[fluffy]Oh dang, that did show up in my feed but I didn’t look at the title. That’s definitely a session I’d have joined if I’d noticed the subject matter.
[tantek]I found it a bit ironic that very early on in the session "knowlwedge graph using microformats? do you need SPARQL" was brought up (which AFAIK has nothing to do with making the indieweb more approachable), and then was immediately followed by "problem points for people new to the IndieWeb - what jargon comes up?"
[tantek]I expect there may be some context missing there, however the fact that even a session on approachability elicited a conversation on "knowledge graph" or "SPARQL" to me points to some sort of cultural challenge. Like how did it seem like this was the right session to even bring that up?
[fluffy]Does anyone in indieweb even use sparql? I hadn’t even heard of it before and it sounds like it’s a bad remnant of back when Movable Type insisted on using RDF in an embedded comment for whatever reason
IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> [tantek] We moved that discussion to chat. A few people who attended the session were new to the IndieWeb (yay!) so it's not so much that it was discussed rather is something that someone might have wanted to follow up on later.
IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> I know that particular configuration of points is rather confusing. Maybe we can move the SPARQL bit to an addendum at the bottom of the archive?
[fluffy]I’ve been wanting to write a blog post about getting into the indieweb. also I should see if I kept a copy of my “intro to the indieweb” talk I gave at seomoz last year (if not I’m sure I could ask a former coworker if he’d let me “borrow” the slides back)
[tantek]curiosity++ — those topics just seemed off-topic for a focused discussion on approachability. Maybe better for a general discussion like at a HWC?
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc
IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> [marksuth] and I host the HWC London / Europe call. I _think_ GWG (David, who was mentioned in the meetup yesterday) runs the Pacific one.
IWDiscordRelay<capjamesg#4492> HWC's often cover a wide range of topics. We always love brainstorming on cool new things one can do with their website!