 😂
gRegorLove_ and lanodan joined the channel
↩️ Servers, basically. You're @carolinelosneck@toot.community I'm @jamesecradock@indieweb.social @obobme, where you at?
↩️ We have a good way to do it https://indieweb.org/social_reader And http://micro.blog has a reasonable monetization model
And thus, we begin the journey to Mastodon. Who's joining? https://indieweb.social/invite/NvfxeBjV #edtechchat #edchat
edited /h-card (+231) "/* partial vs complete */ details about indiemap rel=author/Author usage"
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320 journalists confirmed on Mastodon. If you’re new there or plan to create an account, keep this list so you can look up your favorites. https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109300638072746525
jacky and Seirdy joined the channel
↩️ That is what I'm doing too. @kris_pi@indieweb.social
jacky joined the channel
This kind of decentralization/ownership is also what we meant with the #indieweb @indiewebcamp 1. Own your domain 2. Own your identity 3. Own your data 4. Syndicate (cross post from your own site to the walled gardens) It’s not a solved problem. There’s tradeoffs. Etc
For all who are transitioning to #Mastodon, find me there as @tfrogdotcom@indieweb.social (or some such). You can also find me at my local voting precinct. Since the Republicans in Harrisburg decided to do away with straight party voting, I'll have to fill in FOUR ovals. All D.
That EFF tweet is on point. Cryptocurrency advocates appropriated and ruined the term "decentralization"
good to see [shaners] pop-up here via Twitter
Still working out a few things with Mastodon. Mostly to do with microformats and how http://brid.gy posts my content. This is a test. #indieweb (https://techlifeweb.com/static/Note-2211071810.html)
jacky joined the channel
↩️ it's also great, enjoy life. Followed your account at indieweb dot social
I'm convinced. Thanks to open source anyone can deploy a server that does the good part of twitter. So you can find me on http://urbanists.social/@zak for city transit complaining, and http://indieweb.social/@zak for software, tax, etc. Some of my posts there will be mirrored here. #noxp
↩️ Just digging through the drafts as I maybe slowly migrate to Mastodon (https://indieweb.social/@grantf) This word has haunted my inner thoughts for years.
jacky joined the channel
↩️ I am now active on @smithlc@indieweb.social
So, turns out I chose poorly when I picked my Mastodon server earlier today. Luckily, it's super easy to migrate your Mastodon account to a new server. Anyways, this is where my Mastodon account is now. https://indieweb.social/web/@pyutaros#
Here is my new Mastodon link. I am still getting used to the site and apparently I cannot type tonight. https://indieweb.social/@EvilRegal2
[aciccarello] joined the channel
↩️ @photomatt @tumblr @bluesky Figure out your indieweb integration story first, it's a much better fit for tumblr bot… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1589684937942503424
created /User:Jeremyrader.com (+25) "Created page with "Just another indieweb guy""
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↩️ Worked perfectly Reply to: > Scott Kingery on Twitter: "Still working out a few things with Mastodon. Mostly to do with microformats and how http://brid.gy posts my content. This is a test. #indieweb (https://techlifeweb.com/static/Note-2211071810.html)" / Twitter (https://techlifeweb.com/static/Reply-2211071810.html)
↩️ They aren't wrong!! He should also join Mastodon! https://indieweb.social/@Eric
[aciccarello]1 joined the channel
↩️ If you're on Mastodon (whether as part of the #TwitterMigration or because you've been there for a while), please help get the word out by boosting! https://indieweb.social/@VotingRightsNews/109306666207899835
mro joined the channel
↩️ On the same note i've recommended "owning your data" as Tantek Çelik et al. indieweb enthusiasts have promoted for years. It takes a bit of fiddling to get your own publishing going as there are no easy readymade installable platforms, but you'll thank yourself later.
↩️ The initiative has very good website about it https://indieweb.org/ To simplify it's microblogging+blogging combined with visual publishing (ie. YT & Insta, not sure of Tiktok), basically publishing to your own site and then distributing (ie. sharing) it to various platforms.
mro joined the channel
^ I mean it's not that hard. Needs a "We chose to own our notes ..." version
[MiaCrow], barnaby and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
Not that anyone cares I suppose but I will be leaving this site soon, I will mostly lurk and occasionally share something here instead: https://indieweb.social/@kattenpejst
↩️ разни такива списъци флуктуират, май бях видял един още по-голям. https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109300638072746525
barnaby and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[Murray] joined the channel
↩️ N'hésitez pas à me demander de l'aide, ici ou sur l'oiseau bleu (oui, je crosspost d'ici vers là bas selon le principe #POSSE "Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere" https://indieweb.org/POSSE #TwitterMigration
edited /Twitter (+188) "/* POSSE to Twitter */ noted recent rejections of API access for indieweb purposes"
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edited /POSSE (+272) "/* Twitter */ noted recent API access rejections, questioned current existence of web action endpoints"
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jacky joined the channel
If you're following me, follow me on Mastadon, too. @cjaccino@indieweb.social
I'm on Mastadon at http://indieweb.social if you're trying to pick a server!
[Murray]1 joined the channel
AramZS joined the channel
Jumping ship guys. Love you all. I just don't have time or energy for shitposting nazi sympatheizing alien cyborg billionaires in my life. I moved to mastodon : https://indieweb.social/web/@flawedhumanbeing Don't you forget about me!
Well, Mastodon approved am I. @Austan@indieweb.social is my handle there. Brave new world?
I joined #Mastodon back in April but no one was over there... If you're jumping ship, friend me @gambl0r@indieweb.social ! If you don't know what I'm talking about, give this a look: https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/08/what-is-mastodon/
Twitter is totally fine everyone, nothing to see here! But just in case... I now have a Mastadon account: https://indieweb.social/@itsburnsie
edited /consent_screen (+582) "added Ideas section with client ID history idea"
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edited /consent_screen (+356) "added social reader+crediting applications anti-phishing idea"
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I'm over at @michaelwitwicki@indieweb.social on Mastadon if anyone else is moving that way.
Time to give #mastodon a go. I'm a little skeptical about how it's going to scale, but this is a once-in-a-very-long-time opportunity to see if something a bit genuinely weird (and pleasingly human-oriented) can be the future of social media. Find me: @rossng@indieweb.social
created /silently_unfollow_someone (+17) "prompted by [tantek]1 and redirect added by [tantek]1"
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↩️ I joined IndieWeb, not really sure what effect that has on the entire experience. Still figuring it out
You don't have to stay here and put up with his shit. You don't have to adjust to the totalitarian. It will get worse. https://indieweb.social/@Eric
jacky and mro joined the channel
↩️ Yes. It’s @rozwood1970@indieweb.social Not done much. I didn’t have a clue which server to pick. Apparently there are about 40! I didn’t look that far down the list.
↩️ Followed! I’m tedspence@indieweb,social
If anyone interested I’m also on mastodon @pawelmadej@indieweb.social
I'm on #Mastodon as @juglugs@indieweb.social See you on the light side...
Quem está lá na tede social do elefantinho. Pode me adicionar @quiseraeu@indieweb.social
For those who see my tweets (LOLOL) I'm on #MastodonSocial now and quite liking it! @smeacham@indieweb.social
Alright, I officially am in love with "Mastodon". There's a learning curve, but the platform seems really cool. https://indieweb.social/web/@itsburnsie#
↩️ Also @drewharwell I've seen you on Mastodon ... here's a guide for how to fight disinfo on Mastodon, if you could help get the word out there as well that'd be great. (You too Isaac if you're there.) https://indieweb.social/@VotingRightsNews/109306666207899835
↩️ You might be interested in this, a list of journalists on Mastodon. Be sure to add yourself too! https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109309544832970649
Indieweb is a really interesting concept I've been meaning to look more into, but now is probably an ideal time. Might not be up everyone's alley, but I could see how this would be pretty beneficial for artists and webcomics folk in particular. https://indieweb.org #moa
↩️ Try it this way: @MarinaAmaralA@indieweb.social What is your handle, Rob?
Well, I'm doing the Mastadon thing. I'm not interested in more social media, but I am interested in decentralized options. Going to check it out a bit, see how well it works. If you're there, connect with me: @andrewhoyer@indieweb.social
[benatwork] joined the channel
AramZS joined the channel
This place is definitely feeling emptier. So fuck Musk and his weird lottery-winning incel vibes by going to Mastodon! https://indieweb.social/@whalecoiner
I've added Mastodon syndication to my website's backend, which means this post should appear on my website (http://barryfrost.com), my Twitter account (@barryf) and my Mastodon account (@barryf@mastodon.social). #indieweb
[benatwork] joined the channel
Now also on Mastodon @adebyrne@indieweb.social
OK. I’ve gone and Masto-done it. https://indieweb.social/@TVGuyGrayson - But honestly, the whole “choose your server” bit at sign up is intimidating and confusing as heck.
AramZS joined the channel
edited /Category:jargon (+35) "/* Keywords */ added SSL, cipherlist, algorithm"
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Planning on sticking around for the moment, but also eyeing up a few lifeboat candidates. Here's one. https://indieweb.social/invite/koMgjqbZ
If you are interested in checking out mastodon Here is an invite link that lets you follow me there https://indieweb.social/invite/PTM2SLGf (expires in one week)
Despite my misgivings, I'm gonna give Mastodon a shot. Shoutout to @jeremyckahn for finding a server I think I can live with. You can find me at @localghost@indieweb.social. I'll go shout into that void for while instead of this one. Might be back.
idk if i'll use it but if you're on mastodon, follow me maybe @goshacmd@indieweb.social
I'm on Mastodon, in case this whole Twitter experiment blows up. @JonDigital@indieweb.social
I’ve joined the #mastodonmigration and I really love the platform so far. See you on the other side! @pixeltoastdesign@indieweb.social
↩️ The list isn't complete yet - I keep adding as I come across posts but it'll get there. Mastodon - I signed up to http://indieweb.social since it was the first I came across that someone i trusted was using. Also tried http://fandom.ink but they are closed off.
[jacky] joined the channel
↩️ search-discoverability for a server; some might want to show up in search while others might prefer to stay mostly secluded. https://indieweb.social/@grant/109310300465010918 (2/2)
So I guess I'm also using my Mastodon profile, just in case this goes behind a paywall. Before it does, give me a follow @jodsclass@indieweb.social
barnaby joined the channel