#meta 2022-11-29

2022-11-29 UTC
petermolnar, mouse[d], IWDiscordRelay, catgirlinspace and [catgirlinspace] joined the channel
edited /why_post (+113) "fix link, prompt for expansion"
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tbbrown joined the channel
created /Template:benji (+111) "Created page with "<span class="h-card">{{sparkline| https://www.benji.dog/assets/avatar.png}} [[User:www.benji.dog|benji]]</span>""
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[eddie], gRegor, mro, petermolnar, BobbyGeneric[m] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; petermolnar left the channel
ActivityPub << https://github.com/mwt/apfollow/ Code and buttons for creating ActivityPub Follow me interface
ok, I added "https://github.com/mwt/apfollow/ Code and buttons for creating ActivityPub Follow me interface" to the "See Also" section of /ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84714&oldid=84294
gRegorLove_, mro and [Murray] joined the channel
created /User:Www.tmichellemoore.com (+39) "Michelle Moore User Page"
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Hello, [Michelle_Moore] and tiim joined the channel
algorithmic_feed << [https://maya.land/responses/2022/11/28/we-live-in-a-society.html Maya: choosing algorithms: we live in a society] <blockquote>even individually-selected transparent feed-building algorithms have knock-on effects</blockquote>
ok, I added "[https://maya.land/responses/2022/11/28/we-live-in-a-society.html Maya: choosing algorithms: we live in a society] <blockquote>even individually-selected transparent feed-building algorithms have knock-on effects</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /algorithmic_feed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84716&oldid=84704
created /explore (+390) "prompted by [tantek] and dfn added by [tantek]"
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mro joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I tried out that apfollow sample service and it didn't work for me. Did you actually get it working or just happen across it?
going to add a disclaimer (feel free to edit) accordingly
tiim joined the channel
ActivityPub << ^ apfollow sample service didn’t work with a fediverse address (user & instance) that uses [[Bridgy Fed]] ({{t}} just got an error from it by trying e.g. https://apfollow.mwt.me/?user=tantek.com&instance=tantek.com which returned a plain text error page of “Couldn't find user”)
ok, I added "^ apfollow sample service didn’t work with a fediverse address (user & instance) that uses [[Bridgy Fed]] ({{t}} just got an error from it by trying e.g. https://apfollow.mwt.me/?user=tantek.com&instance=tantek.com which returned a plain text error page of “Couldn't find user”)" to the "See Also" section of /ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84719&oldid=84714
[tantek] yeah that's a tricky one. it looks for the http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe rel link in your user's webfinger, which BF doesn't currently advertise
the tricky part is, that link would point to a follow UI, but the way to do that with BF is to post a u-follow-of on your own site, so there's no easy way to make a BF UI for that
I could build a micropub client into BF to post u-follow-ofs, but that's overkill
(can move to #indieweb-dev)
edited /location (-327) "rm poorly written article"
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lol ok I trust aaronpk's expertise on that
so re: that AP code/service wiki addition, I'd like to discourage adding random code libaries/services to the wiki that folks stumble upon as something to implicitly try unless they’ve tried / are trying themselves, in which case to document that fact along with the addition, as in (yourname) is trying this or (yourname) has gotten this to work or (yourname) is using this here on this page (link)
this is something we used to edit/enforce more when we started (and there were a lot of hyped projects in the 2010-2015 era that no one actually got working, used in practice etc. but were more than happy to spam chat/wiki with)
what folks think today, and whatever we decide, should we capture this guidance in /wikify in some form?
gRegor joined the channel
edited /zombie (-3) "move diveintopython to Examples"
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edited /lost_sites (+123) "/* Other Examples */ +ostatus/.org"
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tantek, I've got the hosted version working for my WordPress instance: https://apfollow.mwt.me/?user=chrisaldrich&instance=boffosocko.com but haven't yet tried out the raw code myself.
I've seen it in two places now, one being https://hyp.is/Ued9Zm-iEe2oBT-nXNNOWw/odd.blog/2022/11/06/how-to-add-your-blog-to-mastodon/ where they reported an odd error as well. I'm guessing that some of the finicky AP requirements may cause issues.
edited /OStatus (+8) "/* Site Death */ site-death entry is a SA, not a main"
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edited /lost_sites (+86) "link to OStatus#Site_Death, note dates of when squatted (at least), lost"
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thanks [chrisaldrich]! that's worth noting in the AP article (the mixed experiences, some success, some not, especially since both you, presumably with the WP AP plugin, and aaronpk, with his own code, have it working)
I'm not sure of all the intricacies of which code is in which WordPress plugin, but I suspect some of the details on the WordPress side may be hiding in the NodeInfo plugin or possibly the Web Finger Plugin which does some of this sort of addressing material.
mro joined the channel
either way, it would be worth documenting your success with at least a few of the plugins you're using that you suspect are helping to make it work
so that others with WordPress can replicate your success
Probably more #indieweb or perhaps #indieweb-dev, but these sorts of small buildable bits can be useful for quick and reliable UI building. tantek, have you either considered or puzzled out how to replace/supplement your Twitter like, repost, and reply interface on your site with Mastodon equivalents?
edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+413) "/* Prerequisites */ process for new microformats, using h-app as example, reasons to explore new property vs new microformat"
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[KevinMarks] remember Microformats Mondays back in the mid-2000s? maybe we need to bring something like that back? And make at least some of those sessions spec/development focused?
though I think I prefer Format Fridays 🙂
we used to have dinners, which works less well online
that's ok because those were more social than technical, and the focus now would be more technical than social
[KevinMarks] aaronpk could you add your prefs / non-prefs to https://indieweb.org/2022/Pop-ups/Sessions#Dates ? I think your participation in a microformats spec/process meetup/advancement effort would be quite helpful
created /IndieBlocks (+184) "prompted by [chrisaldrich] and dfn added by [chrisaldrich]"
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edited /IndieBlocks (+5180) "[chrisaldrich] added "https://cagrimmett.com/week-of/2022/10/16/week-of-october-10/" to "See Also""
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Microformats Microfridays
created /Shortnotes_plugin (+216) "prompted by [chrisaldrich] and dfn added by [chrisaldrich]"
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[chrisaldrich] FYI that adding a URL to /IndieBlocks See Also added the entire post content it looks like. Could use some manual editing / summarizing
I'll get to both of those stub pages in a few. (Editing while on dull conference calls is a better use of time. 🙂 )
I don't think that Chuck has gotten to microformats in his theme yet, so I'm not surprised if it barfed a bit.
mro joined the channel
edited /IndieBlocks () "(-4488) Github repo; Articles section; cleaned up see also; added WordPress; category: WordPress plugins"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+89) "/* Microformats Roundtable */"
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edited /Shortnotes_plugin (+340) "fix url; addition description, maintainer, WordPress template; category"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/how-to-make-the-indieweb-more-approachable (+1349) "added details from planning stage from 2022/Pop-ups/Sessions"
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mro joined the channel
edited /2022/Pop-ups/how-to-make-the-indieweb-more-approachable (+295) "categories for pop ups; indiewebcamps template and related links"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions () "(-1069) moved How to Make the IndieWeb More Approachable to completed; archived planning on it's events page"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups/Sessions (+146) "IndieWebCamp template; links in see also"
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edited /2022/Pop-ups (+45) "updated organizers for the 2022"
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!tell [capjamesg] Don't forget to post the photo from the pop up for the newsletter.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
mro and mro_ joined the channel
edited /h-x-app (+345) "/* Consumers */ ProcessWire IndieAuth plugin"
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<c​apjamesg#4492> Good reminder [chrisaldrich]!
<c​apjamesg#4492> Done!
mro and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
edited /explore (+139) "[tantek] added "to-do: figure out overlap & differences with [[discovery]], and document that in both places, cross-linking accordingly" to "See Also""
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edited /indieweb.social (+188) "link dfn, How can I support it, patreon link"
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[fluffy] joined the channel
what is indieweb.social
indieweb.social is a Mastodon instance that has (semi?)open sign-ups so anyone (like beyond the community) might have an account there, and was started with the intent of adding and enabling IndieWeb standards as proof of how Mastodon could federate with sites in general, beyond other Mastodon sites https://indieweb.org/indieweb.social
[benatwork] joined the channel